Friday, December 31, 2010

B-29 Frozen In Time Pt 2

B-29 Frozen in Time follows Darryl Greenamyer and his crew as they try to retrieve an almost intact B-29 from the Arctic Circle. The airplane crash-landed nearly 50 years earlier during a secret mission for the United States. The pilots survived the crash and were rescued, but the B-29 was left in the harsh and unforgiving climate 250 miles north of Thule, Greenland. Greenamyer, a former test pilot who set a low-altitude speed record in a jet he built from spare parts, believes that he can actually fly the plane after performing some maintenance and building a short runway. He flies in parts for the B-29 and a massive bulldozer to clear the runway, but every takeoff is dangerous in these conditions, and he and his crew have a short window for success due to the brief summer. Greenamyer also faces a limited budget and other difficult hurdles as they try to resurrect a piece of history and fly it home. ***Property of Nova, No Copyright infringement intended***

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bulldozer - Cut-Throat ( Cannibal Hookers music video )

Music video professionally edited by Mike Juliano, taken from the DVD release of Horror Pain Gore Death: Volume 2, available at

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sanding Using Flap Wheels

Sanding is done with many different types of sanding tools and the flapwheel are one such sanding tool which is very flexible in its work. Due to its flexibility, this sanding tool has the capacity to sand any surface of the wood whether it can be large surfaces or small pieces or edges or anything. Not only that you can do multiple types of sanding using flap wheels but the only thing you have to do is to fix them in the proper configuration.

Wood sanding using Flap wheels

The first step in raw wood sanding using process is that smoothing the surface of the product; this smoothing is done by removing all the small and fine fibers which are unnecessarily present on the surface of the wood.

Usually these fibers come out from the wood surface due to usage of some kind of chemical or water on the surface of the material. If these fibers are not removed then it will pop up and cause damage to the material. These rising fibers usually cause raggedness in the primer and soon the material will become dull and tear. So, in this kind of situation, the material needs a special type of sanding which has to be done between the coats to get a smooth top coat.

Using rustic sanding tools, you can sand between the coats. The second advantage of using flap wheels is that you will get uniform pores on the surface which gives you uniform color on the material. Not only that, this are also helpful to make the sharp edges of the surface soft and smooth. By doing this, the flap wheels also reduce the area which is hard to seal and stain. By reducing the tough area of the material, it makes the priming or sealing work very easy and you need only less time to complete the finish.

In case of metal bodies other than the flap wheels, devices like deburring discs and rustick brushes can be used for sanding.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Laryngitis: A Modern Day Epidemic

Everywhere I look I see women who have lost their voice, including me. We are silent at work, at home, in our relationships, and worst of all, we are silent to ourselves. How is it that our best and brightest suffer in silence? It is not how nature intended it to go.

At birth we all come out as we are meant to be, loud, proclaiming our arrival with an appropriate howl. In the beginning, our every utterance is heralded with "oohs and ahhs." This grand state of being usually lasts for a year or two; we are perfect, cute and accepted, just the way we are. And then, we somehow cross the invisible, proverbial line and one day the "Isn't she cute" statements become a disturbing, "SHH!" The louder we get, the more severely we're reprimanded. The virus begins to take hold. We start to silence ourselves. Laryngitis reigns.

Collectively, we have done the worst damage to ourselves. We haven't honored women who took a stand for themselves-we called her a Bitch. Those few that managed to raise the ceiling, seemed somehow to lose their way. They then became the scapegoat for the male counterparts in terms of punishment. Just look at Martha Stewart's fate and that of the boys of ENRON.

In the 70's we raised our voices in Assertiveness training, only to be labeled aggressive. Try and try as we might, it seemed that every time we raised our voice, it was silenced and the virus crept through and took hold throughout our lives. "It's not that important" became our mantra, and rather than ruffle any feathers, we kept our mouths shut, one by one.

I'm all for keeping the peace and turning the other cheek. Where good intentions go astray is when we can no longer find solace in our own internal bubble. We silence ourselves with food, alcohol, sex or sleep. Boundaries beckon us, but we don't really have a clue what they are or how to set them appropriately. They can become insurmountable walls around our hearts or a bulldozer on another woman's boundary if we're not careful. Start standing up for yourself and caring more about how you feel. It's okay for it to be messy as you find your way, just clean up the messes as you go.

For me, there is really only one important question to answer: Do you know the truth of you? Can you hear your voice straining to reach you above the din of life? If you can be still for just a moment you will hear her say, "You are beautiful, You are gifted, You are important, You are perfect just the way you are."

Why don't we believe these inherent truths about ourselves? We believe it about our children, don't we? Don't we love our friends with all their quirks and bad behaviors? Don't they love our quirks right back?

The statistics on the results of our collective laryngitis is alarming. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, more than 8 million of us were nipped and tucked in 2004. Can you imagine what that number is today? All the makeover shows are telling us that we are not 'Good Enough' and need multiple surgeries, not just one mind you, to make us acceptable. It's not a sin to want to look better, it is a heartbreak to turn to the knife to feel better about ourselves.

And if we're not being made over, we're certainly depressed about it. Over 10 million of us have been diagnosed with depression, according to the American Psychological Association's fact sheet. Women are twice as likely as men to be depressed and married women are more likely to be depressed than single women. Get this, married men are less likely to be depressed than single men. Apparently what's good for the gander is not so good for the goose.

Statistics aside, we know that we can stop this epidemic in self-loathing one woman at a time, starting with you. Whatever we focus on we get, according to laws of the universe, so let's start focusing on how FABULOUS we are. Quick, right now, tell me one thing that is just the BOMB about you! Now up the ante and tell me another wonderful tidbit about you that most people don't get right away. See how easy it is? Let's go on a wonderful hunt to discover the wonder in each other. If you see a woman with great style, go up and tell her. Love her hair?, let her know. Each one of us is really special, let's find our voices and start using them for the good.

How can you start using and strengthening your voice? Here are some tips:

1.You are important. Life is not the same without your gift.
You better know just how important you are. Did you ever try to bake bread without that "not so important" bit of yeast? It doesn't come out the same, does it? Well, life without you is just as flat. Let your voice be heard. Write letters to the editor, get to know your representatives in Washington and your state capital. What you have to say is important. We need your voice.

2.Start to say "No" when you mean "No" and "Yes" when something lights you up. You have permission not to be a martyr anymore. It's hell on your cuticles.

3.Be a role model for young women. Live your life like it's the only one you have. Reincarnation may well be true, but if we can't remember it, who cares?

4.Be a mentor to another woman or a young girl. You have no idea how valuable your knowledge is to someone who is struggling to find herself. You don't have to have a special degree or skill, just show up. It is the greatest gift you can give another.

5.Spread the word to other women that their voice is important too.

Today as you walk down the street notice the women you see. Imagine that they have no voice. Picture them with their lips zipped shut. Scary, isn't it? Whenever we stifle ourselves that is the world we are creating, not just for ourselves, but also for all women.

Be loud! Be funny! Be heard! The greatest gift of democracy is our voice and the right to be heard. Dylan Thomas reminds us to "Not go gentle into that good night," let's raise our voices together. What a beautiful sound we make.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Why Buy Used Tractor Parts?

If you are an owner of a vehicle of any sort, you know that every vehicle in this world needs parts and supplies, and same goes for tractors! This is why we have developed a site for used tractor parts. These little buggers can become quite expensive if you start forking over the dough for brand new parts.

Your tractors' transmission made be experiencing some wear and tear, and when it goes, you may want to have some replacement parts on hand to keep that tractor running.

A tractor is a lot like a large variation of a car, and just like a car, you can't drive it with a flat tire. Do you have a spare handy, do you have a mount? Maybe you could use a tilt utility trailer about now. These are very handy when it comes to towing a small tractor.

Tractors have multiple uses, more than we can go into in this short article. Because a tractor has many uses, there is a need for many used tractor parts. If you have engineering tractors, you need a backhoe as well as a loader, and these can be connected to your tractor. When you have these parts, you can use your tractor for small demolitions, construction, powering building equipment, digging holes, breaking up asphalt, paving, and light transportation. There are other tools for engineering purposes such as bucket hoes, rippers, dozer blades, and any other used tractor parts that can be attached. Just by attaching a dozer blade, your tractor becomes a bulldozer.

You can find used tractor parts for any of your tractors whether they be road tractors, locomotive tractors, or even artillery tractors,which all have specific parts needed to maintain and keep them running well.

You may not have a large or small farm tractor, but just a small garden tractor. Even the garden tractors need parts and supplies, and cost money to maintain, especially when you start pricing the new parts. When you are looking to have supplies on hand, maintain or repair your tractor, first check the prices of used tractor parts, then realize that you are getting so much more for your money.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Maria di Biase - La studentessa - Manzoni

Eccola di nuovo dietro il banco..questa volta ci spiegherà a suo modo Manzoni...buona visioneee!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

"It's About That Time"

A World Finals One Music Video Using The Song "It'sAbout That Time" That They've Made Several Other Monster Truck Videos To. I Got Dennis Anderson In There The Most I Realized. It's probably Because Dennis Anderson And The Grave Digger Are My Favorite!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shunt (with Best Bits!)

An insight into the House Robot Shunt. Includes all his best bits from the 7 series in which he was involved in.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Lou, Lyndah and Froy go on a night repo job to collect a Toyota Camry from a construction worker. Not only are they greeted with hostile workers, but one of the workers attacks with a bulldozer--and the stress of this job takes its toll on Lou. *No copyright infringement intended

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Building Commercially for the Disabled

You're a commercial real estate developer in Minnesota, and you've selected your site. You've also chosen a general contracting company to handle all the construction details, from permitting to ensuring that your building will in compliance with Minnesota real estate building codes. But there may be one factor you may not have considered: accessibility to the building by visitors with disabilities. You will want to be sure that you don't isolate an entire segment of the population because of problems accessing the new facilities.

Where to begin?

Although your licensed Minnesota construction company will help you in the process of providing people with disabilities, you need to be familiar with a few prominent modifications that most buildings need these days. The starting point is the parking area--make sure that you have adequate spaces and signage based on the total spaces you have. Not providing a place for customers with disabilities to park almost guarantees that you won't get their business. Remember that in addition to signs, the parking spaces need to be painted with highly visible blue and white paint that stands out against all other parking spaces.

Once your customers have parked, you need to be sure that there are no barriers to entering or exiting your building. An experienced Minnesota general contracting company will assist you in determining what you'll need, but in general, you want to have low thresholds that allow easy wheelchair access, doors that can be opened easily--or automatically, continuous railings on stairwells and ramps, and again, prominent signage that helps your customers easily identify paths for them to enter your building.

Inside the building

You can't know everything that you need to do inside your facility (again, this is why working with a Minnesota real estate company that has experience in these issues is key), but there are some obvious issues to address. If your building has aisles or walkways, make sure they're at least three feet wide. You can do this by walking around with a simple yardstick.

Make sure that there are no protruding objects that could impede a visually impaired visitor, or if there are, that they have protective barriers around them.

If you offer table seating, make sure that at least 5% of it is accessible to persons with disabilities.Always make sure that any facilities for disabled customers have adequate signage. This can't be stressed enough. Even if you have made the necessary modifications, you need to let your customers know where they are.In restrooms, you need to take into account the width of doors, height of sinks and soap/towel dispensers, and Braille signage.

You don't have to assume that incorporating these improvements into your construction plan will be overwhelming. By working closely with a Minnesota real estate construction company with extensive general contracting experience, you can ensure that you've made your facilities accessible to people with disabilities. And these measures will help you avoid isolating a significant segment of the population.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cressida fights back. dozer abolition - annoyer - dozer

Cressida fights back. dozer destruction - bulldozer - dozer just search "cressida" from my channel to find all vids related to this car, so you can find all vids for all projects of this car!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Contractors Benefit From Construction Factoring

The tightening of the credit market has been hard on a number of businesses, particularly the construction industry which is responsible for building our nation's houses, corporate facilities, factories, apartments, offices, schools, roads and bridges. Therefore, the general contractors and sub-contractors still may be experiencing cash flow problems - meeting payroll or purchasing supplies -long into the new year.

Divided into three basic areas, construction includes: 1) Building, including general contractors who build residential, industrial, commercial, and other buildings. 2) Civil engineering construction where contractors build roads, bridges, highways, and tunnels, and 3) Specialty trade contractors, who work on projects such as carpentry, painting, electrical or plumbing.

Construction jobs are not just about new structures, but often require site preparation, repairs, maintenance, or improvements to an older project

The industry supports architects, engineers, inspectors, appraisers, brick masons, carpenters, electrical and drywall contractors, flooring and tile contractors, and even asphalt companies, all of whom could take advantage of invoice factoring to help them get by during bad times.

Construction jobs are usually done by general contractors, who specialize in one type of construction such as either residential or commercial building. They are in charge of the entire job, and although general contractors may do a portion of the work with their own crews, they often subcontract work to specialty trade contractors who typically do the work of only one

They obtain orders for their work from general contractors, architects, or property owners. Repair work is almost always done on direct order from owners, occupants, or architects dependent upon economic business cycles, the construction industry might face changes in interest rates and tax laws that affect individual and business decisions related to construction. Changes in state or local regulations or budgets can result in new construction or a cancelled job.

There has been an increase in factoring among contractors during the last year, and it is helping to provide the cash flow needed to pay suppliers, meet payroll and pay for insurance, as well as workmans compensation. Construction factoring enables businesses to obtain funds based on their current accounts receivables, so they can go ahead with the next phase of a project, rather than wait till the invoices are paid.

Why does the construction industry benefit from factoring? Because when factoring is used, the sub-contractor, or construction company, does not have to wait for payment before starting on the next phase of a project, or begin construction on a new project. With invoice factoring, the sub-contractor or construction firm can realize quick turnaround, from 24 to 48 hours, on accounts receivable due for completed stages of a construction project. With construction invoice factoring, the construction company, or the sub-contractor, can be paid overnight for accounts receivable invoices, which speeds up cash flow and improves the company's ability to start immediately on the next phase of construction for each project.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Discussing the Construction Manager Resume

Introduction of the Job

Construction Managers are responsible for a variety of facets of the construction process from the initial implementation of the project to its completion. They assures that the project remains within the client's budget and stays within its drafted timeline. He or she makes sure that all aspects of the project adhere to a high level of quality and standards. They are often responsible for some aspect of the construction of some physical structure, but can also be someone who works for a management company as a manager of the processes leading to the construction of such project.

Key responsibilities

they are responsible for organizing and facilitating the completion of a project from start to finish. Therefore, a construction manager must be someone who can work effectively in a fast paced environment while being flexible and resourceful when challenges or roadblocks should arise. they are also responsible for ensuring that all aspects of a construction project are carried out safely and legally under any regulations that may be in place. Construction managers must obtain any required permits and licenses necessary for legally carrying out the project.

Educational Requirements

Most employers will require that a candidate for a construction management position hold a college level degree in fields such as civil engineering, construction science, or construction management. Further technical knowledge is required in specific skills related to construction. For example, they should be capable of understanding engineering and architectural plans and drawings. Most employers fall under the belief that not all the skills necessary to be a successful construction manager can be obtained from books and will require that the applicant have a significant amount of practical experience as well. Such experience can be obtained through field training and working under other construction managers as well as through apprenticeships.

Career Path

Most work for trades contractors in fields such as architecture, plumbing, or local government divisions among other specialty trades fields. There are many construction managers who are also self-employed and draw up contracts with clients on their own. The number of positions is increasing due to the fact that construction processes are becoming progressively more complicated and technical with the introduction of new forms of technology and more complex laws regarding construction regulations, standards and practices. The opportunity to move up and advance in a construction management career varies depending on the employer and the size of the company one works under. They can also become consultants for other construction management companies or construction contract firms.


When discussing the Construction Manager Resume, they are very involved in every step taken within a construction project. They are responsible for overseeing details regarding a wide array of aspects such as materials, equipment, safety, workforce, budget, design and timeline. They must divide a project into a series of steps and make sure that each degree of the project is carried out effectively and to the desired standard so that the ensuing steps can also be implemented properly.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Machine Head Live @ Forest National - Imperium

Watch in High Quality if you can! Machine Head Live @ Forest National - Brussels 05.02.2010 Entire set is available on my channel, except the songs marked with (**). This as a result of me being a dumbass and forgetting to format my memory card after last night's show in Amsterdam and my memory card ended up full. Had to do some on site maintenance :P 1. Clenching The Fists of Dissent 2. Imperium 3. Beautiful Mourning 4. Spine 5. Bay of Pigs 6. Now I Lay Thee Down 7. Struck A Nerve 8. Aesthetics of Hate ** 9. Old ** 10. The Burning Red 11. Exhale The Vile 12. Bulldozer 13. Block 14. Halo 15. Davidian

Monday, December 13, 2010

Three Simple Ways to Improve Perception of Contracting Business

Contractors, for the most part, have a relatively negative perception among the general population. When people discuss contractors they usually refer to their appearance, their vehicles and their language. But there are a few things that can help overcome this negative perception.

Building brand means proper manners, appearance and attention to the client at all times!

First and foremost is phone etiquette. Whether the contractor tries to answer all calls alone or hires a receptionist, there should be a positive and competent feeling for people that call the business. Answering the phone within the first three rings and the ability to talk to a person will help make a good impression.

Secondly, being on time is a major asset. People have jobs and personal activities that need attention. The last thing they want is for their painter or electrician to arrive 30 minutes late. Plan jobs and make appointments so that there is always room to arrive at least 10 minutes early.

Finally, dress appropriately. This does not mean a suit and tie is necessary. However, if all employees are wearing the same type of shirt and the same type of pants it imparts a professional air to the customer. When multiple employees show up wearing frayed t-shirts and pants with holes in them the customers wonder just who they have hired.

Building a contractor marketing plan can be an huge task. But these small steps can help build a good impression which is a crucial part of any marketing effort.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Accessories For Your Snow Blower

As the popularity of snow blowers has been growing, so has the list of "must-have" accessories. Here are a few of the more popular ones:

Covers. These are a must if you store your snow blower outdoors, and it is also nice to have when storing indoors, to keep off the summers dust and whatnot. The cost for one of these covers runs between $20 and $50, depending on quality.
Floor Mats. Snow and slush that gathers on your machine while using it can make a terrible mess in your garage, so if you store your unit in the garage, this is great thing to place your snow machine on. It can hold a couple quarts of water and costs about $50 for a good quality one.
Semi-attached Mitts. These are designed to fasten onto your handle grips with Velcro type fasteners, so they stay with the machine. But they do a great job of keeping your hands warm and the snow from going up your sleeves. They sell for around $30.
Snow Thrower Cabs. I think everyone has experienced snow being blown back in our faces when using our snow machines, and it the wind is blowing hard it can be downright miserable. However, many manufacturers make attachable "cabs" that enclose the operator from the front and sides. The manufacturer's models are a little expensive, running from $150 to $250, but I have seen a universal model for most machines that sells for around $50. If you need a cab for your garden tractor, they are more expensive.
Drift Cutters. If you ever have to attack snowdrifts higher than the opening on your snow thrower, you will come to appreciate the value of Drift Cutters. They mount on the sides of your opening, near the front and cut through the drift ahead of your machine and feed the snow back into the auger. Most manufacturers offer them for their brand of machine, but they are simple devices (a good handyman can build one at home) and you can buy a third-party brand for around $25.
Tire Chains. Larger model snow machines require chains on the drive wheels for traction. There is no sense trying to maneuver a heavy machine around on ice and snow while the drive wheels are spinning and doing little good. These cost between $50 and $100, depending on size of wheel and style of chain. Garden tractors require larger sizes and generally cost more.
Wheel Weights. If you use your garden tractor to clear snow, you really should have wheel weights to help with traction. These normally run around $125 to $150 per set of two wheels. In the event you need to handle "serious" snow, you should also have external weights to help hold your machine in place and not ride up on hard packed snow. You will need to buy these, with mounting brackets, from your dealer.
Electric Starters. Many manufacturers offer factory installed electric starters on their larger snow blowers. In my opinion this is a must--I just hate yanking on a starter cord, trying to start a reluctant gas engine in zero weather with the wind howling around me. Fortunately, there are aftermarket electric starter kits available in both 120-volt, and 6-volt systems. I wouldn't mess with a 6-volt system in cold weather, but I would definitely add on a 120-volt starter before the snow flies. These add-ons generally cost between $95 and $150 depending on engine model. Make sure you get a complete kit, as some of the cheaper ones are not all-inclusive.
Track Kits. These are kits to convert your drive wheels to a powered track (like a tank or bulldozer). Several manufacturers offer track drive models from the factory, but there are also after-market kits. If you are working steep terrain, this is a handy attachment to have. I have been told that the Ariens kit is fairly easy to install for the accomplished do-it-yourselfer. Kits run around $500. Track kits are also available for your ATV when using a snow blower, but now you are getting into some serious retrofitting.

Well, there you have some of the most popular accessories for snow blowers. There are additional features, like heated hand grips, pivoting wheels, one-hand operation, etc., but these are manufacturers features, not after-market accessories. As I run across more items, I will add them to this list.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Killdozer - aperture and "trailer"

Killdozer was a now-cult made for TV movie from the 1970's. Veteran actors play veteran construction crew clearing terrain for an oil company, 200 miles off coast of Africa, that come under attack by one of their own bulldozers. Actually, the bulldozer (the mighty D-9'er) has been contaminated by some kind of malevolent meteorite radiation, and perhaps its mind, located in its shovel evidently, has turned murderously psychotic. This after striking a rock with early Robert Urich (Mac) at the controls--who succumbs early from a the effects of a massive 'bangeroo' headache from the encounter. Or maybe, more spectacularly, it is being remotely controlled by extraterrestial forces as Dutch speculates. It's more likely that it is being controlled by Hollywood and its conventions since it starts its murder spree by knocking off Beltrane, the only black guy in the cast. You won't know until the end! Movies today try to look real, but movies like this, and its later (man vs machine) cousins, The Car and the classic Duel, share that 70's trademark of hardnosed grittiness and dedicated character studies, that make them at least FEEL real! Killdozer TV movie 1974 bulldozer Clint Walker Bob Urich

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bud Spencer : Lo Chiamavano Bulldozer Theme

La Theme Song del Bellissimo film di Bud Spencer : Lo Chiamavano Bulldozer..

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"E le galo oe" RIP Umaga

Tribute one of Samoa favourate Son Eti Fatu "Umaga" Song by Vania Toloa "E le galo oe"Eki "Eddie" Fatu (March 28, 1973 December 4, 2009)was a Samoan-American professional wrestler better known by his ring name "Umaga". He was best known for his time with World Wrestling Entertainment, where he was a two-time Intercontinental Champion. He was a member of the Anoa'i wrestling family and frequently worked as a part of a tag team variously named The Island Boyz, the Samoan Gangstas, and 3-Minute Warning with his cousin Matt Anoa'i. During Fatu's first stint with WWE, he was known as Jamal and Matt was billed as Rosey. In late 2005, Fatu returned to WWE. Repackaged under the ring name "Umaga", Fatu went undefeated for many months on WWE's Raw brand throughout much of 2006, before suffering his first defeat under the Umaga name in January of 2007. Known by his many nicknames, including "The Samoan Bulldozer" and "The Samoan Savage", Fatu died on December 4, 2009, as a result of a heart attack. RIP Samoan Bulldozer

Monday, December 6, 2010

Surviving the Party Planning Committee (And Bertha Bulldozer)

My wife Gina served a 2-year sentence as President of our son's elementary school PTA (and some of you know exactly what I mean.)

During that time, I became aware of the "90/10 Rule," which states that - in any organization or committee - 10% of the people do 90% of all the work.

Event-planning committees almost always see a similar ratio of actual workers to members. And, over the years, I've also identified a few specific personality types you are likely to encounter.

First is Bertha Bulldozer. To Bertha, there are two kinds of ideas: her brilliant ones, and everyone else's stupid ones.

Marvin Motormouth has strong opinions on every subject - lots and lots of opinions.

Agreeable Agnes validates everything you say, as well as everything everyone else says.

Silent Sam adds nothing at all to the proceedings. He is so inconspicuous that you may forget he is even there (and he would be okay with that.)

Finally, Useless Sue is the committee member who promises the world, then delivers nothing (but always has really creative excuses why she failed to come through for you.) Complicating matters further, some of the personality types listed above combine into cliques - voting blocs that pursue a personal agenda, rather than what is simplest, least expensive, or best for the group.

When I recognize these personality types, how do I - as a committee member - deal with them? This way: as soon as a task that I'm personally qualified for is mentioned, I immediately volunteer to be in charge of it. By doing so, (1.) actual progress is being made toward our goal, and (2.) I can often avoid much of the time-wasting and pointless blather that follows. As soon as I complete Task 1, I then assist whoever is working on another facet of the event that is compatible with my skills. When Task 2 is done, I - and hopefully, we - move on to a third job.

The fact is - no matter how large the committee - all real work is done by the 10% (which will, no doubt, include you.) It may seem like a thankless job. At times, you'll want to quit. But I hope you will take heart in simply knowing that many of those who attend your event, and ALL of the professional vendors who work with you, will know who really made it come together.

And you can tell Bertha I said so.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Le avventure sentimentali di Silvio 3

Terza puntata della incredibile e magnifica imitazione di Muccino fatta da Max Tortora :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why Learn Algebra?

"Why study algebra?" If you're a parent, it's a question that you will no doubt hear as your children study the subject. If you're a student, it is a very natural question to ask, "What's the point of learning algebra in the first place?"

After all, all of the math leading up to algebra that we learned growing up such as addition, multiplication, decimals, fractions, and the like, seem to have a concrete meaning. These concepts all deal with numbers in some way or another and because of this we can wrap our brains more easily around the concepts. After all, I can pick up six pencils and give two to a friend and by using math I can figure out how many pencils I am left holding in my hand. We can all imagine situations where basic math serves us well - calculating your change in the grocery store for instance.

In short, basic math deals with numbers. Since we are all taught how to count at a young age the concepts of basic math, even though challenging at first, seem to have a practical value - even to children.

Enter Algebra. Suddenly, we are asked to deal not only with our comfortable numbers but with letters. And it doesn't stop with this. You start seeing parenthesis and exponents, and a whole potpourri of other symbols that seem to make no sense at all. This single fact more than any other turns many people off to learning algebra. At the very beginning you are asked to learn certain rules on how to calculate things in algebra. You must learn which steps are legal to do before others, and if you do them in the reverse order you get the wrong answer!

This leads to frustration. With frustration, despair follows in short order. And so the thoughts begin: "Why do I need to learn this?" "When would I ever use Algebra in real life?"

What you have to remember, though, is that basic math is riddled with special rules and symbols as well. For example, the symbols "+" and "=" were at one time foreign to us all. In addition the concept of adding fractions, as a single example, is filled with special rules that we must learn. When adding 1/3 to 1/3, for example, you keep the common denominator and add the numerators, so that 1/3 + 1/3 = 2/3. The point here is that when you begin to learn algebra it may seem overwhelming with the rules that you must learn, but this is no different from the multitude of rules that you had to learn that dealt with basic math such as addition and subtraction.

Learning Algebra is achievable for all, you just need to take things one step at a time and learn the basic rules before moving on to more advanced topics.

But this does not answer the question of "Why should I learn Algebra?" This is a difficult question, but the simplest answer is that Algebra is the beginning of a journey that gives you the skills to solve more complex problems.

What types of problems can you solve using only the skills you learned in Algebra? I invite you to take a journey with me back to your childhood. We've all been to the playground and had a great time on the see-saw, the merry-go-round, and the slide. At one time all of us were completely fascinated with these trips to the playground, but Algebra can help you understand them. The physics of all of these playground toys can be completely understood using only Algebra. No Calculus required. For example, if you knew the weight of a person at the top of the slide and you knew the height of the slide you could roughly calculate how fast you would be traveling as you exited the bottom of the slide.

On the see-saw, let's say that a person was sitting at one end and you knew that person's weight. You'd like to sit on the other side of the see-saw, but not at the very end - you'd like to sit opposite your partner in the middle between the seat and the pivot point. Using algebra, you could calculate how heavy you'd have to be to exactly balance the see-saw.

Moving away from playground equipment, as children we were all fascinated with the magical way that magnets attract each other. Using algebra, you could calculate how much force a given magnet would pull on another magnet.

There are examples all around us of things in the everyday world that you could fully understand using only the tools in algebra. If you drop a rock off of the roof of a house, how long would it take to hit the ground? If you dropped a second rock 100 times as heavy off of the roof of the same house, how long would it take to hit the ground? If you somehow brought a bulldozer up to the roof of the house and dropped it, how long would it take for the bulldozer to hit the ground? The answer in all three cases it takes the same amount of time to hit the ground! The time of free-fall depends only on the Earth's gravitational field (which is the same for us all) and the height of the roof you drop from. Even though the bulldozer is "heavier" than the rocks, they all fall at the same rate to the ground.

Most people would assume that learning about more "advanced" topics such as rocket propulsion and Einstein's theory of Relativity would require much more advanced math than Algebra. It is true that more advanced math is necessary to understand every facet of these and other advanced topics. However, many of the fundamental principles can be understood using only the tools in algebra. For example, the equations that describe how a spacecraft orbits the Earth only involve algebra.

Moreover, many of the central topics in Einstein's theory of special relativity can be understood only using algebra. For example, it turns out if you are traveling on a spaceship near the speed of light time actually slows down for you relative to your friends back on Earth. In other words, if you were to fly in a spaceship near the speed of light for some time and then you returned to Earth, you would find that you had aged very little while your friends on Earth have aged a great deal! Albert Einstein coined this phenomenon "time dilation" and it can easily be calculated using only Algebra. This effect is not a theoretical effect - it has actually been measured many times. In fact, the GPS system of satellites in the sky that the military and police forces depend on must take into account the effects of time dilation or else the system would not work at all! Because the satellites are moving in orbit around the Earth at speeds much smaller than the speed of light, the time dilation involved is very small - but it must be accounted for or the system would not function.

Now, you might be thinking, "I never learned how to calculate things such as this in my algebra class!" This is in fact true. All of the applications we have been talking about here are known as the study of Physics. If you had to boil the word Physics down to one sentence it would be: "Physics is all about studying the world around us using math as a tool."

Simply put all the math that you ever learn is really a tool for understanding the world around us. And believe me, we have only begun to scratch the surface of understanding how the world works. Algebra is a stepping stone to learning about this wonderful universe that we live in. With it you have the tools to understand a great many things and you also have the skills needed to continue on and learn Trigonometry and Calculus which are essential for exploring other types of problems and phenomena around us.

So, try not to think of Algebra as a boring list of rules and procedures to memorize. Consider algebra as a gateway to exploring the world around us all.

Jason Gibson

Friday, December 3, 2010

Establishing a Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a pictorial representation that can show activities, tasks, people, machine or other resources required to accomplish the job on a time-oriented grid. Charts are used for various levels within the project. Some people prefer starting from the lowest level and working their way up until they complete the total project.  The suggested method is to start from the total project and work your way down to the lowest level. In this manner, you are assured that you have considered all the major milestones to complete the project.  You should have this overall Gantt chart reviewed by your team members and management. This initial Gantt chart is critical as it becomes the foundation for all detailed Gantt charts. Once the main Gantt chart is approved, you can proceed to define the details for the accomplishment of each milestone. Estimated resources are now brought down to more specifics. There may be deviations from the actual requirements and those estimated at the high level Gantt chart. Hopefully the differences are minor, otherwise you will need to go back to management and the stakeholders and request for an additional budget. Management and stakeholders do not like having to approve readjusted budgets as it affects their bottom line expectations. Make sure your estimations are as accurate as possible.

Define the team leaders for each milestone and walk through with each team leader on their manpower and equipment resources. Review the time frame for the completion of each activity. You need to make sure their time frame coincides with the overall time frame for the total project.  If they exceed their time frames, it might affect the project deadlines. Unfortunately, the Gantt chart does not show the dependencies and interrelationships too well and you will have to use another project management tool. Project managers normally use several tools in monitoring and updating their projects as each chart has a specific purpose.  Make use of the WBS (work breakdown structure) in developing the activities for the project as it is easier to adjust the tasks.  By placing the amount of time required as a horizontal bar on the chart, you can readily notice the overlapping of tasks. This is normal in a project as various resources are assigned to different tasks. Identify the resources for each task. One thing you should watch out for is a conflict on specific resources. For instance, a bulldozer may be required in several tasks and you only have one available. In such a case, the tasks cannot be concurrent as the bulldozer can attend to one task at a time and the other tasks have to wait their turn. There is a resulting dependency on resource which impacts the schedule for the remaining tasks. The manager must find other bulldozers or ensure that the single bulldozer is moved from one task to the next efficiently to save time.

A Gantt chart is an effective tool in planning and scheduling operations. The charts can be easily maintained provided the activities remain static. However, in reality, a project is normally dynamic. Updating of a Gantt chart will reveal difficulties which can be resolved through rescheduling, overtime, multiple shifts, and additional resources. Updating of a Gantt chart is easy nowadays with the use of project management computer software.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Skogsmaskiner i arbete

Forestry machinery at work Full film available at