Saturday, October 30, 2010

How to Heal People With Dragon Meditation Energy

As I mention in four my articles in EzineArticles.Com that energy resulted from dragon meditation is useful for healing process as main healing approach and/or alternative healing process. However, not all my articles descript about how to heal some body with DM energy. If you have conducting dragon meditation (may be another meditation techniques too), then you will have and feel energy in your body like magnetization. This energy can use to heal other peoples like your couple, your family, children, friend, neighbors etc. This article divide into three section: what is DM energy?, Healing with DM energy and Healing with massage.

What is DM Energy?

Simply, energy from meditation is energy appear from meditation activity. Then, DM energy is energy appear or resulted from dragon meditation activity. Type of DM energy usually different with other meditation approach and very different too if we compare with energy resulted from breathing sport. DM energy is very smooth but powerful. More high your ethics and religion then more high too your DM energy. You can feel this energy like magnet wave in your both palm hand. This is can feel when you do DM or not conducting DM. In every activity of your life, you can feel energy in your hand.

When you are in master levels your can feel energy in all of your body. It is like shield and radiate from all side of your body. This energy can help you in various activities like healing process, protection your self when in dangerous condition and sport like jogging and run. When conducting DM, energy can feel appear from your hand, head, and breast and from earth. Keep feel it and it will bigger and bigger of your energy.

Healing with DM Energy

After you get and have DM energy, now you can use it for healing other peoples. However, keep in your mind. This is not magic that can heal your patient in a second. This is not miracle happened with Jesus. You should be patient and must be conduct it many times in healing process. There are may be some illness can heal in fast time like in case of light illness. For example your headache caused by very tired or another cause. For hard illness, it will need more time and very patient in healing process with DM energy.

What illness can heal with DM energy? Answer: every illness can heal with DM energy including leukemia. To conduct it below some step you must be do:

1. Pray based on your way together with your patient.

2. Your patient take good position relaxes and calm. You patient can sit down or sleeping down in the bed or floor.

3. Say patient to arrange breath and feel illness. Patient can close eyes or not.

4. Take your position, which make you enjoy and relax.

5. Your one hand to patient especially on area where patient feel sick and other hand in free position or face to earth but not touch earth.

6. Feel you energy come into the patient and feel the patient with your energy. Your energy will distribute from your hand to patient and keep feel it.

7. Your energy like laser radiation or X-ray to heal illness of your patient. Feel your energy remove the illness area as bulldozer removes something.

8. Do it for many time as you do that. You can do in 15 minutes, 30 minutes or more based on your feel and your capability.

9. Do like that, for many times in other day until your patient feels better.

Healing with Massage

Beside DM energy radiation technique, other technique in healing people with DM energy is using massage approach. When you massage your patient, you can radiate your energy to all body of your patient. Reflection massage is very useful for application DM energy in healing process. Our experience, this is very useful to make fast healing process the patient. Therefore, you can two approaches here: DM energy radiation and massage/reflection therapy with DM energy support. For more consultation contact me in website below:

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