Monday, April 25, 2011

Beautiful Yet Tacky Zakynthos

Zakynthos, or as the Italians call it Zante, is the most southerly of the Ionian chain that follows the coastline of western Greece. It is one of the more popular Greek islands, featured heavily in travel brochures.

The island has fertile plains, rough hills, wild cliffs and sweeping sands in roughly equal proportions and resorts vary from the idyllic fishing village to the brash, gaudy neon lit nightmare of Laganas, the resorts golden mile likened to a set from the science fiction film Blade Runner.

The 1953 earthquake destroyed much of the islands Venetian heritage but unlike neighbouring Kefalonia, buildings were replaced by agreeable, if uninspiring, homes, in the main town of Zakynthos at least.

Those who want to avoid the disco bars and hung over teenagers should head north, or visit in spring and autumn, especially spring when the island show why it earned the title blossom of the east.

Two major events shaped modernday Zakynthos. One is the catastrophic earthquake of 1953 which destroyed most of its elegant Venetian buildings and many of their inhabitants.

The other is the construction of the airport brought tourists in droves, slammed cement mixers into overdrive and substituted lost elegance for new found breeze block - in the south at any rate.

The small, scruffy port of ZAKYNTHOS TOWN has made few concessions to tourism. Rebuilt after the 1953 earthquake with a sterile formality, it has little charm despite its magnificent setting.

Quake wrecked Venetian buildings were bulldozed and replaced with solemn edifice, especially notable in the main seafront square.

The atmosphere improves inland at the Plateia Agios Markou where tavernas and cafes line a triangular marble paved piazza. The food served here is probably the best on the island not such great deal given the burger and chips staple of many Zante resorts.

Tavernas also line the maniacally busy seafront road part of a one way system stuffed with screaming mopeds and thick with petrol fumes.

The town has three museums, none of which are really worth a visit. The ugly Byzantine museum is the best with a few 17th century paintings of the Ionian School.

A couple of churches survived the earthquake. Agios Nicholas has been renovated and the spectacular Agios Dionissios, now lit up like a fairground at night, contains some good icons and a magnificent carved silver coffin.

The main square has a statue to the islands favourite son Dionysius Solomos the writer of the Greek national anthem. This was not his favourite island however and he lived and died on Corfu. The road north out of Zakynthos town runs you behind a series of sandy beaches backed by vineyards and orchards and reached down narrow access roads

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hermit Crabs - Take Them Or Leave Them In Your Saltwater Aquarium

Hermit crabs can be used as an integral part of your aquariums cleanup crew (CUC), but they have become quite the debate as to whether or not you should be adding them to your saltwater aquarium reef, or coral tank. While crabs are great additions to cleanup your tank, they can also become a nightmare to some people. They will knock over coral frags, and can become snail eaters if you do not have enough shells in your tank. You have to take all of the information and decide according to your own tank needs whether or not you will be keeping them in your saltwater tanks.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fuel Your Career At A Heavy Equipment School

Since the dawn of the use of heavy equipment in architecture mentioned in Roman architect Vitruvius in his book De Architectura (25 BC), rarely has any description of equipment been recorded without comprehensive instructions on deployment. Back then, heavy equipment schools were virtually non-existent. However, those interested in learning to operate heavy equipment in modern times need not peruse dusty old tomes on the subject. They can simply enrol in a heavy equipment school.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Heavy Equipment Training Schools Caterpillar Bulldozer Equip

National Association of Heavy Equipment Training Schools, NAHETS. Short video on the Caterpillar bulldozer equipment profile. See more videos and information at

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Self Improvement Starter Guide

Staying calm, composed and maintaining strong self esteem in today's tough environment can be difficult but is not impossible if you follow a few simple guidelines. Here are 6 tips you can use as a starter guide to self improvement.
Everything and everyone else around you can affect your self esteem. Other people can deliberately or inadvertently damage your self image. Unchecked people and circumstances can ultimately destroy your self esteem and pull you down in ways you won't even notice. Don't let these influences get the best of you. But what should you avoid?
1 : A Negative Work Environment
Beware of a "dog eat dog" environment where everyone else is fighting just to get ahead. This is where non-appreciative people usually thrive and working extra is expected and not rewarded. In this environment no one will appreciate your contributions even if you miss lunch, dinner, and stay at work late into the night. Unless you are very fortunate most of the time you will work too hard with no help from others around you. This type of atmosphere will ruin your self esteem. This is not just healthy competition, at its worst it is brutal and very damaging.
2: Other Peoples Behaviour
Bulldozers, brown nosers, gossipmongers, whiners, backstabbers, snipers, people walking wounded, controllers, naggers, complainers, exploders, patronizers, sluffers - whatever you want to call them, all have one thing in common - an overriding desire to prosper at the expense of others. Avoid them and do not be tempted to join them. They may get some short term advantage with their behaviour but deep down most are very insecure, unhappy and ashamed of their behaviour. For most their self esteem disappeared a long time ago. Seeing someone like this prosper is sickening but do not join them - you are better than that!
3: A Changing Environment
In today's fast moving society it is difficult if not impossible to avoid change. Changes challenge our paradigms and tests our flexibility, adaptability and alter the way we think. Changes can make your life difficult and may cause stress but, if it's inevitable, you must accept it, don't fight it and in time find ways to improve your life. Try to manage change and try to avoid multiple changes at the same time. If a particular change can't be avoided welcome it.  Change will be with us forever, we must learn to live with it.
4: Past Experience
We all carry "baggage" - past experiences which have moulded us to who we are today, but some people live in their past experiences - usually something that hurt and still hurts. It's okay to cry out when you experience pain but don't let pain dominate your life as it will transform itself into fears and phobias. If something painful happens, or has happened to you, find a way to minimise the effects. Discuss it with a friend, a family member or a professional if necessary and move on. Don't let it continue to dominate your life and dictate your future actions. Because something bad has happened doesn't mean it will happen again. Learn what you can from any bad experience and move on.
5: Negative World View
The television news is full of doom and gloom and it is true that around the world there are many people suffering war, famine or other natural or man-made disasters. Whilst I do not suggest you should not care and do nothing, remember that there are many beautiful positive things happening too. Don't wrap yourself up with all the negative aspects around the world. Learn to look for beauty too for, in building self esteem, we must learn how to be positive in a negative world.
6: Determination Theory
Are we a product of our biological inherited characteristics (nature) or a result of the influences we absorb throughout out lives (nurture)? I believe how we are is due to a mixture of both nurture and nature and as a result our behavioural traits are not fixed. Whilst it is true that some things are dictated by genetics (for example race, color and many inherited conditions) your environment and the people in your life have a major effect on your behaviour. You are your own person, you have your own identity and make your own choices. The characteristics your mother or father display are not your destiny. Learn from other people's experience, so you don't suffer the same mistakes.
Are some people are born leaders or positive thinkers? I don't believe so. Being positive, and staying positive is a choice. Building self esteem and drawing on positive experiences for self improvement is a choice, not a rule or a talent. No-one will come to you and give you permission to build your self esteem and improve your self. It is in your control.
It can be hard to keep positive, especially when others and circumstances seem to be conspiring to pull you down. You need to protect yourself and give yourself a chance to stay positive. Improving your self esteem gives you that protection.
One way to stay positive is to minimise your exposure to harmful influences while using affirmations to boost the positive influences in your life. Constantly reminding yourself of the good things in your life will keep the impact of negative influences to a minimum.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Transformers ROTF Rampage

quite an interesting mold for a robot but definitely a great constructicon to have

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dozer Action II whole lot of scraping going on

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Highway Spending Bill and Construction Jobs

You may remember reading last August about the monumental transportation-funding bill that was signed into existence by President Bush. The measure allocated a staggering 286.5 billion dollars for use in highway and transit spending. It is difficult to get a grasp on the number itself, let alone what it can potentially end up meaning for the country and it's workers. According to the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, as quoted by Bloomberg (, each addition billion dollars spent on road construction is worth more than 47,000 American jobs. This means that, in the long run, the transportation bill will be worth literally hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Types of Construction Equipment Available For Sale in UK

Different equipment and machinery is required for various infrastructure purposes and also for the construction of buildings, malls, shops and apartment complexes, etc. These equipment and tools serve many options according to their requirement. This article basically throws light on all the different equipment and tools that are available for sale in the UK. Apart from equipment and tools, even heavy machinery is mentioned in the article. All the technical details of the equipment and machinery are given.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Debt Settlements - Why Debt Settlements Are A Smart Choice For Creditors In This Economy

Debt settlement makes a lot of sense. If you settle your debts, you will have extra cash in your hand. You will be in a position to plan and manage your finances better. You will find yourself in a position to prepare and manage for emergencies and contingencies a lot better. Do you think I am explaining the benefits of a debt settlement for borrowers? No.
I am explaining the benefits of settlement of debt for creditors and credit card issuers. Surprised? How can a 50% discount help improve the finances of the credit card issuers? Well, when you have 100 customers and when 80 of them are not repaying their debts on time, is it not obvious that you will find it very difficult to manage your finances.
Now, if you choose 40 customers who are in a very bad condition and if you offer a 50% discount and if you secure 50% repayment, don't you think your chances of improving your financial condition just becomes higher? This is exactly the logic that credit card issuers are following.
They have now realized that simply intimidating and bulldozing their way is not going to work. It may help them secure the minimum payment for 3-4 months. However, all it takes is one crisis and the credit card holder will simply default.
In such a scenario, a solution which provides a 50% to 60% discount but secures a 40% to 50% repayment is much preferable one. There is another reason why settlement has become the best solution for the credit card issuers. The stimulus package. A government by the people and for the people is not going to sit idle as millions of individuals file for bankruptcy.
The credit card issuers realized that and they started offering settlement instead of pushing people into bankruptcy. This strengthens their case for the stimulus package. Of course, there is nothing formal and definite.
However, the general perception is that the government largess will continue as long as the credit card issuers adopt a lenient approach towards the holders. Once the stimulus package is withdrawn, you will find the card issuers reverting back to their original position.
The smart option is to make use of this fantastic debt solution as a quickly as possible. If you settle your debt today, you will be doing a favor to your credit card issuers and upon your finances.
If you are one of the millions of Americans who has over $10,000 in unsecured debt, it is time you found out about the debt settlement options available to you. Due to the current economy an overwhelming amount of people are in debt, creditors are having no choice but to agree to debt settlement deals. To get free debt help click the following link: <a target="_new" href="">Free Debt Help</a>

Visit <a href="">  </a>

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Alan Wake Video Walkthrough: Episode 3 Part 2 (+Manuscript Pages) Part 2 of Episode 3 of our complete V-Guide for Alan Wake. This details how to get through the game with all 106 manuscript pages, played on Nightmare difficulty. Brought to you by GameXplain.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Komatsu 575 alien ascendancy cool dozer

Check other videos out!!! this is the REAL DEAL The 575 komatsu superdozer is both remote controlled and manually operated ,these are the largest production bull dozer in world, 180tonne in weight and can push up to 180 tonne 1200hp, this clip was captured at stocktons Solid Energy Coal mine near westport in new zealand and is owned by Kaipara ltd. Kaipara have the only two in NZ. there are approximately 70 in the world. The purpose of having this remote controlled is to minimise risk of any persons injured or killed if dozer falls into a large mineshafts.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Six Magics - Behind the Sorrow (Live)

Six Magics is: Erick Ávila Guitar Pablo Stagnaro Drums Elizabeth Vásquez Vocals Mauricio Nader Bass Guitar Gabriel Hidalgo Guitar Director Marcelo Gormaz Produced by Six Magics DVD Project Supervision André Egger Live Recording Javier Bassino Mixed by Mauricio Nader Camera Operators Erika Pulgar Francisco Castillo André Egger Marcelo Gormaz Lighting Tech Ignacio Elgueta Crew Assistant Víctor Saavedra FOH Sound Engineer Marcelo Mollinedo Monitors Engineer Gonzalo Fleming Stage Manager Enrique Ávila Guitar Techs Gonzalo Astudillo Roberto Ceballos Drum Tech Alexis Gaete Bass Tech Mauricio Alarcón Vocal Assistant Yasmin Hidalgo Recorded at Caupolicán Theater, opening the "First Shymphonic Metal Fest", which included the performance of Tarja Turunen. September 3rd, 2008. Mastered by Mauricio Nader at Arrow Studios, Santiago, Chile DVD Motion Menus by André Egger Final Cut Professional Edition by Marcelo Gormaz DVCAM Cameras (Santiago) supported by UNIACC University Special Thanks to: Pilar Urquhart Carnot, Enrique Ávila, Fancy Music & Ibanez Guitars, HellNation, Collapse, Rockaxis, Bulldozer, Nicolás Stutzin, Paula Barouh, Ricardo Susarte, Ives Gullé, Húsar, Jorge Ciudad, Carlos Saunier, Cristobal Montenegro. Six Magics Management Gustavo Henríquez

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Inspecting a abused D8

My dad bought this dozer from ironplanet and didn't ask enough questions or look at the pictures closer. The clutch is in bad shape, has a valve sticking or a bad injector, it's missing some pads, rails need to be turned, lots of blade damage and I can't operate it in this condition. I would call it a parts machine.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

B29 Frozen In Time Pt 3

B-29 Frozen in Time follows Darryl Greenamyer and his crew as they try to retrieve an almost intact B-29 from the Arctic Circle. The airplane crash-landed nearly 50 years earlier during a secret mission for the United States. The pilots survived the crash and were rescued, but the B-29 was left in the harsh and unforgiving climate 250 miles north of Thule, Greenland. Greenamyer, a former test pilot who set a low-altitude speed record in a jet he built from spare parts, believes that he can actually fly the plane after performing some maintenance and building a short runway. He flies in parts for the B-29 and a massive bulldozer to clear the runway, but every takeoff is dangerous in these conditions, and he and his crew have a short window for success due to the brief summer. Greenamyer also faces a limited budget and other difficult hurdles as they try to resurrect a piece of history and fly it home. ***Property of Nova, No Copyright infringement intended***

Friday, April 1, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011



Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ROCKAXIS TV | Jiminelson: Bloque III (Entrevista)

Programa dedicado a Jiminelson, donde los músicos -además de ser entrevistados por Alfredo Lewín- se dan tiempo para interpretar una de sus canciones en formato acústico.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Kukerin Western Australia DVD

The Jolly Green Giant - one big f*!^%n tractor

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dozer Filling Stump Holes

Pushing dirt and roots around to fill the stump holes in and buld a pond dam

Friday, March 25, 2011

Making of LEGO TECHNIC Bulldozer

This is a video taking you through the product development stages. Very interesting

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Komatsu Planierraupe D 65 - 16

Bauforum24 stellt die aktuellen Komatsu Planierraupen vor. Bauforum24 war bei Komatsu im hessischen Flörsheim-Wicker zu Gast, um die jüngste Komatsu Raupentechnik zu testen.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hardcore Stump Pulling

Excavator and dozer pushing and pulling big stumps out

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Use a Ripper / Field Cultivator - Gardening Series

Ted from Everything walks you through the uses for this heavy duty Ripper or Field Cultivator. Great camera angles of the spring loaded tines in actions.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Three Cat D8's Drag Racing

BradyHill1, copperheadmarine and myself running three cat d8's

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

GTA San Andreas - Quarry Mission #7 (asset mission) - Get rid of the anatomy (and bike)

Watch in High Quality Quarry 7Check out all my videos on how to do things at the very beginning of the game: 1) How to get the Minigun and Combat Shotgun at the very beginning of the game 2) How to get the Bullet at the very beginning of the game 3) How to get tattoos and Katie as a girlfriend at the very beginning of the game 4) How to do the NRG-500 Challenge at the very beginning of the game 5) How to get tattoos and store the SeaSparrow at the Mulland Safe House at the very beginning of the game 6) How to do the Burger Shot Courier Asset Mission at the very beginning of the game Part 1 (of 2) 7) How to Do the Burger Shot Courier Asset Mission at the very beginning of the game Part 2 (of 2 Thanks for watching

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

16 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem.mpg

March 16, 2010: Day 16: Ashira is in Jerusalem in Wadi Aljouz dresses in her Press vest covering all the clashes in Jerusalem, also shows how Israelis have arrested 3 boys, then the soldiers refuse to let her pass so she goes through the mountain to the other side of the clashes and talks to the Palestinians throwing rocks at Israeli Soldiers. Then she gets her dose of tear gas thrown at Palestinians. In Gaza Nagham goes to the 7th anniversary of American activist Rachel Coris death who was killed by an Israeli Bulldozer, then listens to a poem about Rachel written by a girl in Gaza.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

AMD Financial Analyst Day 2010: AMD Fusion Technology Demonstrations

Get a behind the scenes look at AMD's Financial Analyst Day and the technologies that will shape the future of the industry.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lego#88 - Ping Pong Ball Shooter

After seeing the "Vex RCR VexMini Ping Pong Ball Shooter 2" here on youtube ( i deceided i want my own. The shooting mechanism is completely different however. Lego fans will recognize the bottom part of the Lego Bulldozer. More info:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Killdozer (1974 TV Movie) 7/8

A bulldozer takes on a life of its own and begins killing the men on a work crew.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Timmerbilar till 1000

Trailer for a new film about logging trucks. Available at

Monday, March 7, 2011

WWE Classics - John Cena vs Umaga - January 28, 2007

John Cena defends the WWE Championship against the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga in a Last Man Standing Match at Royal Rumble 2007.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Greg Garbowsky Online Official Interview Part 1

Greg Wars Episode I: The Big Interview You guys sent us questions & we got them answered straight from the man himself. Lindzey & Lindsay interviewed him and Daryen complied an entire Interview Saga consisting of eight episodes. Be sure to watch all 8. (NOTE: If the beginning crawl is too fast to read, try to pause it so you can read it at your own speed) This video was filmed and produced by Daryen Productions with exclusive rights to Greg Garbowsky Online.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cat D6D Dozer Pushing Dirt

Copperheadmarine running brady hills dozer pushing a road off

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fifa 11: Super Sundays - Ep. 1 - Ft. Ibra The Bulldozer!

Online goal compilation from throughout the week, no goals were staged or set up, featuring a couple of goals from the bulldozer Ibrahimovic, enjoy!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hush firedup &amp; Lyrics

firedup Hush & Lyrics CHORUS My crew is all fired up Y'all better as each on Gettin 'size before you start running on all the time Cuz' when my crew gon ride to light the sky 'on any Fired Up! Verse 1 I walk this planet, the more robust, visible only heat, but do not touch Cuz 'you might get' em burned When I have my turn Never get in the way or you get "more, as rolled from cuz Rover 'the fist of a bulldozer I throw these dogs inmelodies street like a heart beating against piano keys It 's a 365 degree snap turn and start maybe Sun can freeze justt a mystery with no evidence are a nightmare to walk anywhere, anytime boy I do not fight fair A day in my shoes one day without fear so barefooted and save your whole year and I wear a mouthpiece cuz 'I grit my teeth so that only bite your tongue before you get to beat your ass? Chorus CHORUS 2 In the club hit in the street wit 'a beef in the heat ALLGet Fired Up! If it is white or black, if it is wrong or is directly above each day and night fired! No matter if you lose one or to make any victory fired up! Put down every town every city If me and you wit 'me All Fired Up! Verse 2 I'm a sob that is a son of a bitch homie you do not know I was here to beat you silly and clap clap and move everything on the track like Mac Milly Billy And that's just the half that does not really...

Friday, February 25, 2011

UN Cargando Bore Fiat Allis HD31. Loading a HD31 dozer

En el video if bulldozers aprecia cuando en cargada United Nations is a Low Boy. In the video you can see how a bulldozer loaded on a Low Boy.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Clearing 10 acres

Images of the work of clearing of 10 acres, we have

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Surigao Treasure: Part 8of8 THE PAMANA GINTONG

The last part of the episode Gintong Pamana to June 8, 2008 broadcast on the probe of ABS-CBN. Video Summary In 1981, defeated Berto Morales, a farmer as a bulldozer operator in an irrigation project in Surigao gold used. He found a real treasure to bring gold jewelry, while the collection includes a hill of filling materials. The discovery, unknown to the public, the largest collection of archaeological finds of gold in the Philippine country and around the world.Recovered in collaboration with 10 to 13 Century Chinese ceramics shows the similarities in the form of gold jewelry and artifacts of the iconography of other cultures in the region. Experts believe the discovery will rewrite history. Nothing of this scale and scope and magnificence has ever seen, "says Dr. Florian Capistrano-Baker, former curator of the Ayala Museum to find gold. Gold specialist Dr. John Miksic of the National University of Singapore describes the SurigaoTreasury as the most important material wealth of the country. Experts say the imitation jewelry today or even near the quality of the working of intricate patterns of our ancestors gold. Part of the treasure Surigao is the sacred thread that is worn during ceremonies and weighs over four pounds. Baker says that the belt-like object is so heavy, a dummy broken because of its weight. PROBE-Reporter, Cheche Lazaro, looking Berto Morales in Surigao. Fromthen ...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

LEGO Bulldozer 8275 robot using a LEGO Mindstorms NXT

What do you get if you cross a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT with a bulldozer technique? You will have a robot car! Equipped with the latest LEGO Power Function motors and control an NXT sensor HiTechnic 'infrared link, the autonomous robot has a mind of its own: you can see that scan the environment with ultrasonic sensors and then flattening everything in its walk with the Ripper and the blade.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Resident Evil 4, No Merchant / No Damage run PT 32

Hello ... ='(... I'm so sad ... I accidentally deleted the original video for this part = 'go (. The part between the bulldozers and wrecking ball is always room =' lost (sniff. .. sniff .. . Anyway, I started at the typewriter, before driving the bulldozers, and here I show you how to do the previous part. NOTE: 12:18 I still attracts much Regenerador to show how to use them involved in this part of the 12:28 to this. the body is both active 0:30 Regenerador for speed. Ashley leave here so no need to openthe door. 00:34 00:40 The use of video original key, I have a flash grenade here, but I do not want to use another. Lure BOTH Regenerador in long recovery attacks. Do this with the left side (Ashley keeps to the left of Leon so it is best to take this page for additional protection = P) 00:47 OK, the shutter is already open. If you come here, then send both Ashley and attract Regenerador be slowed. -------------------------------------- RIDE BULLDOZERXD played very bad, I had to improvise ... 01:35 ... 01:50 shot in the legs. Remember that this part of the soldier Ganados are weaker than normal. 02:06 recalled the elevator in chapter 4-4? The same strategy is useful here with the lens down with the rifle. 02:40, you need only seven balls for truck, every time. I wasted a bullet in this experiment = '(03:53 Sometimes there are these ganado "active" are easy to manage in any case, P = 4.19: O XD LOL .. (anyway, that's what I hate most in PC...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Alpha-Khmer present the 1st extrait.avi

Alpha-Khmer present the 1er extrait de l'album du emblems bulldozer night here on the occasion de sa sur un Nouvel mixage failure

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

METALLICA &quot;Bleeding Me&quot; in Paris, Bercy. 02/04/2009 (2 Cam Mix + soundboard)

A bit 'better quality here: Metallica Bleeding Me "in Paris, Bercy. 02/04/2009 Cam Mix + 1 two soundboard Cam 2 Cam wasted: Bulldozer

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bomber - final scene, Bud VS Rosco (1982)

Tues A memorable scene of the film more pronounced exciting Bud Spencer, with Michael Wolf DIRECTOR. SI Bomber takes his revenge with Rosco, the first made the years before the clown's hand. Rosco plays the same pull to Giorgione, Student bombers flew Mar and punches! Comment by Wikipedia: A spectacular full of adventure and good Risat feelings, which the United Nations films are few and explains the friendship you have real emotional and strong tenacity "earnings.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Stump clipper with Dozer Henderson

A pair of scissors Caterpillar D9 some strains in the vicinity of Henderson, Tx

Sunday, February 13, 2011

AMD Bulldozer and other technologies of the future interview with Jim Bovenzi (NCIX Tech Tips # 85)

We'll talk about AMD Fusion and some other interesting things with Jim from AMD. If you guys like this type of interview is definitely something that we do more in the future with confidence!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

NWA MSW Show 252 Part 1

RSU episode 252 part 1 VS Kyle Bryan. Bulldozer. Filmed by Gregg Scott Whetzel and Zack. Posted by Gregg Scott.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Let&#39;s Play Rocky Rodent 16: Bad Bulldozer

More like bad boss design, and collision detection. Good riddance, poor rodent.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

From Caterpillar D8 bulldozer engine with old pony

Camp Creek Thresher Show, July 2009 Wavery, NE. A friend of ours at the beginning of his 1945 (I think), D8 Cat to the old parade at the fair. Pony motor has a kill switch broke, so he puts his hand to smother the shot.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Best of Hardstyle Festivals 2008 Mix Part 3 (Defqon, Black, Q-Base, Qlimax, Bass Leader, etc.)

Best of Hardstyle Festivals 2008, my favorite songs! : D Defqon.1, Sensation Black, In Qontrol, Leader Bass, Decibel, Hardbass, Qlimax, Reverze, Q-Base, Trillogy, X-Qlusive, Dominator, Mystery Land ... Tracklist Part 1: 1 2 Best Enemies - Phase 2 Hoses - Survivors third Bulldozer Project - Arise (The Beholder & DJ Zany Remix) 4 Noisecontrollers - 5 Shreek DJ Isaac - In My Veins 6 Headhunterz - Reloaded Part 2 7 The Jug - Karma Part 2 Track List: 1 SMD - Just Like You 2 Frontliner -Third spacer Noisecontrollers - Venom 4 ° Tuneboy I Will Growl fifth Floorcrushers - Psycho Stylez sixth Headhunterz - Subsonic 7 G-Town Madness vs The Viper - Here Comes The Remix (DBSTF Remix) Track List Part 3: Zeta 2.Wildstylez 1.Francesco Fairyland & The Prophet - Cold Rockkin "3.Tat & Zat - Scary Track 4.Ivan Carsten - Amazing Combination 5.The 'Prophet Chubby 6.Judge & Abyss - One Life 7.Brennan Heart Ft Shanokee -. music and pictures of the house also OA can Scantraxx (scantraxx.comHardstyle Photography Festival Party Flock Core e-commerce is always appreciated! Listen and enjoy: D

Thursday, February 3, 2011

#1078 - GMC R-4 Bulldozer Case Video Review

CHECK PRICES: "The GMC R-4 Bulldozer Case is not you're standard looking case. This is for the most part a budget case with transformer styling. One 5.25" drive can be installed, up to 2 HDDs and there are three fans included for decent air circulation. Watch the video to find out more..." ~http

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The History of the Asbestos Industry

The history of asbestos as we know it dates back 2000 years. It was the Greeks who named this mineral asbestos, meaning inextinguishable. The ancient Greeks observed the harmful biological effects but continued to use the mineral said to have magical properties. Pliny (Roman naturalist) and Strabo (Greek geographer) noted an appearance of "sickness of the lungs" in slaves who wove asbestos into cloth. The Greeks also used asbestos for the wicks of the eternal flames of the vestal virgins, as the funeral dress worn by kings and for napkins. They were so impressed with the magical properties of the mineral that they were willing to overlook its harmful symptoms for humans. They went as far as calling asbestos "amiantus", meaning "unpolluted.

During the middle ages, it was believed that the Frankish king, Charlemagne had asbestos tablecloths. Asbestos products were used in the 1700 hundreds but did not really become popular until the late 1800's. The industrial Revolution demanded new uses for the mineral. It was used as insulation for steam pipes, turbines, boilers, kilns, ovens, and other high-temperature products.

The history of asbestos use continued into the twentieth century and researchers began to investigate the harmful toxic affects. It was first noticed in 1917 and 1918 that a great number of young people in asbestos mining towns prematurely died. Researchers in England carried out clinical studies on asbestos workers in 1924, after the recorded death of a young woman who had been diagnosed with the new disease they called asbestosis. Twenty-five percent of the test subjects showed evidence of asbestos-related lung disease. Legislation was enacted in 1931, to increase ventilation and to recognize asbestosis a work-related disease.

The 1930's brought in with it, the surge of major medical research articles, warning about the asbestos connection with lung cancer partially due to a new disease, silicosis, caused by in haling silica dust particles. Much of this research continued to be ignored. Large Asbestos companies continued to use asbestos in manufacturing and construction, despite that fact that safer alternatives such as fiberglass insulation were created to replace it. These companies hid their lung cancer findings to avoid the million dollar lawsuits brought upon them by asbestos cancer victims. The history of asbestos use and company profiteering has no doubt exploited asbestos workers then and now. Today, victims exposed to asbestos are faced with mesothelioma cancer and certain death.

What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber mined from the earth. It is strong, flexible, and resistant to heat, chemicals and electrical conditions.

Forms of Asbestos
The three most common forms of asbestos are divided into two groups. The serpentine group includes white (chrysotile) asbestos. The amphibole group includes brown (amosite) and blue (crocidolite) asbestos.

Asbestos Properties
Asbestos has many properties that once made it attractive to industry. It is stable when heated, it provides strength under tension, it is resistant to chemicals and does not absorb water (depending on type of asbestos). Asbestos is suitable for weaving and can be used to reinforce materials such as concrete. And lastly, it is a good resistance to electricity.

Asbestos Categories
'Bonded' is used to refer to asbestos being so firmly embedded in a material that these materials are unlikely to release measurable levels of asbestos fiber into the air if they are left undisturbed. Therefore, they generally pose a lower risk to health.

Bonded asbestos-containing materials include asbestos cement products (flat and corrugated sheeting used in walls, ceilings and roofs, molded items such as down pipes), vinyl floor coverings.

'Friable' is used to refer to asbestos-containing materials that can be easily reduced to powder by hand, when dry. These materials are more likely to release measurable levels of asbestos into the air when disturbed, and generally pose a greater risk to health. Friable asbestos-containing materials include sprayed asbestos fire retardants

Asbestos Industry
In the past, the asbestos industry used around 3000 products manufactured worldwide, most commonly in the construction, car manufacturing and textile industries. It was generally manufactured in the following forms: fibrous (limpet asbestos), woven (cloth, tape or sleeving), wound (rope) or mixed with a binder, such as calcium silicate (to make asbestos cement or vinyl floor products containing asbestos).

Because of its strength and its ability to resist heat and chemicals, asbestos was used in a range of insulation materials.
Older commercial industrial buildings and private dwellings may contain a variety of asbestos products, such as asbestos-cement sheeting in walls and ceilings, or roof cladding made from corrugated asbestos-cement. Asbestos may be found in structures built as late as the mid- to late 1980s.

Asbestos Related Occupations
Asbestos has been used in association with a number of occupations such as the US military and armed forces, particularly the Navy. Massive amounts of asbestos were used in shipbuilding and commercial construction prior to the mid-1970's.

Other workers in occupations which have been associated with asbestos use are:

Insulators, Pipe Fitters, Plumbers, Electricians, Painters, Crane Operators, Floor Coverers, Pot Tenders, Welders, Paper Mill Workers, Custodians, Steam Fitters, Tile Setters, Aerospace Workers, Mechanics, Building Engineers, Demolition Crews, Former US Navy Personnel, Packing/Gasket Manufacturing Workers, Protective Clothing Manufacturing, Rubber Workers, Warehouse Workers, Home Improvement, Hospitals, Schools, Loading Docks, Glass Factory Workers, Building Inspectors, Bulldozer Operators, Manufacturing Workers, Excavating machine operators, Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Job and Die setters, Contractors, Building Managers, Mixing Operatives, Laborers, Sawyers, Teachers, Tinsmiths, Weavers, Excavators, Technicians

Risks of Asbestos Exposure
Humans come into contact with asbestos when they swallow or inhale the fibers. These particles can then become embedded in the tissues of the respiratory or digestive systems.

Three Main Diseases Caused by Asbestos Exposure

Asbestosis causes widespread scar tissue between the alveoli, or spread over the lung. It is difficult to distinguish from other causes of interstitial fibrosis. Only confirmation of exposure to asbestos or detection of unusually high numbers of asbestos fibers in the lung is considered conclusive evidence of this disease.

Mesothelioma is a tumor of the chest lining, abdominal lining and occasionally the heart lining. Asbestos is not the only cause of this disease, but it is the most important cause in modern times. Crocidolite is the most important asbestos-related factor, but amosite, chrysotile and tremolite are also linked. This disease takes 20-50 years to appear, with the highest risk around 30-35 years after exposure. It is typically dose-related, but in rare cases has been known to occur in patients with little known occupational exposure to asbestos.

Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is relatively common among the general public and is the cancer most frequently associated with asbestos. Tumors grow and eventually obstruct airways. No characteristics specify a lung cancer as being caused by asbestos; we cannot distinguish a 'cigarette' lung cancer from an 'asbestos' lung cancer or 'another' lung cancer. Smoking increases the risk of death due to lung cancer for asbestos workers.

The history of asbestos and how it is has endangered human mortality has plagued different societies since ancient times. Throughout history must of these warnings have been ignored. Today, the use of asbestos is banned in the US and many other countries. This ban applies to manufacture, supply, storage, sale, use, reuse, installation and replacement of asbestos, except in special circumstances (e.g. removal and disposal of asbestos, and research work).

Monday, January 31, 2011

Michael Tilson Thomas Spectacular Spectacular

Groundbreaking Event for the New Frank Gehry Campus for the New World Symphony Miami Beach January 23 2008

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bulldozer Fiat-Allis AD14B al Lavoro a San Salvo Marina (CH) il 21-05-2010

Un Bulldozer Fiat-Allis AD14B, dal peso massimo operativo di 15 t, al lavoro a San Salvo Marina (CH), per Ripascimento Costiero della Spiaggia di San Salvo Marina (CH), in prossimità della foce del torrente Buonanotte. Video del 21-05-2010

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ferrari blast su un bulldozer

Si schianta con la Ferrari su un bulldozer. Ferrari crash on a bulldozer.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Run Down on Snow Plows

Snow plows are bulldozers or other vehicles that have specially attached blades, tires, and steel welded parts. These strong steel blades and parts allow them to clean the snow and ice from public roadways and driveways. In general there are two main types of snow plows -- bulldozers and heavy equipment snow plows. Heavy equipment snow plows are 1/2 -1/4 ton trucks and vehicles with attached snow blades.

Bulldozers and heavy equipment plows have long wide blades so when they go down the road it pushes the snow down and out to the sides to try to make it easier for vehicles to get through. The average blade is about 40" to 44" wide. Its blade almost covers the entire road, if not the whole road, in order to get the snow compact or moved to the side.

The tires have medium to large steel chains attached to them. These help prevent the chances of becoming stuck by increasing the tires traction. A snowplows tires must not slide much or it could be very dangerous for the driver of the snow plow. Some people who live in cold regions tend use their own trucks. This is often a cost effective way for individuals to clear snow from their streets and driveways without investing in a heavy piece of equipment.

Used snow plows make a great investment for those who wish to go this route because they're much cheaper than buying new. If you're in the market for a used snow plow, just make sure you do your due diligence before your purchase, otherwise you may end up with a bad plow that will not last long.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nortrac Tractor - Six Factors To Look For Before You Buy Nortrac

If you're shopping for a NorTrac tractor, I suggest that you consider these factors:

1. Terrain and weather

The terrain you live in will determine the nature of your tasks involved, whether hauling big loads or engaging in agricultural activities. Hilly terrain will call for more hauling power from your tractor. The weather could decide the nature of the soil. For instance, if your area receives a lot of rain, the ground could be muddy. Similarly, if you receive a lot of snow, the ground would be soft. A 4-wheel drive machine to pull out of mud and snow should be at the top of your list.

These factors can also influence what accessories to buy. If you are in a snow-bound region, you will need a snow blower. On hilly terrain a front loader will prove more useful.

2. Load

If digging holes or rocks, mowing fields, and loading are the standard tasks you want to accomplish, then you may only need a subcompact or compact tractor machine between 20 and 30 HP. For more heavy duty work, you could choose from the 40, 60 and 82 HP variants. Try to gauge the power of the tractor, accurately, as it could impact the price as well as the maintenance costs.

3. Accessories

Decide beforehand what accessories you need, and check to see if you can get these cheaper in a package deal from Northern Tool For instance, you save $1050, if you buy a rough cut mower with a 20 HP tractor.

4. Maintenance

Make sure you have the toll free number of Northern Tool so you can avail tech support. Get the address-list of Northern's outlets in various states, of the US.

5. Manufacturer's Warranty

Make sure at the time of purchase of the best warranty available, and also ensure that it covers both labor and parts, and is extendable at the time of expiry. Feel free to ask the dealer a lot of questions, if you are not sure about something.

6. Price

As I have stated earlier, Northern Tool offers some packages which include accessories. See if you can negotiate additional benefits by throwing in a few more accessories.

Features such as power steering, 2-stage clutch, and liquid cooled diesel engines, come as standard features with these tractors, anyway, and so you don't need to specify.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Injection Mold Prototypes

Injection mold prototypes fulfill a number of needs in the plastic injection molding process. Inventors, industrial designers, manufacturers and others are constantly seeking ways to develop new products in a short time span.

Who needs prototype injection molds?

Perhaps it is the need for speed that drives you to having an injection mold prototype built. You might want to beat the competition to the marketplace and don't have time for a hardened production tool.

You might also need to see how various components of an assembly actually fit and function; an injection mold prototype is perfect.

You can quickly and relatively inexpensively have an injection mold maker build a prototype. Most prototypes last a lot longer than they are guaranteed to, so you might even get some short production out of the deal!

What types of injection mold prototypes are there?

You can get a prototype built out of aluminum, pre-hardened steel or even non-metallic composites. Each has their advantage and special features. Aluminum is the most common material used in prototypes because it is very easy to machine, yet is able to withstand the injection molding process.

There are several mold grades of aluminum commonly used, such as Alcoa's QC-10. This is a remarkable material in that it is relatively hard, able to be machined in great detail, and is 4 times more conductive than steel. This conductivity can help reduce cycle times in molding.

Aluminum, such as QC-10 can be CNC machined, WEDM'd, sinker EDM'd and highly polished. About the only thing it cannot do is last as long as steel. A bit more care must be taken when working with it as well, due to the fact that it is still aluminum, not steel!

Another common choice for injection mold prototypes is pre-hardened steel, such as P-20 or PX-5. These, and others steels, are widely used if a higher production is required, or there are fine details that exceed the ability of the aluminum to be machined.

These steels are also fairly easy to machine, especially PX-5. This steel is harder than P-20, but easier to machine and polishes better as well. There are two other pre-hardened steels that are often used: NAK-55 and NAK-80. These steels are excellent, especially when there is a need for polishing. Many prototype injection molds have produced far more high quality parts than expected, and the quality of the material is a major reason.

How long does it take to get a prototype injection mold?

Naturally this depends on your pocketbook! It is not uncommon to get a quality prototype in 1-4 weeks. Of course, the more complicated you design, the longer it will take. Most injection mold makers can deliver very quickly, especially for a premium.

What are some tips to succeed with prototypes?

Work with the injection mold designer and injection mold maker to make your part as easy to produce as possible. This will speed things up dramatically and reduce your expense. Undercuts, side actions, lifters and such add to the cost exponentially. Often it is possible to achieve the desired part without having necessarily all the features that the final product might contain.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The MV Rachel Corrie sets sail, the aboriginal address in the fleet to launch

On May 14, 2010, the MV Rachel Corrie pulled out of the docks in Ireland and began her long journey down the coast of Europe to the Mediterranean. She is named after the 23 year old American, Rachel Corrie, who was killed in Gaza by an Israeli bulldozer as she was protecting the home of a Palestinian doctor. She will join seven other vessels in the Mediterranean and sail to Gaza to deliver vitally needed construction, medical and school supplies to the imprisoned population of Gaza.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Equipos Mineros Minera Michilla Rajo Lince (Chile)

Este video fué grabado de amanecida a la salida de un turno de noche en Minera Michilla en el hermoso norte grande chileno.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

B-29 Frozen in Time Pt 6

***Final Part*** B-29 Frozen in Time follows Darryl Greenamyer and his crew as they try to retrieve an almost intact B-29 from the Arctic Circle. The airplane crash-landed nearly 50 years earlier during a secret mission for the United States. The pilots survived the crash and were rescued, but the B-29 was left in the harsh and unforgiving climate 250 miles north of Thule, Greenland. Greenamyer, a former test pilot who set a low-altitude speed record in a jet he built from spare parts, believes that he can actually fly the plane after performing some maintenance and building a short runway. He flies in parts for the B-29 and a massive bulldozer to clear the runway, but every takeoff is dangerous in these conditions, and he and his crew have a short window for success due to the brief summer. Greenamyer also faces a limited budget and other difficult hurdles as they try to resurrect a piece of history and fly it home. ***Property of Nova, No copyright infringement intended***

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Samoan annoyer umaga tribute

a tribute for the samoan wrestler!!!! subbed and comment!!!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Great Lawns

This is a topic near and dear to my heart. Ask my wife and she will tell you I was obsessive over my lawn for the last two years... I can't disagree.

It all started with a new house. Typically a good thing right? Our first new house on a new cul-de-sac with 5 other new houses. We got the pick the colors and flooring and had some input in other things.


I came out to my front porch every morning and coached the little grasslings to grow up through the straw the contractors laid down. I looked through my bedroom window one morning and Woo Hoo, I could see green. Well the rest of that summer taught me that construction is hell on lawns and trees.

As I cleared away the straw, it revealed there were more bald spots than grass spots. And most of the bald spots had weeds already! The ground was terribly un-even and there were rocks everywhere! Big rocks, small rocks, medium rocks... lots of rocks!

Further investigation revealed that the construction crews took the fertile top layer of dirt for fill in other parts of the cul-de-sac. As we will discuss later, that top layer of dirt is very hard to replace and took decades to form. Now mine was probably under the black top of my neighbors' driveway.

We would learn later how much trees don't like the entire construction ruckus. They toughed it out for the first year and half like the tough five stories high pillars of rock you would expect. But then one by one, they made less leaves until it was obvious they were dead. We lost about ten trees. Of course every one of them directly around the house including the big majestic ones on the front lawn that defined the curb appeal of the house.

So here we are with a barren waste land of dead trees and a mange lawn filled with rocks and weeds.


The first mistake I made was the classic, "try to do as little as possible until you realize its taking more time and money than if you just started from scratch in the first place".

Little by little

I brought in dump truck loads of dirt to try and level small sections. I bought little bags of lawn patch pellets for the bald spots. I bought tree spike nutrient things for the trees. I should have just hired a bulldozer to level the whole thing and then spread seed and straw.

So as I tried to patch and pick up rocks I started to do some research. My wife told me we had "clay soil". So I looked it up and found that Clay is like concrete. Its very dense, doesn't hold water, doesn't allow roots to breath or move.


The site said to add Gypsum. Little tiny pebbles that look like those volcanic rocks in your gas grill. The site said to put truck loads on your lawn with a spreader each year for about 3 years. The idea was they would work their way into the soil and create little pockets in the dense clay thus allowing the clay to breathe and hold moisture more like a sponge. Sounded great but most people I told what I was doing said it's a lie and the only thing you need is top soil (that stuff the contractors took away).

Earth Worms, Geese, and Sand

The opposite of clay soil is sand soil so I figured if I just added sand to my clay everything would be perfect. Nope... adding sand actually takes clay that may have some chance of being good soil some day and make it absolutely useless concrete.

I awoke one night with the perfect plan! Ill buy a couple wheel barrels full of earthworms! Their great right? They aerate the soil with little tunnels and they poop all over the place. That would surely make my soil good again and quick! Nope... further research told me that worms don't make the dirt good, good dirt makes the worms. Basically dropping worms on my lawn would be like putting them in the middle of a large empty parking lot.

That disappointment led me to think of geese. If I put a bunch of bread or whatever they eat on my lawn they would come and poop all over it. Nothing is better for grass than poop! My wife informed me that when geese do pick a spot to poop they come back to spot for ever. I wanted a little fertilizer, not a mine field for the rest of my life.


My wife appreciates my obsessions because she knows they give me something to do. Hence keeping me out of trouble and out of her hair. But she doesn't like to see me in pain and losing is painful for me, especially when my opponent is dirt. So she bought me a book on lawns. Scotts Lawns Your Guide To A Beautiful Yard by Nick Christians.

Let me start by saying this is a great book and if you are obsessive like me, you should go buy it right away. With that said though... I was wary when I first opened the book as its very first piece of advice was to fertilize. Fertilize in the summer, fertilize in the fall, fertilize in the winter, fertilize in the spring, fertilize, fertilize, fertilize. Hmmm I thought, a book by Scotts lawn products telling me to fertilize. Great! Nobody actually cares about my lawn they just want me to buy gypsum and fertilizer and worms.

I was jumping to conclusions as you will see.


The quality of your soil is the key if you haven't figured that out already. It's not the grass, or weeds, or watering. Good soil is the answer to 90% of your problems.

There are three main types of soil:

Clay soil - Clay is like concrete. Its very dense, doesn't hold water, doesn't allow roots to breath or move. Rain runs right over it eroding what ever blade of grass hasn't fought to grab hold yet. When it's hot and dry in the summer the clay soil dries out just like... well clay.

Sand soil - Sand is like mesh. It's very loose and airy. So loose and airy that it too does NOT hold water or nutrients. The water just runs right through it. It allows roots to breathe and move so much they can fall over. Rain can actually wash the soil away along with any grass that may have grown in it.

Loam - This is what you want! It even sounds good. Say it out loud... looooaam. This is the stuff that formed my top layer before it was scrapped away. This is the stuff that's under the leaves in the forest. That black soft dirt that been formed by decades of decaying leaves and plants. This soil takes the water from a rain storm and holds it like a sponge to slowly seep out over the dry days. This soil has nutrients and is firm enough to hold plants upright yet airy enough to let them breathe.


Okay so we determined that our soil is terrible. What now?

There are two fundamental issues with sand and clay soil. They don't have any nutrients and they don't hold things well (nutrients, roots, or water). So we simply need to build that layer of fertile soil back as quickly as possible and provide the soil with extra nutrients until that layer is built.

How? You guessed one of them. Fertilizer is the key to the nutrients. Organic material is the key to the fertile layer of soil.


Here is the step by step of what I eventually did to turn my lawn from a brown balding mess to the lush green envy of my neighbors. I have to give credit to the book (and my wife) for just about everything I am about to tell you.

Mulching Mower

This is absolutely imperative. Spend the most time and money on this one thing. I spent hours researching Consumer Reports to find the mower that mulches the best. It was a Toro push mower but may have changed since. You basically need to replace decades of missing organic material and the easiest material you have is grass clippings. A good mulcher will cut them up fine enough to decay much quicker.

Mow High and Often

Obviously the more grass you cut and mulch the quicker you will build up that layer. Cutting high encourages deep roots and healthy grass. It does NOT cause you to have to mow more often. Cutting grass short can actually do that.

Mulch The Leaves

Just like the grass clippings, chopped up leaves help to build that layer of organic material. I actually rake and blow leaves from the woods onto my lawn to mow over and chop up. If I could think of a way to have truck loads of leaves delivered to my lawn, I would. Think of leaves as free loam and fertilizer put together!

Soil Sample

Before you fertilize, you need to know what your soil is missing. Giving it a nutrient it already has too much of just sends you backwards.

Just about every community has a "Cooperative Extension" that does cheap soil samples. You fill a couple freezer bags with dirt from two different places in your lawn and bring them in with an application that says how big your lawn is, etc. If you don't have an Extension you can look on the web for soil samples.

What you get back is a map of what to give your soil. Soil needs three key ingredients, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. The report should tell you exactly how much of each your soil needs. In addition it will tell you if your soil is too acidic or too alkali.


Fertilizer is what provides the three key nutrients above. And if you lawn is like mine... the book was right, fertilize, fertilize, fertilize! But be sure to use the right mix!

All fertilizer has a ratio on the package that tells you how much Nitrogen,
Phosphorus and Potassium it has. For instance a ratio of 50-25-25 indicates that half the bag is Nitrogen, a quarter is Phosphorus and the remaining quarter is Potassium. Bring your calculator to the store though as the numbers are never easy as I just used in my example.

My soil sample said that for my size lawn I needed:

45 pounds of Nitrogen but I should only put 15 pounds down at a time.

0 Phosphorus as it already had too much.

42 pounds of Potassium but I should only put 30 pounds down at a time.

Armed with this information I went to the store to buy fertilizer with a ratio of 15-0-30 or as close to that as I could get to a bag that had no phosphorus and twice as much potassium as nitrogen.

You will have to do some math (hence the calculator) to figure out the pounds you are actually putting down. For instance a 40lb bag with a ratio of 22-0-11 means that half the bag is Nitrogen so approximately 20lbs. I needed 15lbs so close enough. One bag was good for my nitrogen but I needed twice as much potassium so I really need a bag with a ratio of 11-0-22. Like I said, bring the calculator and get as close as you can.


The forth important ingredient to a good lawn is proper PH level. Remember my soil report said I needed 42lbs of potassium. Well it also said my soil is VERY acidic and needed 3,150 lbs of lime! Yes you read it right 3,150 lbs of lime, 750lbs at a time. At 40lbs a bag, that's about 19 bags of lime each year for the next 4 years. It is what it is.

A huge word of advice on lime. Spend the extra money and get the pellets. I went cheap and bought 19 bags of powder. The powder got clogged in the spreader immediately so I ended up tossing it in the air out of my wheel barrel. It got on everything including my house, my car, my kid, and I still have the taste in my mouth today. It literally ate my wife's favorite gardening shovel that we used to scoop it out of the bags. Lime is the opposite of acid but does the same darn thing to metal believe it or not.

The pellets will work in the spreader, stay on the ground and not in the wind, and are usually time released to go into the soil instead of wash away.


The first year was wasted on my experiments. The second year I did all of the above and my lawn improved ten fold! I fertilized again this fall and expect my lawn to really shine this spring.