Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Upline Started to Sound Like My Mother

What was going on with my upline?! I couldn't believe what was happening.

But let's take a few steps back to shed light on my ramblings...

I remember only too well the "warm" greetings (as in freezing) I received after telling my family and friends that I had started my involvement with a network marketing company.

"Are you crazy?" and "t's a scam" were pretty much the norm. Occasionally I'd get a "what's wrong with what you have right now?" or a "why don't you stick with what you've been doing all this time?"

My wife alone gave me all of these and more.

Thankfully, those days have passed and even my wife now gets how the principles of network marketing are better than any other job or business.

As I'm sure you already know, those kind of statements are fairly widespread when people outside the network marketing industry comment on it.

But then I got those same sentences coming out of my upline's mouth! I couldn't believe it.

And why? All because I failed miserably enough at what traditional network marketing but had enough drive to keep at it, searching for answers and finding out that everything they teach you is wrong. Well, at least wrong to more than 90% of people.

Yes, that's how many fail in network marketing.

Don't get me wrong, I think the principles of network marketing are incredible. It's just that the implementation of those principles are so outdated that they just don't cut it.

There is another way, one that will blow marketers that still make that sad list of friends and family out of the water. And once I discussed it with my upline, I swear, he started to sound just like my mother. The funny thing is, my upline used all the same sentences I had once heard from my closest friends and family who were all outside network marketing.

So what got my upline so frightened and angry?

A combination of exposing some of the lies we've all been told in the industry and shifting my focus to online activities. Essentially, I was telling him that I would stop the duplication of the old school system that wasn't working for me and for so many others.

The new breed of networkers are moving online where they can automate the marketing process and have the marketing funnel be open wide to millions of prospects 24x7 from all around the world. That's leverage! And it will change the industry forever because it's so much more potent than the teachings of traditional network marketing. There's no match. It's like digging with a spoon vs. bringing in a bulldozer to dig. There's simply no match. And my forecast for the next few years is that those who do network marketing old style will be outgamed be the new breed.

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