Tuesday, June 15, 2010


When Khieu Samphan and Hou Youn fled into the countryside at the end of April, they did so in genuine fear for their lives. Sihanouk's threats against them had become increasingly frequent and menacing. His information was that the two men were still alive. Despite his threats he had not ordered their deaths, and Lon Nol assumed him that in this case the army had not killed the two deputies. But the prince could not prove a negative. The conviction rapidly developed among the politically conscious in Phnom Penh and the provinces that the two leftists were indeed dead, brutally executed by the prince's security forces, with his blessing. The ever-active rumour mill in Phnom Penh seemed to be consistent on the details of their deaths. The two men had been tortured, and then crushed to death beneath the tracks of a bulldozer. Three years later, after Sihanouk had been deposed, this theory seemed to receive circumstantial verification when the then Cambodian delegate to the United Nations, the veteran conservative Kim Tith. Claimed to have seen a police report that stated Khieu Samphan had been burnt to death with acid, while Hou Youn and Hu Nim, who had gone into the maquis later in 1967, had been crushed beneath bulldozer tracks. Earlier in the year both the Vietnamese communists and China had given pledges of their respect for Cambodia's territorial integrity and its existing boundaries. The Khmer Rouge leadership was said to be unknown and divided, and three of its ...


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