Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How to Heal People With Dragon Meditation Energy

As I mention in four my articles in EzineArticles.Com that energy resulted from dragon meditation is useful for healing process as main healing approach and/or alternative healing process. However, not all my articles descript about how to heal some body with DM energy. If you have conducting dragon meditation (may be another meditation techniques too), then you will have and feel energy in your body like magnetization. This energy can use to heal other peoples like your couple, your family, children, friend, neighbors etc. This article divide into three section: what is DM energy?, Healing with DM energy and Healing with massage.

What is DM Energy?

Simply, energy from meditation is energy appear from meditation activity. Then, DM energy is energy appear or resulted from dragon meditation activity. Type of DM energy usually different with other meditation approach and very different too if we compare with energy resulted from breathing sport. DM energy is very smooth but powerful. More high your ethics and religion then more high too your DM energy. You can feel this energy like magnet wave in your both palm hand. This is can feel when you do DM or not conducting DM. In every activity of your life, you can feel energy in your hand.

When you are in master levels your can feel energy in all of your body. It is like shield and radiate from all side of your body. This energy can help you in various activities like healing process, protection your self when in dangerous condition and sport like jogging and run. When conducting DM, energy can feel appear from your hand, head, and breast and from earth. Keep feel it and it will bigger and bigger of your energy.

Healing with DM Energy

After you get and have DM energy, now you can use it for healing other peoples. However, keep in your mind. This is not magic that can heal your patient in a second. This is not miracle happened with Jesus. You should be patient and must be conduct it many times in healing process. There are may be some illness can heal in fast time like in case of light illness. For example your headache caused by very tired or another cause. For hard illness, it will need more time and very patient in healing process with DM energy.

What illness can heal with DM energy? Answer: every illness can heal with DM energy including leukemia. To conduct it below some step you must be do:

1. Pray based on your way together with your patient.

2. Your patient take good position relaxes and calm. You patient can sit down or sleeping down in the bed or floor.

3. Say patient to arrange breath and feel illness. Patient can close eyes or not.

4. Take your position, which make you enjoy and relax.

5. Your one hand to patient especially on area where patient feel sick and other hand in free position or face to earth but not touch earth.

6. Feel you energy come into the patient and feel the patient with your energy. Your energy will distribute from your hand to patient and keep feel it.

7. Your energy like laser radiation or X-ray to heal illness of your patient. Feel your energy remove the illness area as bulldozer removes something.

8. Do it for many time as you do that. You can do in 15 minutes, 30 minutes or more based on your feel and your capability.

9. Do like that, for many times in other day until your patient feels better.

Healing with Massage

Beside DM energy radiation technique, other technique in healing people with DM energy is using massage approach. When you massage your patient, you can radiate your energy to all body of your patient. Reflection massage is very useful for application DM energy in healing process. Our experience, this is very useful to make fast healing process the patient. Therefore, you can two approaches here: DM energy radiation and massage/reflection therapy with DM energy support. For more consultation contact me in website below:

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bulldozers For Sale

A Bulldozer Buying Guide

Bulldozers are the ultimate tool for heavy construction and demolition work. With their unbeatable traction on every imaginable surface, bulldozers are great for moving unwanted materials, grading, or knocking down buildings. You can get a bulldozer in a wide variety of sizes for whatever job you have in mind. As little as 40, or as many as 400 horses are available. This range of power should be sufficient for the smallest budget, up to the largest job. Bulldozers combine strength with agility and versatility. Their track drive systems, combined with an evenly distributed weight design allow dozers to go wherever their needed, and take their power with them.

Size and power is not everything, when it comes to getting the right dozer for your job. Buying a dozer that's too big to get around your job site is not a good idea either. Blade size and type are important factors to consider when making your purchase decision. Clearing debris, grading roads, and knocking down derelict buildings are different jobs that require different blades.

Choosing the correct brand of dozer can be a challenge as well. There are several good bulldozer manufacturers to consider, such as Komatsu , Caterpillar, New Holland, Rayco, John Deere, Liebherr, and Case. Each of these makers have several models worth considering.

For smaller horsepower jobs, New Holland has the D75, D85, and D95 dozers that range from 75 to 95 horsepower. Komatsu D31EX/PX-21, D39EX/PX-21m and D37EX/PX-21 come with some nice electronic controls. The ever popular Caterpillar are always good machines to consider, especially the D89T, and the D2 models.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Caterpillar Dozers For Sale

You may think, that the construction, or demolition job is too small to be bothered getting a caterpillar dozer to help out with, but your likely to be surprised. Bulldozers, do come in all kinds of sizes, are very versatile with what they can do, and how little room they need to work in.

While it's true, that the big bulldozers are capable of some pretty heavy lifting, don't dismiss the smaller siblings in the family. A d3 or d4 Caterpillar is more than adequate, when it comes to doing work around the construction site, landscaping site, or some old farm land.

Generally speaking, Caterpillar bulldozers and graders are pretty indestructible machines. That's not to say you should discount a regular maintenance history when shopping around. All other things being equal, a well maintained machine will give you many more good years of service.

The great thing about buying a dozer manufactured by a company like Caterpillar, is that you don't have to buy the top of the line model, to benefit from their top of the line technology. All the models in their lineup will benefit from the research and development they've poured into their high end machines.

Other good manufacturers to consider, are Case, New Holland, Komatsu, John Deere, and Liebherr. They all produce good dozers. If you can, ask for a maintenance log, used by the previous owner of the machine. First of all, if they have a maintenance log, that's a very good sign.

Getting your hands on the previous owners maintenance log, or at the very least, receipts from of when previous work was done, is a prudent step. It may teach you a thing or two, about bulldozer maintenance, and reveal something about the previous owner.

It may seem like an odd idea to some to buy a bulldozer online, but you might be surprised to know who many get sold that way. In these times of budgetary restraint, it's best to keep all your options open. The more place you look for bargains and opportunities, the better will be your chances of finding one.

Caterpillar dozers, are not just something you can zip over to WalMart and pick up. You need to use the internet for this kind of machine.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happiness Is Feeling and Being Accepted

There are many inputs in your life outside of your conscious attentions. And on top of all the physical input of the feeling-development, there are the primal fears - whatever they were - or the primal joys. So if you feel a certain 'feeling' be assured that it isn't 'all in your mind' but is based on an actual happening from long ago. Enormous energies are needed to support the resolutions from the original fact as these facts are being continually worked out through life scripts and unhappiness is one of those scripts.

One rather amazing young lady thoroughly enjoyed being an actress. She felt an immense satisfaction when applauded and more so when the stage lights were turned up as brightly as possible. It transpired that when she was born, the birth attendants showered praise on her, with several lights spotting on her at delivery. The birth itself was erotic and the memory she had of it was of love and awe. The feelings here were intense in a 'good' way and the perfect setting for a life on the stage, one which she carried out with flair, encouraged by her talented, loving and supportive mother.My memory of her was one of a most happy young lady, with a strong personal acceptance.

Not only is it true of fetal experience, but it is true of later-years experiences when the quality of the nursing couple is under some sort of siege and the growing baby can't express itself, sometimes with a hindering condition as a tightly wrapped blanket around a freedom-loving baby. This can trigger off childhood tantrums and adolescent anger.Check it out! Did this happen to you?

Whatever happened... HAPPENED! However the basic FACTS that created the feeling are not happening now! At that time baby made a resolution that "it's all too hard" or in the case of a failed abortion" If mother doesn't love me or want me who can love or want me?" So baby creates resolutions. An adult mind can do t he same. You can create an inner happiness based on your own personal acceptance from which can flow a sense of Being and on to a deeper sense of well-Being and if you have identified as a small child with bad experiences than you are a 'bad' person and 'don't deserve happiness'. You can change all that negative energy into a positive expression by changing the picture created so long ago. The images of pain are stored in the back-brain. That place is called the Common Integrated Area (CIA). All that has happened to you is stored there. Good and not-good. The conscious part of the brain is front-brain and is called the Conscious Associated Thinking (CAT) What we have done when growing up is to integrate all the growing experiences into the back-brain and we draw on that in a not-conscious manner by way of hidden memories in the brain pathways. ALL of your experiences are securely stored there in some form

What we will be doing is to bring ourselves into the CAT area by consciously looking for answers to any lack of happiness in the system, remembering that happiness itself doesn't exist in isolation.

Acceptance is the basic foundation for your happiness to be expressed.

We will be trusting the system and letting go of the damning processes of self-deprecation. You will be calling on your adult mind of choice.

So happiness is your birthright, not pain. Happiness belongs to you and not some Powerful Others who messed up in bringing you into the world (don't lay blame on them, they were in the same position as you, that's why they did it). Now you want to be delivered from this power-of-others into a real and genuine inner peace, happiness, a person of worth worthy of acceptance, right? So here we go...

Happiness cannot be, if you hold an unforgiving spirit. That's number one. Let's get rid of that to start with, so:

Get comfortable. Relax. To help you relax make a fist of both hands and clench them tightly. Very tightly for about five/six seconds and then suddenly let go. Begin to feel relaxed. Relaxed. Do that about tree times and feel the beauty of relaxation. Nicely relaxed and as you do that, think of a really objectionable person that you would never want to forgive. Not ever! See this person as clearly as you can in your mind. And as you watch in your imagination, see a large glass tube coming down from the heavens and covering this person completely. As you watch, see that tube being filled with a horrible, acidic gas, a legacy from that person's years of fear, pain, and fear of pain. Watch until that person is enveloped in the gas. If you look to the top of the tube you will see a pipe with a tap in it fixed to the tube. Turn the tap on to let the dread-filled gas out into the universe to be lost forever from your psyche. If the gas doesn't move out of its own accord then make an adult decision to remove the gas yourself by whatever means that suits you. When that putrid gas has cleared turn the tap the other way to let in a most beautiful gas, a delicate pink, sparkling gas of forgiveness. Watch while the pink gas is soaked up by the person, that beautiful gas of forgiveness. When this has taken place say to that person "I now forgive you for what you have done, and I set you free. I now forgive you for what you have done, and I set ME free" Watch now the look on that person's face. Set him or her free. No recriminations. No justifications, just LET GO AND TRUST. What have you done? You have created a NEW PICTURE to live by. You have now begun to take back what once, for whatever reason, was taken away. You can now close off this initial part of your quest for happiness by saying to yourself "I now have the power to choose and I choose to believe in ME". Repeat this exercise if you doubt your integrity at this time.

You are one step closer to a true, inner, real happiness. Two to go. The next one is to clear out back-brain junk and to do this we use exactly the same technique as before, using exactly the same method that baby used at the initial insult to its' person, the imagination prompted by hurt. The feeling mind in action. Without going too deeply into the way the brain works, suffice it to say that when your system receives a 'call to action' various activities take place automatically in the brain system to pass this stimulus on to other parts of the brain and these stimuli travel pathways set when you were very small, pathways that had feeling attached at various intensities. If not-good feelings then the stimulus will pick up on those feelings and return them to the present 'call to action' so that the response will be coloured by that feeling-response. Bad feeling, bad response. Good feeling, good response. So there is a need to clear the brain pathways. Take control. Here we go again...

Get yourself into a quiet place with no distractions and relax. You know how to do that. Really relax. Lazily read along what you are to do here and imagine that you are very small. Now I am talking small-in-extreme, like a molecule small. So small that you can enter into the skin of your forehead. See what you have there, the outer skin, dry, thick, look at the cells of the outer skin. Can you see them? If not then imagineit as you go deeper to the second layer of skin with its colouring and different feel to it. Then on to the next layer of skin with the fat cells and the blood vessels and the nerve cells at the end of each hair and on to the bone cells. Through the layer of living bone and on to a very tough sheet of protective material that protects the brain. Look at that brain! How large it is! Imagine it, this brain in your head, this master of all you do just sits here doing what it has learned to do all those years ago. Faithful servant. faithfully serving you. Get ready now to go deeper, down the fissure that separates the two hemispheres. This pathway for you to travel is called the Fissure of Rolando. You are on the Rolando Highway to the back-brain. Ignore any distractions the imagination will throw up (your negative ego, a doleful fellow, does NOT want you to be happy) and continue on to the back-brain. Now this is the Common Integrative Area. This is where all the horrors are remembered. A messy place in fact. Imagine you have a Personal Bulldozer. This Bulldozer is completely under your control. This Bulldozer has immense powers and all are devoted to your well-being. If you go right to the back of your brain you will be able to survey all of your brain pathways. Bit of a mess there? Hills and hollows filled with uncertainty, no level ground, old stuff that has decayed, smelly? Not a pleasant place? Well, out with your Bulldozer. You DO NOT drive this Bulldozer, it does all the work for you. It is YOUR Bulldozer, so let it free now to do

What it has to do, level out all the hills and valleys, landscape your back-brain with the authority of inner power and inner peace. Shift all that junk out of your mind. You don't even have to organize the landscaping, your trusty Bulldozer will do it all for you, just as you did when feeling was your master. When Bulldozer has done its wonderful work begin the journey out of the back-brain into the front brain. Let front-brain know that you are now in charge and that you have a great Bulldozer to clear any junk passed on to front-brain. Front-brain is your friendly CAT (Conscious Associated Thinking). It is here that you integrate, consciously, what you want. Tell this CAT you are here to manufacture HAPPINESS and all that associates with it. Let the CAT loose in your front-brain. Relax, and when you are ready, come back into the here and now 100% and LET GO, AND TRUST .

How to use this: Whenever you feel yourself going back into the past misery, simply say (out loud if convenient) BULLDOZER!!! Seriously, that is all it takes to level out the back-brain and let you CHOOSE through your adult mind, to be happy. So now you have been through two exercises. Forgiveness, forgiveness is a resentment release technique, Your Personal Bulldozer, for clearing immediate blocks to you happiness and now to the last one.... your three magic words.

Well, what is this 'three magic words' all about? Did you think that happiness is easy? There are many aspects of your psyche that needs attention if you really want to 'be happy' and this is one technique that can give you immediate, yes, I said immediate release from any negative feeling and put you into a positive state. It works! I use it to wake up in the morning. A word first about feelings. There are two and only two feelings. Good feeling. Bad feeling. Both of these can be present in varying degrees from extreme to faint. We give these feeling various names as the circumstances demand. Yet there are only two. You want the good one, right?

The three magic words are to open up the brain pathways to what the adult mind of CHOICE wants. All your life you have had un-magic words telling you your are a not-good person. So your body through the CIA acted out a not-good feeling in the system. That is logical, and makes a lot of sense. No room for happiness there, as happiness would be out of harmony with the inner picture of non acceptance. So acceptance of the self becomes a number one priority. You have your Personal Bulldozer that you can use, however just WHO is your Personal Bulldozer working for? It is working for YOU. So ACCEPT the you within. This is how you do that... 

Your three magic words for happiness are


Your neurons have bee told, up until now, that you are a not-accepted person. You will therefore act as such. That makes good sense. Now you want to change that so that you can have a genuine happiness. This is the program: When baby comes into the world baby needs acceptance, because from there he or she can grow, in the little spirit into the feeling of Being. A real personality. Then on to Well-Being, a developmental stage essential for the next one, Identification. To identify with mother gives our personal identity and with father we get our social identity. From there we develop into Status as a person and from Status to Productivity. That's the developmental cycle for the human race.

If you mess up on the way through all hell can break loose and an unhappy life results. So YOU MUST BE ACCEPTED and self-acceptance is what it is all about. For YOU to accept your SELF. You now know how the brain works, so here we go... 

Relax. Relax. Tight fists and relax. Firstly, your belief has a symbol, and I want you to see that symbol now. What is it? A diamond? A golden sun? A shape of some kind? See that shape, and also see what it is made of. Give that shape a colour. Then write or draw it down. While you feel or stroke that belief symbol I want you to say, out loud with feeling, "I ACCEPT MYSELF" with the emphasis on the word 'I'. then say out loud with feeling "I ACCEPT MYSELF" with the emphasis on 'accept' then in the magic of your mind, open up your heart, and with your belief symbol ready, say out loud with great feeling, "I ACCEPT MYSELF" and drop those magic words with your belief symbol into your heart, close the heart over, and... how do you feel? Whenever you feel psychically 'out of sorts', whenever you feel unhappy, whenever you really want to achieve something, use your words "I accept myself" with the emphasis as shown. Your heart will do the rest.

Keep it up! Do it often. The more times per day the better. The unconscious has to be told what you want. It wants to hear what you want... so then:


Use your friendly and effective Personal Bulldozer.

Use the three magic words.

CHOOSE to be immensely happy by choosing YOUR pictures of success in all you choose to do and let your beautiful SELF free.

What have you done?

You have changed the picture.

You may feel that that is all too simplistic. Of course it is! However it works, when you work it. You now have tools to overcome the negative pictures from the past, some absolutely horrible some not so bad, but now YOU are in control. YOU are the Powerful Other in your life to generate new pictures of SELF worth, SELF love and SELF acceptance.

Put all of your objections under the blade of the Personal Bulldozer and get ion with life.

Well done.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Caterpillar D8 8R WW-II era annoyer (1943) working

Caterpillar D8 8R series bulldozer (1943) working. Painted for WW-II SeaBees D4 in the background.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Striving But Never Arriving - Creating Long Term Goals

I've always been fascinated with the array of goal setting strategies that people implement in their every day life. Whether the goal is related to health and wellness, spirituality, relationships or finances, the approach and mindset a person uses is often consistent across these media. Consciously considering your approach towards goal setting can have a significant influence on the amount of satisfaction you will garner when you reach your goal and throughout your journey in reaching it.

One common situation that I notice in many clients (and it was a personal trait I have overcome in recent years) is that of an individual striving for their goals, but never quite arriving at the destination they desired. I can recall several instances in my own life where I reached enormous milestones, but was surprisingly unfulfilled in the moment of attainment. One huge example I can provide to you was when I completed my Masters in Business Administration while working full time. I went through the motions of the graduation ceremonies, but never quite allowed myself the opportunity to celebrate (either mentally or physically). Without a doubt this was one of my biggest life accomplishments - so what was happening?

The wrong way to approach long term goals

Since that graduation date - now 5 years ago, I've learned a number of huge life lessons. I've also made it a personal mission to study goal setting and how to create long lasting, sustainable, and balanced lifestyle change. I now know that my approach to setting goals itself was the problem - not the actual goals I was setting.

To get specific, in the MBA years I was a man that could do anything on my own. I was young, confident, intelligent, and I could accomplish anything I set my mind to (or so was my mentality). I was like a bulldozer clearing the path of anything in my way that could prevent me from reaching my goal. That goal was the completion of the MBA while working. I had tunnel vision and nothing could derail the course I was on.

OK - yes, I met the goal of completing business school when I had intended and I did maintain a full time job at the time. But I did this without a sense of enjoyment, satisfaction or fulfillment - not to mention significantly impairing my health at the time (I was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia 3 days after I graduated - hard to imagine my immune system was functioning well during those years of school/work). Overall this was the wrong way and quite frankly I was operating with the wrong goal in mind. Here's a breakdown of my approach:

Set a specific and measurable goal
Set a timeline on which to complete that goal
Tunnel vision - ignored balance of relationships, personal time, enjoyment
Allowed physical health to take a back seat
Lack of vision after completion of goal

The right way to approach long term goals

If you've read my article on setting SMART goals, you'll hear the foundational principles of crafting specific, measurable, attainable, and relevant goals that are on a timeline. Fundamentally this is a fantastic approach in the short term. You see from the list above, I did have a specific and measurable goal (completing MBA while working), and I did have a date for which I was going to complete the goal. It was also attainable (clearly I did it) and relevant (important to me). Regardless, as you might be guessing, the SMART format is missing something when it comes to setting long term goals. Its missing the vision and the potential for balance. Here are some tips about using SMART long term goals.

A SMART goal is fantastic in the short term. When the time frame lingers past 3-6 months a couple things can happen. A) we can lose our enthusiasm for it and B) we can let it overwhelm and consume us. For example, 6 months into my MBA - I realized how much work it was going to be. I could only think - I've got 1.5 years more of this to go -aargh! My general overtone was not pleasant. On the other hand, its OK to have a long term goal - but focusing on the long term result can be overwhelming. Instead, break the goal up into bite sized mini goals that bring the sense of accomplishment closer to now.

Root your goal in a bigger vision. For me, I had a goal of completing my MBA. Why was this important to me? What was I going to do next? What possibilities did this open up for me? I didn't know! The goal was it. I didn't know how it fit into my bigger picture of life. I didn't know if I'd look for a new job, move, get a promotion - I had no clarity whatsoever. Furthermore, I was so busy thinking about the goal I didn't even think about what next. I would have been much more excited if I knew that this meant a Senior VP position at my job. Make sure to root your goal in a bigger vision

Celebrate the short term successes. Keep yourself excited about the big goal by celebrating the small goals. For example, rather than sighing and thanking God I was done with another quarter as finals came and went, I could have celebrated each accomplishment in a way that was meaningful for me. Not only does this acknowledge oneself for what you are doing, it makes the next quarter that much more exciting.

Consciously assess the 'Big Picture'. The big picture being life. Sometimes we are busy, even overwhelmed, and that is OK - so long as we are living the life that is in alignment with our big picture. My problem was that I didn't even think about the big picture - let alone assess if I was living in accord with it. I didn't think about health, relationships, or balance. I didn't know what I wanted, and therefore I was willing to do anything - at any cost to complete the goal. This proved to be a poor choice. Today, there may be times in which I am extremely busy but knowing what I am willing to do and how that fits in with the rest of life helps me decide if I need to make any adjustments, and making it a conscious choice allows me to be at peace with doing what I am doing while I am doing it!

Striving but never arriving

The example I've provided above is a story of striving, but never arriving. I was pushing and pushing for a goal but because of the elements I was missing above, in hindsight, I never truly reached the goal that was most important to me. Yes, the degree is nice but I now know my goal was far greater than getting that degree. This is why I had no sense of fulfillment when it was complete.

Now, in a literal sense, some people strive for goals but never complete them because they make them to grandiose and too long term. For example, someone might want to landscape an acre property. This goal might take 10 years to accomplish. When the pool is put in, or the the grass is complete you may not appreciate the progress because there is so much more to do. That's similar to the never ending home improvement project. If you are finding yourself in a situation where you are constantly striving but never arriving at your goals, ask yourself if your goals are designed for success. Can I ever accomplish this? Are my goals small enough that I can celebrate them, or do I quickly discount what has been done and start focusing on the next.

To provide another example, my wife and I moved into a new home 5 years ago. We did an enormous landscaping project that took over 2 years to complete (working almost every weekend). We set small goals throughout and celebrated in our yard after these were accomplished - ie: pouring concrete, building a shed, planting the flower beds etc. We sat it its beauty and enjoyed throughout. Without the proper mindset though, the tendency is to quickly discount what is done and say what next. After completing the yard, we moved indoors to paint and begin refurnishing the house. The home improvement saga continues and we are conscious to recognize the progress.

Even in these situations it is very important to celebrate accomplishments and create small goals that are in alignment with your vision. Without these, it is a natural tendency for many people to strive, strive and strive, yet never arrive at their destination. Take the opportunity now to look back, see if you've celebrated your successes and be sure that you've enjoyed the journey. After all - its how we manage the journey that counts, not simply the attainment of a goal.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Armin van Buuren Live @ Nature One 2007 allotment 5 of 8

songs played(all parts): 01. Dubfire - Roadkill (Breakfast Remix) 02. FKN feat. Jahala - Why (Aly & Fila Remix) 03. Ferry Tayle & Tonks - Vol De Nuit (Terry Bones Remix) 04. Pascal Feliz - From Inside The Speaker (Part 1) 05. Kyo & Gil - Ultima 06. John O'Callaghan feat. Audrey Gallagher - Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson Remix) 07. Above & Beyond pres. Tranquility Base - Oceanic 08. Armin van Buuren - Rush Hour 09. Thomas Bronzwaer - Resound 10. Simon Patterson - Bulldozer 11. Sean Tyas pres. Logistic - One More Night Out 12. Armin van Buuren feat. Susana - If You Should Go 13. Armin van Buuren feat. Jan Vayne - Serenity (Signum Remix) (Sensation White Anthem 2005) 14. Nenes & Pascal Feliz - Platinum (Tech Mix) 15. Filo & Peri feat. Eric Lumiere - Anthem (John O'Callaghan Remix) see (or hear) all other parts at my channel please rate and comment i don't own anything you see and hear in this video

Friday, October 22, 2010

Heavy Equipment Training

Choosing the Right Heavy Equipment Training

With government statistics suggesting increased demand for heavy machinery operators, by as much as 8%, through 2016, the time is ripe for those looking for heavy equipment training. Heavy equipment are large machines, such as bulldozers, cranes and forklifts, used in construction, mining and infrastructure to facilitate carrying heavy loads and clearing lands. Since these machines have complicated operations, and the work is risk prone, the demand for trained operators is never ending.


Such schools offer different training options, in terms of the field and the mode of study. For instance, students can choose from any of the following fields: Bridge workers, road oiling truck driver, and excavator, bulldozer, loader, paving equipment, flushing truck, side boom tractor or backhoe operator. Similarly, one can opt for home study followed by resident training or attend regular classes in a training school for the full course.

Before enrolling for the training, students must be aware of the practicalities of the job, which involve working in mud and dirt under high noise conditions. However, this is compensated for by the handsome pay packages offered to operators. The best accredited training schools also ensure good placement for their students after their course completion.

To complete the training and to qualify for heavy machine operations, trainees must pass a series of written and practical tests. The training comprises three different levels: Level I, Level II and Level III, the passing of each leads to the next level.

Heavy Equipment Training: Choosing the Right School

There are several organizations that accredit heavy equipment schools. For instance, certain leading training schools are accredited by the National Association of Heavy Equipment Training Schools (NAHETS). The organization's member colleges offer the following benefits to its students:

* Dedicated and specialized training for heavy machinery

* Cutting-edge facilities

* Wide, spacious training area

* Campus Job Placement

* Special Career Resource Centers at the Campus

* Published standards

Trainees can enjoy several benefits through enrolment in NAHETS-accredited heavy machinery training schools. To choose from a range of NAHETS member colleges, visit The NAHETS website provides comprehensive information on its member training schools, and allows you to seek additional information through filling up a simple form.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Track Loader - A Useful Machine

Probably the first sign of development in any country you will see is a marked increase in their infrastructure. One can see construction of roads and buildings and bridges which are on in full swing. Depending on the size of the project there are massive cranes and earth movers along with dozens of other high performance construction machinery. One of the most commonly used machines on any construction site is the Track Loader. This is primarily an earth moving machine although it can be used to move other construction materials like bricks and foundation stones. Let's look a little more closely at what a Track Loader is and how it works.

A track loader is an engineering vehicle whose chassis is attached to tracks. Unlike most passenger or commercial vehicles which have wheels under their chassis, a track loader has tracks which makes very similar to a military tank. The front end of this has a loader attached to it which performs the digging and loading functions. While this machine has been around for a long time now, there have been three significant evolutions in its design. With every evolution the track loader became a more useful and all-round construction machine with multipurpose capabilities. Of course the downside to this is that these machines can do a little bit of everything but don't have a particular specialty. The Track Loader in essence combines the functions of the standalone machines into one - bulldozer, excavator and wheel loader. This multitasking ability is the primary reason why it is commonly used on construction sites.

The Three Stages of Design:-

1. The design of the modern track loader started from the time when they were manufactured from track tractors with scratch built loading extensions. They were modeled along similar lines to the bulldozers of the time and thus were cable-operated. Like bulldozers, these machines were unable to dig into ground and were primarily used for moving material and loading vehicles.

2. Following this, the next major design change which was incorporated into these machines was the integration of hydraulic systems. The advantage of using hydraulics was that the overall power of the loader was increased. As a result of the increased power these loader could now apply downward pressure to the loading bucket which gave them the ability to dig the ground. At the time most of these track loaders would face a lot of wear on the undercarriage. The front idler wheels especially would get worn out faster than the other components as the design of the loader was based on the bulldozers where heavier components used to be placed on the front end of the track loader.

3. The next innovation in this machine was the hydrostatic drive system. With the introduction of advanced technologies like hydrostatic transmissions and electro-hydraulic controls, this workhorse of a machine suddenly turned into a sophisticated machine. In fact these were the machines of choice on most digs and construction sites till the introduction of advanced excavators. The excavators are quickly find favor with most construction companies due to economic factors as well as their versatility of function.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Protecting Your House Inside and Out

If you own a house or are planning to purchase one at some point, then you are probably well aware that you need to start protecting your home contents. There are many parts of a home that need to be protected from the items in the home to the roof itself. You can of course insure everything in the house, but many people believe that insuring the contents is one of the most important things that you can do.

That being said now would be a great time for you to begin your search for an insurance company that can guarantee those home contents. You will of course want to make sure you find one which can insure several different items in your home. For instance there will be items which actually sit outside the home and there will be items that you have temporarily removed from the home.

By definition, contents are items that are in your house but they are not a permanent part of it and with that being the case you may be able to insure items that have been temporarily removed from your home, though this will not always be the case. It would be a good idea to check with your cover provider and see exactly what you can have included with your plan.

You will need to choose carefully and only take the parts you really need. For instance you will most certainly need accident cover on your plan due to the fact that accidents occur on a daily basis. Perhaps your treasured vase is sitting in the hallway and you just happen to bump into it. Maybe someone will run into the side of your home with a bulldozer and knock a precious paining off the wall and cause a serious problem. These are all realistic scenarios and for this reason it is important to make sure that you have cover for each and every item in your house.

Always and we do mean always check to see what your policy covers. There is a small chance that the policy will not cover any type of storm damage and it may rule out acts of God altogether. This does not seem realistic but it is still quite true and with that being the case you will want to make sure that you actually ask.

If you are planning to take out a mortgage of any type then chances are you will need to make sure your home is insured with either standard insurance or contents insurance. Most lenders will require you to have cover as this will protect both their investment and yours. It will make the process more expensive of course, but it will be even more expensive if you lose everything and still have to pay off the mortgage.

These are just a few of the things that you need to know about contents insurance. As you can see, having it will be both beneficial to you as well as to any lender you choose to go through.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Heavy Equipment Training - The Career Prospects

Bob the builder! Can we fix it? Bob the builder! Yes we can!

Well, if Bob the Builder has been one of your favorite cartoon shows and you just can't wait to get into Bob's boots, then a career in heavy equipment is what you should be considering right now. As a kid you have always loved to play the guy who works with heavy machinery at construction sites displaying your enormous strength and ability to lead. Is that your idea of fun? Guess what, you're going to get paid for all that fun if you are going to be a heavy equipment operator. You definitely need to acquire certain skills and refined training to get that job. But hey! It's not as difficult as it sounds.

Do something that you love doing best. However you should also keep in mind that you might have a flair for something, but not always is that particular field of work rewarding. Definitely choose a career path that you have an interest in, at the same time try and find a way in which you can further your growth prospects and find job satisfaction.

While considering a career in the heavy equipment operation industry, select a certification program that will harness and groom your raw talent and mould you into a trained professional for your field. Many career training opportunities are available. You need to make a choice according to what suits you best.

Heavy equipment career training is offered at many vocational learning centers, trade institutions and community colleges. Getting into an institution which is a member of National Association of Heavy Equipment Training Schools (NAHETS) will definitely be more beneficial for your career and growth prospects. In these centers you will receive a comprehensive and rigorous training which enable to fully explore all aspects of heavy equipment operation.

If you are already a professional or a student with a busy working schedule and are looking for a flexible and unique curriculum that will give you ample space and time you your other commitments then this is also possible. On completion of your course as a heavy equipment operator, you will have a number of job options to consider. You can become an excavator operator, heavy equipment operator, loader operator, grader operator, bulldozer operator, paving equipment operator, side boom tractor operator shovel operator, sewer flushing truck operator, snow-removal equipment operator, apprentice pile driver or a road oiling truck driver.

You can also climb the professional ladder to the level of a manger or administrator with proper experience and development in your field. So go ahead and make your dreams a reality.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Extreme Weather Conditions In KZN South Africa

For anyone living in the Natal Midlands, or to be politically correct, the KwaZulu-Natal area of South Africa, the last week of June 2007, will be remembered for many years to come. The extreme weather conditions experienced in the area, led to total devastation, to many of the residents, mostly farmers and their staff.

As if the recent strike action by all government departments, hadn't already caused enough chaos in their lives, with the closure of schools, the disruption of mid-year exams, the evacuation of hospitals, the stoppage of any maintenance work and the desire of the police and prisons department to join the strike action, Mother Nature had the last word.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday were pretty hot, for this time of year and as usual, fire warnings were issued. It was normal in the dry conditions, to have several fires each day and the forestry industry in particular, are always on full alert, at this time, every year.

What was not expected, was the gale force winds, that developed and reached utterly devastating proportions. The winds started on Sunday night, but were not unusually strong. They continued throughout Monday, reaching some the highest speeds, ever recorded in the area, by Monday night. What started as normal fire warnings and alerts, soon became emergencies, as huge fires spread at terrifying speeds. Extra fire crews were brought in, to help control all these fires and just when the tired firefighters thought they had won the battle and could get some well deserved rest, the heavy winds started and transformed quiet, smouldering ashes, into raging infernos, that ran through plantations and grasslands, completely out of control. There were many stories of threatened families, burnt out houses and urgent evacuations. Thousands of Hectares were burnt out and families left destitute, particularly in the Underberg area and in the Karkloof, to Curry's Post area.

Imagine how pleased these people were, when it started raining on Tuesday. Most uncharacteristic for the month of June, those light rains, turned in to steady, harder rain, right through the night. What started as a welcome relief and the end to the fire dangers, now threatened those same people, who had been left homeless. The rainy conditions continued and the highest rainfall ever recorded in June, turned to cold and misty conditions. Farmers were now unable to repair damaged fences and buildings, animal carcasses that were caught in the fires could not be removed and their staff, were unable to find dry and warm conditions, in their fire ravaged homes.

But, Mother Nature was not finished yet. These poor people woke up, the next morning, to snowfalls. The snow continued and some of the heaviest falls in history, were recorded. It even snowed in Johannesburg, for the first time in 26 years! Many people, already left homeless, were now forced to contend with freezing conditions. All of this, in the space of only one week!

The area was declared a natural disaster and the army was called in, to assist with tent towns, feeding schemes and to facilitate the disposal of the dead animals. In one incident, eight horses were trapped by fences and a bulldozer was, through the terrible heat, unable to get close enough to help them escape. They all perished in the fire. Apparently the heat was so severe, that the deep root structure, of trees and plants and grass, was so severely affected, that it will take several years to mend.

There is no doubt, as to who is in charge, in this world and it certainly isn't man! What causes these extreme conditions and why? Well, the people of the Midlands, will be asking this question, for some time to come. From hot Summer weather, to extreme winds, to heavy Winter rainfall, to heavy snowfalls and then to bitterly cold conditions, all in one week, has really taken it's toll on the area, but fortunately no known human deaths, were reported.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Action Plan For The Nairobi Slums

The challenges of the Nairobi slums are not going away. Sending in good money after bad will not solve any of the problems there. As the estimated population in these slums grows to well over 2 million there will be more mouths to feed, more trash piled up, more sewage, more disease and less water. Currently the growth is exponential, although HIV/AIDS is taking a serious dent out of the total number, somewhat slowing the growth.

Is it really that bad? Indeed, it is worse than that. What is being done? Well, there have been many "total plans" floated, but none have worked because they do not address the real issues. Low income housing multi-story buildings have been built but the people of the slums do not want to live there. There are people working with the slum communities from the inside, but they are overwhelmed with the HIV/AIDS, orphan children, disease, starvation and sanitation issues.

If we really look at the slums of the World in places like Africa, Haiti, Palestine, India, China, Indonesia, South Africa and Central America much of the problems are indeed similar in nature. Is there a solution or is the solution so horrific to consider that no one will talk about it, such as;

Sterilizing humans
Eliminating people
Bulldozing the slums
Paving over the slums
Burning the slums down
Kicking all the people out
Moving them to another location
Allowing HIV/AIDS to Kill the People
The aid that the first world citizens send is more about allowing donors to satisfy themselves so they can feel that they are doing something, yet in reality often they are making the problems worse. Many times the money and aid never even makes it to the people that really need the help. Of course you cannot tell them that or they get hostile and even accuse you of having no empathy. Throwing good money after bad is a silly waste and although the cause and calling are noble the ends fall short. People do not like to hear these things, but this is the reality. Removing someone's suffering for or month or a year might be nice, but in the end they go back to the same old life. It's often crueler to show someone something they can never have than to help them in their own chosen environment or the slums where they live?

To fix these issues responsibility must be placed back onto those slum communities to solve their own problems for themselves from within. These slums need basic infrastructure;

Paved roads
Trash pick-up
Health Centers
Local Government
These are the very basics, as a starting place. But how can you fix an area that has 2 million plus (estimated) and growing, where HIV/AIDS is running ramped? It will take some brave people to make the challenges which must met. It appears that once the basic infrastructures are completed most of the major challenges will be met and then the HIV/AIDS issues can be tackled. In considering all this there seems to be 150 different slums outside Nairobi and it makes sense to put a deadline on the project to revitalize the area; less than a decade and that will mean 15 slums per year. Now then, such a project is obviously easier said than done because each of these slums consists of 10s of thousands, if not 100s of thousands of people.

Where do We Start

To start such a massive undertaking we need to consider a grid plan of attack and it must be done in sections. Although slums of Nairobi are every where throughout, they do not engulf the city, they do not completely surround it, as they are sprawling. Nevertheless to visualize this action plan concept think of a clock and each phase will be a slice of the pie. These areas must be bulldozed and people will have to leave temporarily and indeed also employed to work to build their section or other sections. Indeed, the slums and shanty towns in Nairobi are somewhat spread out and actually this makes it easier to deal with them as components of the larger total project.

Obviously the first step is to build a massive sewer treatment plant at the lowest point of the area and it will need its own power plant. this is because the additional 2 million people would overwhelm the current systems. Sub-sewer treatment plants or pre-treatment plants will be needed at the lowest point of each sector. This will take huge funding and industrial talent and should not be compromised by political corruption.

The second step that must take place is the cleanup and the trash removed to four new separate landfills which will be built as the project progresses. People will be employed to remove trash and work 3 to 4 hour shifts with push carts and this operation will go on 24-hours a day in each section which is planned to be next. Others slums can also remove trash if they set up teams to do this on their own; the project will also fund the labor as part of the project. By paying them for each load delivered they will find the trash and bring it to the land fill in bulk.

The Caterpillar Bulldozing efforts for the section in progress will be 24 hours a day until completed. The goal is to bulldoze one of "4-sectors" of each "section" or slice of the pie. Visualize a tall pyramid-like triangle with horizontal lines. The pyramid is the section and the areas inside the sectors. By doing the bulldozing quickly, there will not be time for protests, riots or attacks on the bulldozer crews. This has to be done, there is no easy way.

Ring Roads need to be scheduled to be put into place along with direct roads to the city and out of the city. The lowest elevations must be done first so the sewer infrastructure can be built along with large scale pipes so that more flow can be added as other sections are built. Trenches will be dug by hand using the massive labor force available, after pipes are laid proper grading will be done to shape any potential future storm water run-off.

The labor for digging the trenches for the pipes will be 3 to 4 hour shifts with a maximum of six hours to employ the most number of people and this operation will go on 24-hours per day with regional considerations. Workers will get a meal and paid each day they work. The catering efforts will need to be robust and anyone may work if they wish.

Community water fountains in a grid plan will also be built and the pipes must be buried. Next roads will be built and paved with compacted dirt paths as sidewalks along both sides of street, so people can walk barefooted. Again, running 24-hours a day in order to prevent any equipment, materials or hand tools from being stolen.

The homes which will be built will be concrete box like or honeycomb shaped with small rooms and toilets all single story or double story with lofts in some places for families. We are building basic shells nothing more. These small structures will be made in a "tilt-up" fashion. Concrete will be re-enforced with recycled materials.

Houses can be built in a courtyard configuration or other configuration between walk-ways and/or roads as needed. Those who are temporarily displaced will be surveyed and the learn-as-you-go strategy will be employed here, with a goal of speed to completion. They can point to the picture of the type of home or surroundings they wish. A popular vote using this method will prevail and everyone will be notified.

Schools will also be built (solar powered) and town center squares will also be made for celebration. Each area will be divided into town-cities, with councils to run their communities. Buildings for local government (town-councils) will be located next to the town squares and schools. Healthcare drop in centers will also be near this area. These areas recreation areas and town-center locations will be built no further than four miles apart to insure no one is too far away from the resources that they will need.

After this is done the people can move back in provided they meet criteria of the local council such as;

No Prostitution
Drug Sales
Known Rapes
Crime Gangs
The accepted people and their families can sign up for local jobs, as teachers, trash collectors, council, healthcare people if qualified or for education re-training or school. Volunteer groups, clubs and community organization plans will be available for town-center representatives to help organize. Local representation offices for NGOs will also be built near the town centers provided they are staffed, if not they will be converted into add-on health-care centers or other use deemed by the local town councils.

Small businesses can be set up outlining the streets near the town centers. At first they will be cargo container based businesses, eventually with the town council permission they may build permanently. To visualize this concept think of booths similar at World-wide fairs or rodeo in cargo containers (able to be secured and locked up). This will also attract micro-loan funding for new business start-up enterprises. With the roads built products can be brought in and out easily, without theft. Roads will be built wide in anticipation of future use.

This project will employ tens of thousands of people and they can make enough money to live for a year working their 3-4 hours a day if they wish too. As each phase is built the sewer lines will be added to existing lines. As the project grows and the details are learned and challenges met, additional sections can start on opposite ends of the city and run simultaneously, while the original section is completed.

This model will undergo constant evaluation of each phase and should be studied by academics, construction personnel and taken to other slum areas throughout the world such as;

New Delhi
This model will be considered a "Franchise-able Model" which can be duplicated and available for any large slum area anywhere in the world and the UN, World Bank and other large NGOs will make it possible that a large city or nation-state can apply under strict a franchise agreement terms to participate, with funding and stipulations such as;
Acceptable Constitution
Human Rights Guarantees
Return of Costs over 50 years
Self-Governance Clauses - Voting
Non-Tolerance of Political Corruption
Good Standing in International Community

This particular "Module" can also be part of a larger package or part of a "Total Franchise Program" for a Nation-State's re-vitalization plan or Complete Make-Over. Team Partners may include the World bank, NGOs, International Corporate Sponsors and/or UN (or other future World Franchise Group of Human Civilizations). Regional Variations of this "Franchise Module for Slum Re-vitalization" are paramount, although the basic plan will be cut from the same mold there are vast differences in culture, weather, customs, economies and neighbors to be considered. It must be noted that a one-size fits all, will fit no slum revitalization challenge.

Other Franchise Modules will have similar "turn-key" models established for various stress situations in human civilizations or societies. A nation-state can choose; A La Carte or a Comprehensive Complete Make-over. Either way a preliminary feasibility a study will be quickly completed (1-2 weeks) for review and a full-feasibility study within 1-2 months. This will allow for new leadership coming into power to quickly get the ball rolling.

The Shanty-Town type Slums of Nairobi or anywhere for that matter need a comprehensive and well thought out plan to succeed. If not all the Band-Aids and aid money sent in will only prolong and worsen the problem. A systematic plan must be incorporated and launched without years and years of discussion and committees. Just get it done and do it right.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Landscapers Love Zero Turn Mowers - Do You?

If you're not familiar with the term Zero Turn Mower, I am referring to a specific configuration of riding lawn mowers. A traditional riding mower has the cutting deck in the middle, the engine in the front and seat is slightly back from the cutting deck. A zero turn mower differs in configuration as the cutting deck is usually in the front, but not always. The cutting deck is placed at the front of the mower and the engine usually is placed behind the driver.

The term Zero Turn Mower is actually short for Zero Turn Radius Mower. Using either hand controls or a braking mechanism with handles on each side of the driver, the mower is able to turn completely around in the same spot without moving forward. A zero turn mower is similar in concept to a bulldozer in terms of how it turns.

Because the deck is in the front and the steering is designed for maximum control, a zero turn mower is ideal for use where perfection is key. A zero turn mower can cut much closer to objects than a traditional riding lawnmower. Professional landscapers prefer Zero Turn Mowers because they assist the landscaper in doing a superb job, which is key when running a small business. Zero turn mowers are also designed to handle a high volume of grass and are able to do it rather quickly. Because the driver of the zero turn mower doesn't have to constantly back up and go forward to get around objects such as trees, this cuts down on grass cutting time substantially.

As for using a Zero Turn Mower at home, I would highly recommend it if you don't mind spending a little more than a traditional riding lawn mower. The extra cost is certainly worth the convenience that a Zero Turn offers.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Resident Evil 4 Speedrun New Game Wii 5-2 (1:46:17)

This segment took me a while because I was getting hit SO much in the second area. That mace guy would hit me 90% of the time :( Or the archer would sidestep and get in my way to slow me down. The start is easy and I got past this annoying area ok this time. Plus Ashley got hit which can help. The iron maiden part is easy. Throwing the flash is simple. Just wait 1/4 of a second then throw up high to give him more time to walk forward more. The next part was frustrating because the taser guy would be too close to the left wall and we would rub against him for about 3 seconds. The actual wrecking ball room is pretty easy but not guaranteed. I let the cutscene go on to freeze the enemies but allow the ball to do its job. That means I only need 2 flashes to get through.I do a funny little glitch in the next part. When Ashley crawls under the shutter to push the switch usually I tell me to follow me after the shutter rises. This time I tell her to follow me as soon as it lets me then she runs through the shutter :) The ride is pretty boring at the start. I needed 1 money pickup so thats why I grabbed that one near the start of the ride then ignored the rest later. The part with the ditman is scary but if you run around the right of the axe guy then its very unlikely to get hit. I get back to the bulldozer without a problem. The next part can go bad if multiple plagas turn up. I managed to find only 1 and he didn't last very long did he :P The actual truck at the end was a ...

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Best of Jonah Lomu MUST SEE!! (Rare Tries) Part 1

Some of my favourite Jonah Lomu tries, this dude was unstoppable 1 on 1 just like a bulldozer. hes the best ever that played Rugby. Make sure you watch part 2 aswell!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What About the Shadow Market?

We see a lot of articles right now about the shadow market. In general, the term shadow market refers to the raft of distressed housing that must be worked off over the next few years. What does this iceberg of supply mean to investors?

First, let's discuss the problem a bit. Depending on who you speak to, the shadow market consists of 1,000,000 (the wishful thinking crowd's number) to 8,000,000 (the dooms day folks figure) homes that are either in default or will default and have to be worked out of the market before the system can return to normal.

The first point to consider is that many of these homes will never go to market. There are areas with ranks of abandoned partially finished homes that will eventually be bulldozed and razed. There are large numbers of homes in such disrepair that they are no longer true assets or in locations where they won't ever be viable again. These will either meet the bulldozer or stand where they are until they fall down as occurred with many old homes vacated during the depression and has continued to occur in small rural towns that are slowly depopulating. These two factors substantially reduce the number of homes that must be considered as these assets are really irrelevant to the problem.

The next issue is why do we have such an oversupply of homes to begin with? One major factor is the baby boomers are now on the downside trend of producing housing demand. Add to this issue that the echo boomers will not be driving demand in a major way for several more years and you've stumbled on a historic slack period in demand for housing that typifies suburbia.

Finally, demographic interests, economic factors, political factors, and societal interest in lifestyle are weighing in against the suburban household. Greener living is more dense living. Cost efficient living is denser living. "

"Commuteless" living is denser living. Plus, the echo boomers are tired of suburbia. All of this is bad news for raft of defaulting housing. Essentially, what we have is a fire sale trying to create demand where demand is seeping away like air from a balloon.

Not everything is bad. The United States is still growing. People still need homes. Most of these shadow market houses have substantial economic growth near them and as growth goes suburban areas can become increasingly "urban". This implies that demand can be driven by price because in most areas people can conclude that the lack of demand is not forever.

So back to the numbers, with unemployment likely to remain weak even though total employment is growing, the current work off rate of 1,000,000 homes annually or so is likely to continue. So, if we assume the real news for shadow market inventory is that there are really between 3,000,000 and 4,000,000 homes in queue, we are looking at mid 2014 to reach the far side of the debacle. In the meantime values will be weak, falling, or only ticking up ever so slightly. Smart investors will stay away from housing unless they have a very smart strategy to create new value for some segment of the inventory.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Peace activist's parents sue Israel

The court trial for Rachel Corrie, the American peace activist killed aged 23 by an Israeli army bulldozer in Gaza in 2003, has begun in Haifa. Corrie was peacefully protesting Israel's demolition of Palestian homes when the bulldozer crushed her to death. The parents of Corrie are now suing the government of Israel on charges that she was denied "basic human rights" and of "gross negligence". Tel Aviv says the driver couldn't see the activist and it was an honest mistake. Al Jazeera spoke to her parents, Craig and Cindy Corrie, about their daughter's death in an exclusive interview. [March 10, 2010]

Friday, October 8, 2010

Israeli cloister to apprehend civilian case over afterlife of Rachel Corrie in Gaza

Parents of American activist killed by Israeli bulldozer seven years ago take fight for justice to Haifa courtroom. Read more:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What to Do if You Don't Have Health Insurance - You Might Not Beat the Odds

Have you been working hard and paying your bills on time your whole life? Saving your money and trying to get ahead, looking forward to retiring some day? You read in the paper and hear on the news about so many people that are uninsured. Uninsured, and don't have health insurance because they can't afford it. Are you one of the uninsured people like I am? Are you worried about having a health care emergency and not knowing how you would pay your medical bills? You know you really can't switch jobs. You feel you're getting too old or under skilled to be hired by anyone else. You might even be self-employed too. You know you can't or don't want to learn a new skill to get a new job at a bigger company that has group health insurance. Your present employer really can't afford health insurance for his employees and you don't see that changing where you work.

You have gotten by this long without health insurance and you know that you should do something about it. But health insurance is expensive and getting health insurance is a good idea and something you have always been planning to do. But, we just keep putting it off, until it is too late. So what is a man with a family, or a single person do if you barely can find the money to pay for the necessities, like the rent, or a mortgage, the higher price of gas and food, much less expensive health insurance?

Do you think you can beat the odds? For men it is one in three, for women one in five that you will have a major health care emergency hospitalization and incur medical bills for surgery, hospital stay, outpatient medical care, therapy and prescription drugs. Do you worry and lay awake at night, wondering how you would pay for emergency care, if you needed it?

Ever wonder what you will do if the worst happens and you had to go to the hospital without health insurance? In a word. Bankruptcy. The retirement you worked your whole life for and dreamed about... the retirement you always envisioned is gone...taken away from you in an instant. And by a calamity you have tried to avoid. A calamity that broad sided you, and you had no warning and you never knew what hit you.

Imagine this scenario. You are 55, been in great shape your whole life, you work hard and live right, don't smoke, eat healthy foods, watch your weight and have been taking care of yourself the best way you know how. But lately you have been getting a little short of breath. You shake your head and say "it's just getting old" and keep right on working on the house, the car, the lawn, the crops or a new project you just have to get done. While working, all of a sudden you feel really short of breath. You stop, sit down and can't breathe. You look down and your arm is feeling funny and tingly. All of a sudden you feel a shooting pain running up your arm into your shoulder, "ah...just overdoing it again" you say to yourself. I'll just rest a spell and it will go away. But this time the pain does not go away like other times. You feel the numbness and worse, a stabbing pain goes into your shoulder. Quickly the pain intensifies and travels deeper and is shooting across your chest, a crushing pain and now you are really scared. "Wonder if this is a heart attack?" You know you waited too long and it's too late...This time it's for real. You are in the middle of a heart attack.

You are desperate and in stabbing pain. You know calling 911 might save you...if you can get to a phone. You call for your wife and she is inside the house and does not hear you. You try to get up and feel faint and you have no strength and your legs just can't move. You holler louder, it hurts so bad and she hears you this time. She rushes to your side and you are so short of breath you can't talk, the pain is too great. You point to your chest and she can see by the look on your face you are suffering and in great pain and something is terribly wrong. She runs to call 911, frantic about you and tells the ambulance to come right away and she thinks you are having a heart attack. She runs back to your side and you both are terribly scared and all you can do is wait.

The bad news has just begun...When the ambulance arrives, you find out the very worst has happened. You really are having a heart attack...they rush you away to the hospital, taking your vitals and giving you the drugs to save your life. Expensive surgery follows with angioplasty to open up your blocked arteries in your heart, and you get a stint to keep the worst blocked artery open. The doctors say that you should make a good recovery with adequate care, rest and therapy. You will have to take heart medications and high blood pressure drugs the rest of your life. Already the worry has started, and you think to yourself. "how am I going to pay for this"? The deep financial worry never leaves you. You have heard stories of financial disasters happening to good people with no insurance, Tragic consequences happening to people getting hit with huge medical bills for surgeries in the tens of thousands of dollars. You did not beat the odds.

Now what can you do? Your retirement dream is gone, now you will have to work the rest of your life to pay your medical bills off. The story, I shared is real, this medical tragedy happened to my brother, a farmer, a hard worker, a self-employed bulldozer operator in the prime of his life. No health insurance and he now faces a $45,000 medical bill he can't pay. Not unless he wants to sell the beautiful log cabin home he built with his own hands and the farm he worked his whole life for. He is worried sick and tied to heart drugs for the rest of his life. Heart drugs and a stint that make him feel even more sick. He has decided to sell part of his land to pay the hospital and clinic bills. He hates to do this, but has no choice.

He tried to pay the hospital and clinic with agreed upon payments of a $1,000 a month each, paying every penny he could, but that was not fast enough or good enough. The hospital and the clinic still turned his account over to the collection agencies even though he was paying over $2,000.00 a month. He is an honest man who worked hard his whole life and did not deserve this. He can barely afford the heart drugs and makes just enough money so he does not qualify for state-assisted health care or prescription drug benefits.

One more thing is important...That is not the only calamity. He is not eligible for any type of health insurance for his heart, even if he could afford to pay $850.00 a month for health insurance coverage, plus his monthly medical bill payment to the collection agency. Why? Because now, he is uninsurable. In order to be covered under health insurance for his heart, he would have to not have any hospital care or treatment related to his pre-existing condition for seven years to quality for having that heart condition covered under any health insurance policy. For my brother, he will have to work harder than ever to pay this debt off, just when he should be taking it easier and not working so hard to prevent yet another heart attack. There will be no retirement for him, he is 59 and that is a terribly hard price to pay.

What does this mean for you? Don't wait, don't let a major health problem ruin your chances of retirement. Health care coverage can be purchased and can be budgeted for. If my brother knew what was going to happen, he would have budgeted the money for a health insurance policy. He could have spared a couple thousand a year for an inexpensive health care policy with a high deductible. This would have cut the medical bills he received by a significant amount, and he still would have health insurance to cover him in the future. When you're lying in bed at night, think of the people you know that have had their lives turned up side down by a health calamity, lost their jobs, their homes, all their savings and their cherished retirement. This is too big a price to pay. Take care of yourself, and your family. Protect your retirement dream. Getting an online insurance quote, is easy, and safe and can help you take a step in the right direction. Help remove most of the worry, about "what if a medical emergency occurred to you or a loved one". Would you be covered? Let's hope the answer is "Yes."

When I got laid off from a great job due to a large corporate company downsizing, at the age of 50, I lost my group health insurance. I went on the Internet and found the online insurance quote websites a real help. The easy to fill in forms "just fill in your zip code" got me started with my online quote. The websites were easy to use, and I enjoyed getting free insurance quotes. The websites connected me with top insurance agents who helped me figure out how to compare the quotes. The agents were friendly, easy to talk to, and I got a policy to protect me at a cost I could afford. Please click on the link above and get some health insurance that will protect you and your loved ones. Just knowing something really can happen and taking the right steps to protect yourself can help remove some of the worry. Don't try to beat the odds, you may not win. Don't let a small financial burden become an impossible one. Do it for yourself, do it now before it is too late.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ushguli - A Fairytale in the Clouds

Ushguli is a village (actually an inter-connected group of four villages) in the Caucasus mountains of Georgia. It is claimed to be the highest village (in elevation at 2200 meters/7217 feet) in Europe. Ushguli is in the historical province of Svaneti, and is populated by an ethnic subgroup of Georgians, the Svans. Ushguli has been described as a "fairytale" and this is indeed a very apt description of this wondrous village high in the mountains. Any trip to Ushguli is an unforgettable journey high into mountains with glorious peaks, thousand year old ruins and unbelievably hospitable people.

The trip to Ushguli is a long, multi-day jeep trip, high into the Caucasus mountains. Part of the experience and wonder of Ushguli is the journey getting there. The rugged jeep trail meanders through valleys scored into the mountains that thrust up into the sky on either side of you. Many times along the way you will have to wait for a bulldozer to clear a recent landslide off the road, but this is the way it is in Georgia. The authorities go out of their way to make sure every visitor to Georgia has a fabulous experience. As a guest you are treated with the utmost respect and are welcomed with open arms.

Arriving into Ushguli the first thing you will notice is the gorgeous Svan defensive towers. Some of the buildings in Ushguli are UNESCO World Heritage sites. There is a museum in one of these towers run by an owner of one of the guesthouses and a member of the police force in Svaneti. You are able to enter one of the towers and climb all the way to the top and look out over the villages. It is possible to buy souvenirs in the museum. These towers were built around 1,000 years ago to protect the natives of Svaneti from attacks from the raiding peoples of the times, including the mongols. More recently these towers would be used to keep out the invading Chechens, Ingush or Dagestanians from just over the norther border in Russia. Ushguli is actually a collection of four villages at the head of the Enguri Gorge.

Your stay in a family run guesthouse will be unforgettable. The Georgians themselves claim to be a little afraid of the Svans who live here. They live on a code of chivalry and if you are an accepted guest you will be treated as a visiting God. Be prepared for wonderful food, loving hospitality and the ubiquitous delicious wine of Georgia to flow, almost to the point you have to refuse any more. If you are not light-hearted try the "cha-cha" an alcoholic drink made from the grapes leftover in wine making. If you are lucky you may get to witness a cow being killed by having its throat slit and then the locals in Ushguli will skin and barbecue the cow for you right in your guesthouse's yard. The experience of witnessing a cow being skinned and expertly sliced into meat and then getting to eat the delicious meat afterward, with new friends and enough wine to fill a small river is an experience and treasure. One guesthouse is at the very top of Ushguli and therefore is the highest house in the highest (continually inhabited) village in Europe and makes for a fabulous place to stay in the clouds.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dozer and Skid Steer Pushing Dirt

pushing up dirt for a pond dam using the skid steer and bulldozer. I'm using the dozer.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Transformers 2010: Hunt For The Decepticons Legends Class Rampage

My Review For Transformers HFTD Legends Rampage!!! More Information Below!!! Information: Name: Rampage Alliance: Decepticon Alt. Mode: Bulldozer Transformation Level: 1/5=Easy Stats: Strength: 9/10 Intelligence: 3/10 Speed: 4/10 Endurance: 9/10 Rank: 2/10 Courage: 8/10 Fireblast: 4/10 Skill: 4/10 Bio: N/A