Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Let's Play Rocky Rodent 16: Bad Bulldozer

More like bad boss design and hit detection. Good riddance to bad rodent.


Monday, June 28, 2010

The Importance of Window Manufacturing in a Conservatory

Conservatories are personification of elegance. They place man in close contact with nature and increase the space available for use in a home. A conservatory is a comfort area in every way and its comfort level is decided to a very large extent by the type of windows it has got. It is windows that make all the light pour into the rooms and at the same time secure the building against intrusion as well as bad weather. The type of glazing used in the windows will decide how much ultraviolet rays the windows will block and how much light it will allow into the interior. As such, window manufacturing assumes a lot of importance in connection with these sunrooms.

In window manufacturing, wood or vinyl or aluminum may be used for the frames. Of these, aluminum windows are the cheapest, though they may not be the best bet from an energy saving point of view. Whether it will be useful for your conservatory or not will depend upon how much energy efficiency you require. If it is a three-season sunroom that you are unlikely to use in winter, energy efficiency may not be important. Or if you would prefer to have the windows open in summer to let in all the breeze and scent of flowers, again energy efficiency acquires less importance. In this case aluminum may be a good idea. But if you want the window to be energy efficient, vinyl will be the best choice. Wood is the costliest, and requires maintenance, though it is energy efficient.

Window rating is also important with relation to window manufacturing. Manufacturers assign something known as R-value and U-value to vinyl windows. A window's R-value denotes its thermal resistance or its power to prevent heat flow. For milder climates a lower R-value (e.g. R-11) might be all right but for a colder climate much higher R-value is required to prevent the heat from escaping through the window. This means that the windows might need better performing glazing. U-value is the reverse of R-value, and is a measurement of heat loss. For a window to be a more energy efficient in a cold climate, it must have a low U-value. Since one is the reverse of the other, manufacturers generally show only the R-value. Further, there is a lot of difference between the R-value of a glass at its center, and its R-value towards the edges. The matter will have to be clarified with the window manufacturing companies before opting for the right window.

Mobility of the window is also important. In a conservatory, all windows do not have to be opened. You can pre-decide which of the windows you would prefer to open, and which should remain fixed and request the conservatory company to customize the windows on the basis of it.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

B29 Frozen In Time Pt 5

B-29 Frozen in Time follows Darryl Greenamyer and his crew as they try to retrieve an almost intact B-29 from the Arctic Circle. The airplane crash-landed nearly 50 years earlier during a secret mission for the United States. The pilots survived the crash and were rescued, but the B-29 was left in the harsh and unforgiving climate 250 miles north of Thule, Greenland. Greenamyer, a former test pilot who set a low-altitude speed record in a jet he built from spare parts, believes that he can actually fly the plane after performing some maintenance and building a short runway. He flies in parts for the B-29 and a massive bulldozer to clear the runway, but every takeoff is dangerous in these conditions, and he and his crew have a short window for success due to the brief summer. Greenamyer also faces a limited budget and other difficult hurdles as they try to resurrect a piece of history and fly it home. ***Property of Nova, No copyright infringement intended***


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Miserable Characters - How to Deal With Difficult People

We all know them - those difficult people who seem motivated in the quest to spread misery. Sadly, in either our personal or professional lives, or both, each of us will periodically encounter someone who fits this description. My job is to give you some strategies so you can effectively deal with these miserable characters. First lets define the difficult person.

Difficult People Defined

Some people are overly sensitive, discerning, suspicious, insecure, or needy. However, if you treat them right, many of these people can become assets within your inner circle. These people may have had negative experiences in the past that have compromised their abilities to trust and connect. However, they can be turned around. If they understand that you value and accept them they can become intensely loyal friends and allies.

On the other hand, the truly difficult person will delight in keeping you off balance by acting up. These difficult people appear immune to good manners, honest communication, and caring. These difficult people generally fall into six categories; with some difficult people exhibiting qualities from two or more categories.

Here is my list of the six categories of difficult people that you may encounter.

o The Bully is angry, abusive, abrupt, aggressive and unpredictable. The Bully will attempt to intimidate you into what he wants. He will explode over little things, threaten, and push you into retreating or over-reacting.
o The Sniper takes potshots and makes subtle attacks. Her "humorous" put-downs, sarcastic remarks, disapproving looks, and innuendos are a form of psychological battering.
o The Victim is a complainer who is fearful, has little faith in himself and others, and believes that the world is a hostile place. His negativity, resentfulness, and disappointment in life throw cold water on every idea and crush all glimmers of optimism.
o The Fault-finder avoids taking responsibility and instead uses an accusatory and self-righteous tone, finding fault with everything and everyone. The Fault-finder is much more interested in placing blame then in finding solutions.
o The Know-it-all is an expert who comes across like a bulldozer with an aura of personal authority that is condescending, imposing, and pompous. The Know-it-all knows what's wrong with every aspect of your life and she is happy to tell you about it.
o The Cheater uses deliberate deception to twist the facts to his benefit; his actions can border on or include theft.

Your Reaction

Here are some strategies you can use to cope effectively with difficult people.

o First, assess the situation. Is this truly a difficult person or someone who is hungry, tired, or having a bad day?
o Set boundaries and limitations regarding what you will and will not tolerate.
o Seek understanding regarding true motivation. Be willing to listen attentively, even if someone initially seems out-of-line. Allow the difficult person a chance to blow off steam and feel heard. (Set a time limit for this interchange.)
o Express your views only when you can avoid the battle for right and wrong. Don't fight back or use reason to try to beat a difficult person at his own game. He's been practicing his skills for a lifetime, and you're an amateur.
o Difficult people often have an insatiable appetite for more. Know when to stop trying to appease and move on.
o Don't try to change the difficult person. You can only change your responses to her behavior.
o Sometimes, we have to cut our losses and move on. It may be worth the loss to get rid of the difficult person.
o Take a detached, impersonal view. The difficult person's bad behavior is not about you so don't interpret his behavior as a personal attack or become emotionally involved and caught up in the cycle.
o Give the difficult person the last word because you will have the last action.
o Find a common goal, intention or "enemy" that you share with the difficult person. Now, you can be on the same team.
o Take an unpredictable action to get his attention: drop a book, stand up, or firmly call him by name.
o Respond to pot-shots and attacks with a question: "That sounds like you're making fun of me. Are you?" The response may be one of denial, "I'm only joking," but nevertheless, questioning these attacks will reduce them in the future.
o Insist on a problem solving approach, with complaints and suggestions for resolution in writing.
o Don't debate his negative outlook. Instead, respond with your own optimistic expectations.
o Require the citing of specifics rather than the use of sweeping generalizations.
o Make "I want to find solutions that work for both of us" your mantra when dealing with a difficult person. Remind him that finding a mutually acceptable solution is your goal.

Dealing with difficult people takes practice so don't give up or get discouraged. Although these strategies won't change the difficult person, they will challenge his or her ability to interfere in your life.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Fuel Efficient Driving Tips For HGVs

With the prices of fuel going up and down sporadically, it is important to try and maximize fuel efficiency so that you can reduce your costs during both low and high price times. Also, since fuel is a finite resource, it is environmentally friendly to try and reduce wastage. Here are some tips:

It is better to drive at a steady pace then to jack-rabbit between high and low speeds. You can reduce your fuel consumption by as much as 40% if you reduce hard brakes. The correct way to accelerate is to do it slowly and smoothly and get into a high gear quickly.

It is important that you drive under the posted speed limit for legality's sake but also because you will save fuel if you go slower. For instance, going from 55mph to 75mph can make your fuel consumption go up by 20%.

If you are in the habit of letting your engine idle while you wait for it to warm up, you are wasting fuel. In the winters, you need to idle the engine for no longer than thirty seconds.

If you tires are not fully inflated you will end up wasting fuel. Under-inflated tires increase consumption by 6%. Check the pressure every month, on cold tires. If the tires need to be inflated, get it done before you start your drive.

When you are driving, make sure you are driving in the highest gear you can. Driving in lower gears wastes fuel. At the same time, letting an engine run in a high gear on hills and corners also wastes fuels.

You can also reduce costs by using your air conditioner sparingly. If you think its cold enough outside, open the windows. This will also help you stay awake on long drives. Depending on the speed though, using an air conditioner can be efficient. So the faster you are, the more efficient it might be to turn the air conditioner on due to wind resistance on the windows.

Choose the fuel that best suits your vehicle. You can check with the owner's manual to find out which one to use.

Make sure you vehicle is serviced regularly. Poorly tuned engines can increase fuel consumption by as much as 50%. Dirty air filters can increase your fuel consumption by 10%. Even using the wrong oil can cause you to use more fuel.

Before you turn the ignition off, make sure you shut down any power accessories. This way, next time to start the vehicle, these won't pull unnecessary power.

When you get fuel, make sure you the gas cap is on tight and properly.

Whenever possible, make sure the engine is under a shade. This will keep the engine cool and reduce the need for air conditioning in the cab, as well as reduce fuel evaporation.

Hopefully, these tips will help you increase your fuel efficiency when your HGV is out on the road, and increase the profits you can make.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dozer Action III: Push

Dozer Says Push brysonsdozerservice.blogspot.com dtccom.net


Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Last Part of the Gintong Pamana episode that aired on June 8, 2008 on THE PROBE at ABS-CBN. Video Summary In 1981, Berto Morales, a farmer employed as a bulldozer operator in an irrigation project in Surigao struck gold. He discovered a treasure trove of gold ornaments while bringing down a hill to collect filling materials. The discovery, hitherto unknown to the public, is among the largest collection of Philippine archaeological gold in the country as well as in the rest of the world. Recovered in association with 10th to 13th century Chinese ceramics, the gold ornaments show similarities in form and iconography with artifacts of other cultures in the region. Experts believe the discovery will rewrite history. Nothing of this scale and magnitude and magnificence has ever been seen before, says Dr. Florina Capistrano-Baker, former curator of the Ayala Museum, of the gold find. Gold specialist Dr. John Miksic of the National University of Singapore describes the Surigao treasure as the single most important tangible heritage of the country. Experts say jewelers today cannot imitate or even come close to the quality of the workmanship of the intricate designs of our ancestors gold. Part of the Surigao treasure is the Sacred Thread, which is worn during ceremonies and weighs more than four kilos. Baker says the belt-like object is so heavy a mannequin broke because of its sheer weight. PROBE reporter, Cheche Lazaro, searches for Berto Morales in Surigao. From then on ...


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Great Finishing on Parts With Walnut Shell Media

Deburring media are finishing media that are used to deburr, that is removing jagged pieces of extra metal from parts. The media are abrasive in nature and when put together with parts to be finished in finishing machines, the media rubs against the parts and produces a smoothing and polishing effect. There are natural and man made deburring media. Corn cob media and walnut shell media are the common natural media while plastic and ceramic media are the man made ones. Depending on the nature of the parts being finished and the type of finishing required on them, the deburring media is chosen.

Corn cob media is made by powdering the woody and hard corn cob into grit. It is organic and environment friendly. It is used for cleaning by degreasing and de-scaling and also for deburring and polishing. It is durable, reusable and cost effective. It is available from extra coarse to extra fine grit size. Plastic deburring media are made of hard plastic and are light weight. They come in different shapes like cones, wedges, tristars and pyramids to suit various component builds. A cone for instance works well with parts having holes. For parts having complex design, different shapes can be used together to achieve a good deburring effect. Plastic deburring media work well on soft metals like brass. They are very safe for use with fragile components. Ceramic media is also an effective deburring media; it is heavier compared to plastic and is used to satisfy aggressive and fast deburring needs. They too come in different shapes, sizes and composition. They come in very small sizes and are ideal to use when small media is needed.

Walnut shell media is a natural finishing media. It is used for cleaning and deburring. It is made by grinding the fibrous and hard walnut shells to different grit sizes. The grit size is based on the nature of parts being finished and how heavy they are. Walnut shell media polishes metals like brass and bronze to a nice finish. Crushed walnut shell media can add anti skid properties to paints and are used in abrasive paints around swimming pools and walkways. They find use in oil well drilling to keep the circulation going.

Walnut shell media has several advantages - the first one being that it is organic and poses no threat to health or the environment. It is reusable repeatedly and long lasting; it reduces finishing times and is found to be cost effective. It can be used in tumbling as well as vibrating finishing machines effectively. It has good absorbing properties and absorbs grime and grease; hence, it is a good cleaning media in the finishing process. It has a soft abrasive nature and can even aid in removing the top paint layer of a part while leaving the primer coat intact. They help to preserve part surfaces when the finishing process is going on. This media can be had as a coarse grit or a fine grit depending on the finishing requirements.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Construction and Building Materials - Different Products to Learn About

A home or a business establishment will not be complete without the presence of construction and building materials. From the planning and the foundation to the construction of a structure itself, these materials are always necessary.

The most common construction and building materials include plywood and cement. Plywood is a layered board that is produced by gluing and compressing thin layers of wood together. Each layer's grain is attached at right angles to the next layer. Cement, on the other hand is made out of fine gray powder usually mixed with sand and water to make concrete. Aside from these two, there are other products under this industrial product category.

Bricks and tiles

Bricks are rectangular blocks of clay and other similar materials baked until it is hard. This is often used in walls of houses and other large permanent structures. Whereas, tiles are essential coverings not only for floors but for roofs and walls as well. It is a thin piece of flat or curved material baked and glazed to perfection. It makes use of clay or other synthetic materials to come up with the desired output.

There are different bricks and tiles that every homebuilder may enjoy. The common materials include porcelain, igneous rock and stone. These are applied in kitchen, bathroom and living room floors, walls and ceilings.

Paint and surface coatings

These are often referred to as finishing touches of a structure. It can be applied from the roof to the floors and from the walls, to windows and doors. Paint is that colored liquid applied to a surface either for protective or decorative purposes. Just like facial makeup, it makes every edifice or building more attractive to owners and passers-by.

Paints and surface coatings are further classified into semi-gloss latex coating and high-temperature coating. They may be applied with the use of a paint brush or a spray. Anti-mildew coatings are also favored in home improvements and business constructions.

Other construction and building materials

Products are offered depending on the specific purposes they render. There are building materials, construction machinery and equipment and decorations of construction. Other construction and building materials include ceiling and floor items, hardware accessories, heat-barrier materials, wall coverings, toilet partition and accessories and bathroom sanitary equipment materials.

For more complicated work, construction machinery and equipment like boring machines, stone crushing machinery and concrete equipment are used. For decoration, people may also look for doors and window panels, lightings and kitchen systems as well as furniture slides, automatic doors and blinds.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

3 Biodiesel Titrations

Once you have your titration solution ready, it's now time to start doing the titration. Remember on the board we explained how to do it. We're basically going to take a known amount of the base solution. This is our .1 percent base solution, and I'm gonna pour some of this out into a little cup. It's important that you never draw any of this with a syringe because it can contaminate this. That's always why I put a little bit in a little cup. Seal it right back up, and that way I have a vessel for doing it. Now, I also have isopropyl alcohol, this is 91%, and I'm gonna put this in a vessel as well so that I don't contaminate it either. To do a titration you have a sample of oil that you don't know the acidity of, and you're gonna get a syringe and you're gonna suck up 1 milliliter of oil. These have milliliter markings on the side. These are kind of a handy little set of syringes. They actually say oil, alcohol, and titration solution. If you'd like these I carry them on my site as well at utahbio, but any syringe will do, but I just like it so I don't mess up my syringes. I'm gonna suck up a milliliter of oil. I usually go a over and then I come back down. I'm gonna move it, I have a bubble on top that I want to get rid of. I'm gonna squirt down till I get to a milliliter of oil. I've got a milliliter of oil there. Before I put that into my solution here I'm going to put 10 milliliters of isopropyl alcohol in here. Now these actually have handy measurements on the side, so I can actually do it that way, but if you don't you can suck up ten milliliters with a syringe, and get rid of your bubble. This is somewhat of a messy process so you want to wear gloves. You'll notice that I have a little bit of oil and stuff around. There's just no clean way to do biodiesel. I have yet to meet anyone who has. Buy some kitty litter if you want to make sure things are clean as the oil dries.

Kay, so I'm gonna put ten milliliters of isopropyl alcohol into my jar here, and I'm gonna spray a milliliter of oil into this mixture. Now let the camera get up and kinda look at that real close. Now you'll notice that is not really well mixed, and that's because oil and water don't like each other, so we're gonna have to mix this up here. We'll stir this here for a second. If you'd like you can heat the mixture a little bit. You don't want to heat it too much 'cause you don't want to boil of your alcohol, but I've heard of some people heating the oil in the microwave in a little tiny dish before they use it. Our goal was just to basically get it to be one solution as you see here. To this mixture, we're now gonna add about 3 or 4 drops of our phenolphalene. Again this is just a PH indicator, it's nothing more than that. It's not really important how many drops you need to put in here 'cause all this is doing is indicating PH.

Kay, so I'm gonna mix this up. Now what I'm gonna do is very slowly suck up some titration solution. I've got ten milliliters of titration solution in this syringe. I'm using a little stirrer and I'm just gonna start stirring this in. So I started with ten. I'm basically just looking for this to change colors. I don't know if you can see that real well. Let me see if I can get you a closer view. As I put this in it is literally starting to change color drop by drop. You see that pink that's occurring? Let's see if I can do it a little differently here. That pink is my indicator solution. What's going on is I've got a basic solution, I've got an unknown amount of acid, and it's starting to neutralize that acid and taking the pH up over. How you know when you're done is when that turns pink and stays pink for about 30 seconds. There we're starting to come into it. There we're a nice pink. Just a little bit more to be sure, and then we'll sit and let that go for about 30 seconds. After 30 seconds if it is still that color, then we're gonna write that number down. I'm gonna let this sit here while we look at our math. We started with ten milliliters, and we're now at seven, so 8,9,10 that's three, it took 3 milliliters of our titration solution to neutralize this acid in our oil. You'll notice we're staying this nice beautiful pink which is what we're after there. A lot of times when you're doing a titration it's important to do it about three times to make sure that you've done it right. So we're gonna do it, I'm gonna show you how to do it again one more time. 'cause we kind of slopped around and made a little bit of a mess. You just want to make sure you always redo it, double-check your math. If after three times your number are plus or minus one, that's your number. Average them out and that's gonna be your titration number. So we'll go ahead and pause here for a moment and we'll get another one set up.

Kay, we've done our first titration and we got three so we're gonna do another one. Again, one milliliter of oil. So I've got one milliliter of oil. Set that here. I'm gonna put ten milliliters of alcohol. Get that bubble out of the way. Ten milliliters of isopropyl alcohol into a container. One milliliter of oil. A couple of drops of my titrating solution. Again this is phenolphalene, phenol red, or tumeric will work just fine. It also doesn't matter how much of this I put in because it's just my indicator solution. Now I'm gonna mix this up and get a really uniform batch of oil, alcohol and the indicator solution, and then using my titration solution, remember known amount of base, unknown amount of acid, in we go. We'll move these out of the way so we get a little better view here. Slowly I'm just gonna start adding known amounts of base, starting at ten. We'll swirl it around, it already started to turn a little bit pink which is what we want. There's some pink and back to yellow, so we need a little bit more. Swirl it around. Oh, it's getting there. Notice, it's staying this good, nice pink color. Maybe just a little bit more. Okay here, so I've got that beautiful pink color. Phenol red turns sort of a reddish color. Tumric turns kind of a pinkish color. This is phenolphalene you can see that it's somewhat of a pink color, but your goal is just to hit that color and make it stay for about 30 seconds. Again, what that means is I've had an unknown amount of acid in the oil, a known amount of base that we add to it until we knock that pH, until we've neutralized it. This took, this is sitting at six this time. So we're really close. We'll do one more and then we'll average everything together, then we'll show you how much you're gonna need to make a batch.

Kay, we'll do our third and final titration. Again, we're gonna do ten milliliters of alcohol. We'll drop some indicator solution, one milliliter of oil, put it in, mix it up, and then we're gonna slowly add in our titration solution. We're gonna watch for the color change. Mix it around, it's starting to turn. It's getting there, and we changed. I'm at six, so I know, add a little bit more just to keep it there. So my first one was seven, my second was six, and my third one is about six and a quarter, so I'm gonna call this about six grams, or six milliliters extra. So what our titration would be, or how much we would add to our biodiesel that we're gonna make, we're gonna take 7.5 + 4 so about 12 grams we will add per liter of oil. So if we had 100 liters of oil we would add 1,200 grams of catalyst to that into our methanol to make biodiesel. And that's how you do a titration.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Advantages of Buying Used Farm Tractors

Buying anything used rather than new is sometimes the best alternative if you want to save some money. This is especially true of motor vehicles, including farm equipment. Of course, it's not economical to buy something used if you have to spend a fortune on replacement parts. It can end up being very expensive to put vehicles like used farm tractors back into tip-top shape. However, it can be to your advantage to buy a used tractor if it is in good working condition.

Any vehicle needs special parts and supplies in order to run properly. This includes motorized farm equipment that is used to perform all of the functions required on a farm. If you buy a used tractor, be prepared to spend some money on replacement parts especially for the transmission which much be in good working condition at all times. Also, make sure that the tires are functional and have a spare just in case you get a flat. Buying used allows you to sometimes find used parts as well. This will save you a bundle because they are generally much cheaper than new parts.

When buying a used tractor, think about accessories that will make it run even better. Look at used backhoes, trailers and loaders which can be attached to your tractor to make it more efficient. These "extras" will let you perform more farming functions such as hauling, digging holes and demolishing out buildings. You can even find good bulldozer blades that can be attached to the front of your tractor to help you with scraping and plowing chores.

Used farm tractors are a great way to get the equipment you need to keep your farming operation running smoothly and profitably. Even if you buy a new tractor, you will spend a certain amount of money maintaining it. And, buying used parts for a used tractor can add up to quite a bit. However, the money you save on your initial investment should outweigh what you spend on parts. If you can't find a used replacement part, then you probably will have to buy a new one at the going price. Even so, buying used is usually the most cost-efficient way to go.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


When Khieu Samphan and Hou Youn fled into the countryside at the end of April, they did so in genuine fear for their lives. Sihanouk's threats against them had become increasingly frequent and menacing. His information was that the two men were still alive. Despite his threats he had not ordered their deaths, and Lon Nol assumed him that in this case the army had not killed the two deputies. But the prince could not prove a negative. The conviction rapidly developed among the politically conscious in Phnom Penh and the provinces that the two leftists were indeed dead, brutally executed by the prince's security forces, with his blessing. The ever-active rumour mill in Phnom Penh seemed to be consistent on the details of their deaths. The two men had been tortured, and then crushed to death beneath the tracks of a bulldozer. Three years later, after Sihanouk had been deposed, this theory seemed to receive circumstantial verification when the then Cambodian delegate to the United Nations, the veteran conservative Kim Tith. Claimed to have seen a police report that stated Khieu Samphan had been burnt to death with acid, while Hou Youn and Hu Nim, who had gone into the maquis later in 1967, had been crushed beneath bulldozer tracks. Earlier in the year both the Vietnamese communists and China had given pledges of their respect for Cambodia's territorial integrity and its existing boundaries. The Khmer Rouge leadership was said to be unknown and divided, and three of its ...


Saturday, June 12, 2010

metal audition Saving History:Episode 17-Chasing Bulldozers

Saving History for the future. Civil war relic hunting metal detecting detector buttons union confederate bottles huts military digging privy history excavate


Friday, June 11, 2010

2009 Baja 500 - HD Entire Race - Trophy Truck #8 - Part1

2009 Baja 500 - Norman Motorsports Trophy Truck #8 - Part1 Larry Roeseler driving from the start line to the driver change 01:00 Start Line 01:43 Helicopter footage starts 02:15 1st Takedown (Got Milk Truck) 02:55 Booby Trap (Bulldozer built overnight) 03:25 2nd Takedown (Pistol Pete) 03:50 Traffic Jam (Pass 5 Trucks) 05:00 BIG SLO-MO JUMP 05:22 Helicopter & Truck tandem 06:18 Baja Fools Pit 07:47 3rd Takedown (Herbst) ...CHECK OUT PART 2 ON YOUTUBE!!! or watch the whole thing in HD @: vimeo.com Special Thanks: FIre Etc, Cruz Roja, Baja Fools Filmed & Produced by: www.luxvisuals.com See more at www.rogernormanracing.com


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Monster Patrol

Tom Meents Monster Patrol monster truck from Toms DVD. This truck later became Bulldozer from 1999 until 2005. It was Hot Wheels from 2005 until 2007 and was scrapped earlier this year.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Small Bulldozers For Sale

Sometimes, a little bit of muscle is all you need. If that's the case, then perhaps a small bulldozer is all you really need. Now, when you say small bulldozer, I'm assuming your not actually looking for a skid steer or a bobcat. Since those are really different machines. Mind you, they can do some of the same stuff, just not on the same scale as a real bulldozer, even if it is a small one. When I say small, I'm thinking of a d2, d3, or d4 Caterpillar sized bulldozer. That's still a pretty good sized machine, great for clearing trees or piles of dirt and wood from the farm.

You'd be surprised at some of the great prices you can get these for during the tough economic times, if you look around a bit. As long as the dozer has been maintained well, you should get quite a few good years out of even a used machine. That said, you may want to hedge your bet by sticking with the more reliable brand names when you buy. Caterpillar is likely the best know, and uses the same technology for it's big industrial strength dozers, as it does for it's smaller ones, so you should be safe with them.

Other good manufacturers to consider, are Case, New Holland, Komatsu, John Deere, and Liebherr. They all produce good dozers. If you can, ask for a maintenance log, used by the previous owner of the machine. First of all, if they have a maintenance log, that's a very good sign. It suggests that they were doing at least minimum upkeep on their dozer. Secondly, it should give you a pretty good idea of what you'll need to do to keep your little dozer running.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tank and Vessel Sludge Removal

Sludge builds up in tanks and vessels over time. The sludge needs to be removed at regular intervals in order to maintain a smooth running operation. Sludge removal can be a hazardous task if performed manually. For this reason tank and vessel sludge removal is carried out remotely wherever possible, or with minimum man-entry in confined spaces.

A range of technologies have been developed for the oil and gas industry, as well as the chemical industry and others for sludge removal.  Vacuum transfer systems can pump sludge safely from its source to a transport or storage source. Apart from someone controlling the system remotely, no one needs to be near or even very close to the tank or vessel having its sludge removed.

Of course, often it isn't possible to remove sludge, mud or scale from a tank or vessel by a remotely controlled system and no man-entry requirement. Often man-entry becomes essential, and often too it is in a confined and awkward space, which makes the operation potentially hazardous.

For this reason there are highly trained operatives in the field who follow proven procedures that are known to be safe and efficient. The job gets done with the least possible risk to those involved, and the sludge removal and cleaning is maintained at an acceptably high and efficient level.

An Attendant stays close to the point of man-entry. He constantly monitors the situation in the confined space. He keeps in constant communications with the Entrants working inside to ensure that all the accepted best working practices are maintained and followed to ensure the safest possible level of working conditions.

The Entrant or Entrants working in confined spaces in tanks or vessels need to breathe safely. They therefore use breathing apparatus combined with watertight suits. This makes the work harder for the men involved, but it ensures a level of safety that is necessary.

It is also necessary to maintain a constant monitor on gas build up within the confined space where the Entrants are working. For this reason gas monitoring equipment is used and constantly checked. The typical gases checked for are carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, but other gases can be monitored as well if there is a reason to suspect their potential presence.

The systems typically in use will use visual and audible alarms if any toxic gases are detected while operators are working on sludge removal within the confined spaces of tanks or vessels. These can be high density bright flashing lights combined with loud audible alarms. There can be other alarm systems in use, such as vibrating alarm devices for example, depending on the particular situation involved.

Tank and vessel sludge removal is not usually an easy job. It requires a high emphasis on safety for those involved. For this reason remote sludge removal systems are preferred, but unfortunately are not always practical or possible to use. The industries that require sludge removal are constantly working to improve working conditions and to maintain or even increase safety for all workers.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Signtronix Lexan Polycarbonate

Overview of Lexan Plastic

Lexan plastic is scientifically known as Lexan polycarbonate. This "plastic" comes in sheet form and has a number of characteristics that are not typically found in just one product. These characteristics include flame retardancy, impact strength, and thermoformability. As such, it is considered by most people to be ideal for use in Signtronix signage applications.

Most experts agree that Lexan plastic is the best type of plastic to use when clarity is of importance. Similarly, its ability to withstand impact makes it desirable for a number of applications.

When Lexan plastic is .125" thick, it is capable of transmitting 86% of light. When it has been UV stabilized, it can achieve a heat deflection temperature of 270 degrees Fahrenheit. Due to its high heat tolerance and other characteristics, Lexan plastic is often used with making signs. The plastic is also easy to machine, which makes it a fairly inexpensive material to use in a number of applications.

In addition to being used in signage, Lexan plastic is also used in creating security barriers and security glazing. It is also used for machine guards, skylights, and bus shelters. It may also be used in greenhouses for covering, for making the bodies of radio-controlled cars, and for motorcycle goggles. Some guitar picks are also made of Lexan plastic, as are air hockey pucks and even the tiles on a Rubik's cube.

Since Lexan is so durable and resistant to impact, many people refer to the material as being bulletproof. At the same time, it looks very similar to acrylic. These properties also make it ideal for use in the aerospace industry, where it is commonly used to make aircraft canopies. Widescreens and some windows may be made with Lexan plastic and it can also be found in a number of household items. These include compact discs, bottles, and DVDs. Even the iPod and iBook make use of Lexan.

Since Lexan has so many uses and desirable characteristics, it is no wonder why businesses are looking for even more ways to use this material. It use in signage is a natural fit since the plastic can easily protect the sensitive electrical components and glass that may be used in the creation of signs. Similarly, since it has such a high heat tolerance, there is no need to worry about the Lexan plastic becoming overheated, melting, or otherwise marred.

© 2007 RightNow Communications, Inc.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Types of welds

When you are learning how to weld, you first need to learn the types of welding joints there are. There are 5 basic welding joints that you will learn here today. The main reason you must learn these joints is because if you are on a big job and you have to read the blueprints you will need to know the symbols and the name of the weld joint to be able to locate the part that needs a weld on it. I'm not going to get in blueprints here but just the 5 basic welding corners.

The 5 weld joints are named Butt joint, Corner joint, Edge joint, Lap joint and Tee joint. The first one named Butt joint is a joint that is between two members lying approximately in the same plane. The second one named Corner joint has two members located at right angles to each other in a from of an angle, mostly 90 degrees. The third one named Edge joint is a joint between the edges of two or more parallel members. Fourth one is a Lap joint, that has two overlapping members to form the joint. And the last one is the Tee joint, it looks just like it is called because it forms a "T".

When you produce weldments, it is necessary to combine types with weld types to produce welds. And they will produce a name like, fillet welds, plug or slot welds, spot or projection welds, seam welds and the list goes on and on. It all comes from the 5 basic corners to be able to understand the rest. Lots of learning and reading. So there you have it, the 5 basic welds. Hope you like my article and I look forward to you reading my other articles. See you then.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Twelve keys to success for any entrepreneur

nineteen, I had this crazy idea of sitting at my desk, enterprise culture, if I went to work this hard for her, I know that the hard work for me. I thought to myself: "Julie, how can you even believe this - you need to check your rocker to be leaving the reliability of a paycheck and benefits." But it was like a thunderbolt from heaven - a thought that maintaining this intense young woman in lush age of 28 years, grabbed him and never let go. They say that this isThe first ascent was a contractor.

From then until now, I feel the duty of every woman reading this words to share, that if I had the chance would do it all again, to change anything. It 'was the right decision for me, about my years with wisdom and honesty, without regrets. However, there was no way easy. In fact, there was no road at all in my chosen field of estate liquidation. So I found myself in a moment before crossing I also took myStep one: I did towards the abyss, what I do and for others a way to follow a day? Or should I turn around and stay in a job, I do not mind me with a fixed salary? As it turned out, I discovered I'm just bulldozed and paved my way to success. The really good news is that if I can do it, so can you.

One of the first lessons you learn as an entrepreneur is that, despite a variety of resources for youultimately, you are alone. This may be a feeling of isolation, you quickly learn what you did. It takes a lot of strength and endurance to achieve your dream, not to mention the patience and support of your loved ones. More than that, it takes tenacity of spirit, a positive attitude if you want to break down and cry (and yes, I feel that will happen), and the ability to stand up when we were just thrown to the ground.

Even as a parent when my daughter was running and they have learnedstumbled and fell, I would encourage to get up again immediately to its right, the brush itself, and continue their next adventure. So even the unpredictable life of an entrepreneur. Get right back and no matter what, to make further progress. Over the years there have been many times I jumped in connection with the hamster on the wheel with a lot of energy have been somewhere but never really finished. Looking back, I was actually going somewhere, but there are times when we are kept in a sort ofHolding the first model - how to reach a plateau, as you lose weight - very frustrating, but part of our development staff.

There are many different reasons why people dare to become entrepreneurs. Some have received a strong inclination - perhaps they have an invention in his soul, or offer services to bring relief to consumers. Others feel better build their business, others live with satisfaction that they receive on the road to success.For me it was everything.

What I would not have given time, we have the experience and valuable knowledge I have today! Here, in short, I share with you the most important lesson I learned in building a successful company:

You can not always tell anyone that you do not. You can find and Sun People who say things like that otherwise can be a bit 'jealous of entrepreneurship, or even to live with regret. It 'alsopossible that they simply do not understand.

If not try you'll always wonder what could have. "" Do not live with regret and guilt, trying your best. Regret will catch up with you if you have an older woman, as I have many times in my older customers, who see in common is that with me. Nothing bad can ever come of the experiment. The human mind can be stretched to have a sense of satisfaction.

If six different intersections in your life as an entrepreneur afteralways with your instincts are good. Interestingly, we often let your head get in the way of what our gut knows. My stomach was never lied to me. Tune in to listen carefully and keep moving. It locks in decision making. If the first decision did not work, try a different approach. Did you know that Thomas Edison had more than 10,000 experiments on the light bulb? Thank God you stopped!

Stay the course. So you've stumbled and did not have what you plannedWorking conditions. Take surveys from business confidence. Ask questions and find out what it takes to reach the next level. Maybe you need a different image of society, or you are not marketing to the appropriate people. Questions to ask and ask again for answers.

Understand what in particular makes you different and better than the competition. What is your company better than the competition? Take advantage of these differences and now have a newMarketing campaign - a new approach to beat on which you can reach, whether by e-mail, flyers, putting in marketing packages, etc.

The best advertisement is a satisfied customer in the world. No amount of high dollar advertising is almost as good as the people you like your work. The part that most business owners forget to ask customers to tell you. You must be a shameless self-promoter, but not so nice, and always with a smile.Branching from marketing to large groups, corporate events, social organizations, faith based organizations, etc. Find a way to get into large groups of people at once. Think smart!

Identify what you sell. It sounds crazy, but most people do not realize they are selling are not gadgets or services. I am a professional specializing in real estate to personal property. Should I sell only people order? No, the sale of a solution - other solutions. Asolution of humanity. to solve your problems, take the pain, and I can almost guarantee a successful joint venture. And 'this!

Follow with passion and tenacity. My accountant told me many years ago that the real reason why no entrepreneur is not for lack of good ideas. There are many brilliant, ambitious and creative entrepreneurs-be out there. I'm just not for one of two reasons: for economic reasons or who never go for it withall they have. The follow-through is weak and the company never had a chance to start, because people are easily frustrated. He predicted I would, because I had to perseverance and passion.

Be the best at what you do. Do not let yourself, your ideas and your company from others who do the same thing swallowed. We must do better than the cream always rises upwards.

Always look forward and not look back a.Notice how some people live in the past and seem to be stuck there? It 'ok to visit the past and learn from them what went wrong, but then turns positive so that it works to your advantage.

For every problem you encounter, there is a solution.

mmer be a kind, gentle and compassionate. Kindness is noted, because so few people actually practice.

Let this guide to bring happiness and success in your life asmine.

© 2010 The Estate Lady ®

Thursday, June 3, 2010


www.euronews.net - A TVE camera crew was this morning near the scene of the bulldozer attack where three people plus the Palestinian attacker were killed.
