Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happiness Is Feeling and Being Accepted

There are many inputs in your life outside of your conscious attentions. And on top of all the physical input of the feeling-development, there are the primal fears - whatever they were - or the primal joys. So if you feel a certain 'feeling' be assured that it isn't 'all in your mind' but is based on an actual happening from long ago. Enormous energies are needed to support the resolutions from the original fact as these facts are being continually worked out through life scripts and unhappiness is one of those scripts.

One rather amazing young lady thoroughly enjoyed being an actress. She felt an immense satisfaction when applauded and more so when the stage lights were turned up as brightly as possible. It transpired that when she was born, the birth attendants showered praise on her, with several lights spotting on her at delivery. The birth itself was erotic and the memory she had of it was of love and awe. The feelings here were intense in a 'good' way and the perfect setting for a life on the stage, one which she carried out with flair, encouraged by her talented, loving and supportive mother.My memory of her was one of a most happy young lady, with a strong personal acceptance.

Not only is it true of fetal experience, but it is true of later-years experiences when the quality of the nursing couple is under some sort of siege and the growing baby can't express itself, sometimes with a hindering condition as a tightly wrapped blanket around a freedom-loving baby. This can trigger off childhood tantrums and adolescent anger.Check it out! Did this happen to you?

Whatever happened... HAPPENED! However the basic FACTS that created the feeling are not happening now! At that time baby made a resolution that "it's all too hard" or in the case of a failed abortion" If mother doesn't love me or want me who can love or want me?" So baby creates resolutions. An adult mind can do t he same. You can create an inner happiness based on your own personal acceptance from which can flow a sense of Being and on to a deeper sense of well-Being and if you have identified as a small child with bad experiences than you are a 'bad' person and 'don't deserve happiness'. You can change all that negative energy into a positive expression by changing the picture created so long ago. The images of pain are stored in the back-brain. That place is called the Common Integrated Area (CIA). All that has happened to you is stored there. Good and not-good. The conscious part of the brain is front-brain and is called the Conscious Associated Thinking (CAT) What we have done when growing up is to integrate all the growing experiences into the back-brain and we draw on that in a not-conscious manner by way of hidden memories in the brain pathways. ALL of your experiences are securely stored there in some form

What we will be doing is to bring ourselves into the CAT area by consciously looking for answers to any lack of happiness in the system, remembering that happiness itself doesn't exist in isolation.

Acceptance is the basic foundation for your happiness to be expressed.

We will be trusting the system and letting go of the damning processes of self-deprecation. You will be calling on your adult mind of choice.

So happiness is your birthright, not pain. Happiness belongs to you and not some Powerful Others who messed up in bringing you into the world (don't lay blame on them, they were in the same position as you, that's why they did it). Now you want to be delivered from this power-of-others into a real and genuine inner peace, happiness, a person of worth worthy of acceptance, right? So here we go...

Happiness cannot be, if you hold an unforgiving spirit. That's number one. Let's get rid of that to start with, so:

Get comfortable. Relax. To help you relax make a fist of both hands and clench them tightly. Very tightly for about five/six seconds and then suddenly let go. Begin to feel relaxed. Relaxed. Do that about tree times and feel the beauty of relaxation. Nicely relaxed and as you do that, think of a really objectionable person that you would never want to forgive. Not ever! See this person as clearly as you can in your mind. And as you watch in your imagination, see a large glass tube coming down from the heavens and covering this person completely. As you watch, see that tube being filled with a horrible, acidic gas, a legacy from that person's years of fear, pain, and fear of pain. Watch until that person is enveloped in the gas. If you look to the top of the tube you will see a pipe with a tap in it fixed to the tube. Turn the tap on to let the dread-filled gas out into the universe to be lost forever from your psyche. If the gas doesn't move out of its own accord then make an adult decision to remove the gas yourself by whatever means that suits you. When that putrid gas has cleared turn the tap the other way to let in a most beautiful gas, a delicate pink, sparkling gas of forgiveness. Watch while the pink gas is soaked up by the person, that beautiful gas of forgiveness. When this has taken place say to that person "I now forgive you for what you have done, and I set you free. I now forgive you for what you have done, and I set ME free" Watch now the look on that person's face. Set him or her free. No recriminations. No justifications, just LET GO AND TRUST. What have you done? You have created a NEW PICTURE to live by. You have now begun to take back what once, for whatever reason, was taken away. You can now close off this initial part of your quest for happiness by saying to yourself "I now have the power to choose and I choose to believe in ME". Repeat this exercise if you doubt your integrity at this time.

You are one step closer to a true, inner, real happiness. Two to go. The next one is to clear out back-brain junk and to do this we use exactly the same technique as before, using exactly the same method that baby used at the initial insult to its' person, the imagination prompted by hurt. The feeling mind in action. Without going too deeply into the way the brain works, suffice it to say that when your system receives a 'call to action' various activities take place automatically in the brain system to pass this stimulus on to other parts of the brain and these stimuli travel pathways set when you were very small, pathways that had feeling attached at various intensities. If not-good feelings then the stimulus will pick up on those feelings and return them to the present 'call to action' so that the response will be coloured by that feeling-response. Bad feeling, bad response. Good feeling, good response. So there is a need to clear the brain pathways. Take control. Here we go again...

Get yourself into a quiet place with no distractions and relax. You know how to do that. Really relax. Lazily read along what you are to do here and imagine that you are very small. Now I am talking small-in-extreme, like a molecule small. So small that you can enter into the skin of your forehead. See what you have there, the outer skin, dry, thick, look at the cells of the outer skin. Can you see them? If not then imagineit as you go deeper to the second layer of skin with its colouring and different feel to it. Then on to the next layer of skin with the fat cells and the blood vessels and the nerve cells at the end of each hair and on to the bone cells. Through the layer of living bone and on to a very tough sheet of protective material that protects the brain. Look at that brain! How large it is! Imagine it, this brain in your head, this master of all you do just sits here doing what it has learned to do all those years ago. Faithful servant. faithfully serving you. Get ready now to go deeper, down the fissure that separates the two hemispheres. This pathway for you to travel is called the Fissure of Rolando. You are on the Rolando Highway to the back-brain. Ignore any distractions the imagination will throw up (your negative ego, a doleful fellow, does NOT want you to be happy) and continue on to the back-brain. Now this is the Common Integrative Area. This is where all the horrors are remembered. A messy place in fact. Imagine you have a Personal Bulldozer. This Bulldozer is completely under your control. This Bulldozer has immense powers and all are devoted to your well-being. If you go right to the back of your brain you will be able to survey all of your brain pathways. Bit of a mess there? Hills and hollows filled with uncertainty, no level ground, old stuff that has decayed, smelly? Not a pleasant place? Well, out with your Bulldozer. You DO NOT drive this Bulldozer, it does all the work for you. It is YOUR Bulldozer, so let it free now to do

What it has to do, level out all the hills and valleys, landscape your back-brain with the authority of inner power and inner peace. Shift all that junk out of your mind. You don't even have to organize the landscaping, your trusty Bulldozer will do it all for you, just as you did when feeling was your master. When Bulldozer has done its wonderful work begin the journey out of the back-brain into the front brain. Let front-brain know that you are now in charge and that you have a great Bulldozer to clear any junk passed on to front-brain. Front-brain is your friendly CAT (Conscious Associated Thinking). It is here that you integrate, consciously, what you want. Tell this CAT you are here to manufacture HAPPINESS and all that associates with it. Let the CAT loose in your front-brain. Relax, and when you are ready, come back into the here and now 100% and LET GO, AND TRUST .

How to use this: Whenever you feel yourself going back into the past misery, simply say (out loud if convenient) BULLDOZER!!! Seriously, that is all it takes to level out the back-brain and let you CHOOSE through your adult mind, to be happy. So now you have been through two exercises. Forgiveness, forgiveness is a resentment release technique, Your Personal Bulldozer, for clearing immediate blocks to you happiness and now to the last one.... your three magic words.

Well, what is this 'three magic words' all about? Did you think that happiness is easy? There are many aspects of your psyche that needs attention if you really want to 'be happy' and this is one technique that can give you immediate, yes, I said immediate release from any negative feeling and put you into a positive state. It works! I use it to wake up in the morning. A word first about feelings. There are two and only two feelings. Good feeling. Bad feeling. Both of these can be present in varying degrees from extreme to faint. We give these feeling various names as the circumstances demand. Yet there are only two. You want the good one, right?

The three magic words are to open up the brain pathways to what the adult mind of CHOICE wants. All your life you have had un-magic words telling you your are a not-good person. So your body through the CIA acted out a not-good feeling in the system. That is logical, and makes a lot of sense. No room for happiness there, as happiness would be out of harmony with the inner picture of non acceptance. So acceptance of the self becomes a number one priority. You have your Personal Bulldozer that you can use, however just WHO is your Personal Bulldozer working for? It is working for YOU. So ACCEPT the you within. This is how you do that... 

Your three magic words for happiness are


Your neurons have bee told, up until now, that you are a not-accepted person. You will therefore act as such. That makes good sense. Now you want to change that so that you can have a genuine happiness. This is the program: When baby comes into the world baby needs acceptance, because from there he or she can grow, in the little spirit into the feeling of Being. A real personality. Then on to Well-Being, a developmental stage essential for the next one, Identification. To identify with mother gives our personal identity and with father we get our social identity. From there we develop into Status as a person and from Status to Productivity. That's the developmental cycle for the human race.

If you mess up on the way through all hell can break loose and an unhappy life results. So YOU MUST BE ACCEPTED and self-acceptance is what it is all about. For YOU to accept your SELF. You now know how the brain works, so here we go... 

Relax. Relax. Tight fists and relax. Firstly, your belief has a symbol, and I want you to see that symbol now. What is it? A diamond? A golden sun? A shape of some kind? See that shape, and also see what it is made of. Give that shape a colour. Then write or draw it down. While you feel or stroke that belief symbol I want you to say, out loud with feeling, "I ACCEPT MYSELF" with the emphasis on the word 'I'. then say out loud with feeling "I ACCEPT MYSELF" with the emphasis on 'accept' then in the magic of your mind, open up your heart, and with your belief symbol ready, say out loud with great feeling, "I ACCEPT MYSELF" and drop those magic words with your belief symbol into your heart, close the heart over, and... how do you feel? Whenever you feel psychically 'out of sorts', whenever you feel unhappy, whenever you really want to achieve something, use your words "I accept myself" with the emphasis as shown. Your heart will do the rest.

Keep it up! Do it often. The more times per day the better. The unconscious has to be told what you want. It wants to hear what you want... so then:


Use your friendly and effective Personal Bulldozer.

Use the three magic words.

CHOOSE to be immensely happy by choosing YOUR pictures of success in all you choose to do and let your beautiful SELF free.

What have you done?

You have changed the picture.

You may feel that that is all too simplistic. Of course it is! However it works, when you work it. You now have tools to overcome the negative pictures from the past, some absolutely horrible some not so bad, but now YOU are in control. YOU are the Powerful Other in your life to generate new pictures of SELF worth, SELF love and SELF acceptance.

Put all of your objections under the blade of the Personal Bulldozer and get ion with life.

Well done.

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