Saturday, May 29, 2010

Signs and Symptoms of Toxic Relationships

Many types of relationships can be toxic to us. While the term is often used to describe a relationship between two people, it can be bigger than that. Toxic relationships can occur in the context of dating, marriage, family or friends. They can also be found on the organizational level of relationships, such as employment, church or social groups. Regardless of the level of the toxic relationship, the signs and symptoms are similar.

Signs include what the relationship looks like to you or others. The following are signs that can be seen by you or others:

Fault finding/criticism. This is often a two way street with you blaming the other party, and the other party blaming you.
Devaluing of thoughts and ideas.
Overt or subtle put-downs.
You find your time is devoured by the relationship. You are always trying to change the situation either by physically making changes, or mentally jumping through hoops to convince yourself things are all right, or that you can fix the problem.
Blame is almost always leveled at the other party, with either party rarely taking personal responsibility.

Symptoms describe how it feels on a subjective level. Often, due to a perception of ineptness and inadequacy, you feel constant need to prove yourself and your worthiness to rid yourself of feelings of guilt and shame. You feel unsupported, used and manipulated. Therefore you frequently find yourself angry. This anger may manifest itself as a constant low-grade tension, or it may explode into an argument. Sometimes you make so many compromises to maintain the relationship you are not even sure if you are still you. Toxic relationships continue in an atmosphere of control.

It is important to realize that it takes two to have a toxic relationship. If just one person starts making health changes, the relationship becomes healthier; even if the other party doesn't change, or even becomes worse. A healthy relationship is not absolutely dependent on two healthy partners, only one. The first step is to recognize what unhealthy control looks like. People use many different techniques to control relationships:

The bulldozer utilizes the "might makes right" philosophy. This is the belief that if one is loud enough, or strong enough the argument is won. You know you are dealing with this type of person if you avoid arguments because you don't want to hear the yelling or intellectual arguing.
The guilt trip travel agent is always handing out guilt trips. This is the person who, while not taking personal responsibility for the problems, can easily find and share every minute detail of guilt in the other person. When you try to share a concern you have about the travel agent's behavior, the agent is very adept at giving you a return ticket so that all the guilt falls back on you.
The defenseless little infant takes control by always needing you. Like an infant who is totally dependent on others to care for him, this person is constantly asking for your advice. The infant does not want you to get too far from them and they will use any means to keep you near. They can be clingy, in need of advice, too fearful to do simple tasks, or they may constantly claim illness that prevents them from doing more. However they do it, you will find yourself feeling suffocated, and desperate for some space.
The lender is the person you always feel indebted to. They may have genuinely helped you in the past or they may dangle the possibility of help like a carrot before a mule. Either way, you feel indebted to them, unable to shake them off because of your need. People often feel like this when a toxic relationship is a supervisor or in a work environment.
The distance runner is aloof and under involved in your life. The runner seems to always have other commitments, which prevent him from investing deeply in the relationship. Runners follow through on commitments sporadically (when they feel like it). They are not emotionally supportive and you often find yourself wondering about their commitment to you.
The exchanger knows how to exchange your problems for theirs. When dealing with the exchanger you find that when you try to talk about concerns you have in the relationship, somehow, without even knowing how, you find yourself comforting them.
The love bug wants you close by. In the beginning of a new relationship, this may feel endearing; you feel special as the focus of positive and loving attention. Slowly the embrace tightens to the point where you have little to no freedom because the love bug is holding you so closely you have no ability to make your own decisions.

If you need help evaluating the toxicity of a relationship call a competent psychotherapist today.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Best Buy USB Flash Drives

A USB drive is a plug and play storage device. It uses flash memory and is very lightweight. It can be used in place of a CD or a zip drive disk. It is recognized as a removable drive by computer. Custom USB Flash drives does not require rebooting after it's attached, does not require batteries or an external power supply, and is not platform dependent.

With a USB drive, data can be retained for long periods when the device is unplugged from the computer, or when the computer is powered-down with the drive left in. It is very convenient to transfer data with the use of USB.

Their capacity ranges from 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB and 4GB and there are many forms of USB drives available in the market.

They are more compact, generally faster, hold more data, and are more reliable (due to both their lack of moving parts, and their more durable design) than floppy disks. These types of drives use the USB mass storage standard, supported natively by modern operating systems such as Linux, Mac OS X, UNIX and Windows.

Some of the Best USB flash drives are: Imitation flash wristband, very stylish. Corsair flash voyager wraps their Flash Voyager, including the cap, with rubber. This makes the USB flash drive a true water-resistant portable storage. The 256MB flash drive with fingerprint authentication can encrypt up to 10 different thumbprints, 200 website logins and all the bookmarks.

Sony Ultra Mini Micro Vault 256MB is approximately the same length as little finger, the miniature version of the Micro Vault comes with an array of software to keep the data synchronized and protected. The 256MB USB flash drive may look just like any other commodity drive out there, but this one offers Active Disk technology that allows you to run free applications like Open Office, Music Match and Poco Mail Portable on the Micro Mini.

Flash drive capacities on the market are continuously increasing. 64 MB and smaller capacity flash memory has been largely discontinued and 128 MB capacity flash memory is being phased out. Flash drives implement the USB mass storage device class, meaning that most modern operating systems can read and write to flash drives without any additional device drivers.

Flash drives can sustain only a limited number of write and erase cycles before failure. Mid-range flash drives under normal conditions will support several hundred thousand cycles, although write operations will gradually slow as the device ages.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Part 2 of the Gintong Pamana episode that aired on June 8, 2008 on ABS-CBN. Video Summary In 1981, Berto Morales, a farmer employed as a bulldozer operator in an irrigation project in Surigao struck gold. He discovered a treasure trove of gold ornaments while bringing down a hill to collect filling materials. The discovery, hitherto unknown to the public, is among the largest collection of Philippine archaeological gold in the country as well as in the rest of the world. Recovered in association with 10th to 13th century Chinese ceramics, the gold ornaments show similarities in form and iconography with artifacts of other cultures in the region. Experts believe the discovery will rewrite history. Nothing of this scale and magnitude and magnificence has ever been seen before, says Dr. Florina Capistrano-Baker, former curator of the Ayala Museum, of the gold find. Gold specialist Dr. John Miksic of the National University of Singapore describes the Surigao treasure as the single most important tangible heritage of the country. Experts say jewelers today cannot imitate or even come close to the quality of the workmanship of the intricate designs of our ancestors gold. Part of the Surigao treasure is the Sacred Thread, which is worn during ceremonies and weighs more than four kilos. Baker says the belt-like object is so heavy a mannequin broke because of its sheer weight. PROBE reporter, Cheche Lazaro, searches for Berto Morales in Surigao. From then on, Lazaro uncovers that ...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

How Does Your Printer Work?

Impact printers, as the very name implies means that the printing mechanism touches the paper for creating an image. Impact printers were used in early 70s and 80s. In Dot Matrix printers a series of small pins is used to strike on a ribbon coated with ink to transfer the image on the paper.

Other Impact Printers like Character printers are basically computerized typewriters. They have a series of bars or a ball with actual characters on them, which strike on the ink ribbon to transfer the characters on the paper. At a time only one character can be printed. Daisy Wheel printers use a plastic or metal wheel. These types of printers have limited usage though because they are limited to printing only characters or one type of font and not the graphics.

There are Line printers where a chain of characters or pins, print an entire line, which makes them pretty fast, but the print quality is not so good. Thermal printers are nothing but printers used in calculators and fax machines. They are inexpensive to use. Thermal printers work by pushing heated pins against special heat sensitive paper.

More efficient and advanced printers have come out now which use new Non-impact Technology.

Non-impact printers are those where the printing mechanism does not come into the contact of paper at all. This makes them quieter in operation in comparison to the impact printers.

In mid 1980s Inkjet printers were introduced. These have been the most widely used and popular printers so far. Colour printing got revolutionized after inkjet printers were invented. An Inkjet printer's head has tiny nozzles, which place extremely tiny droplets of ink on the paper to create an image. These dots are so small that even the diameter of human hair is bigger. These dots are placed precisely and can be up to the resolution of 1440 x 720 per inch. Different combinations of ink cartridges can be used for these printers.

How an Inkjet printer works

The print head in this printer scans the page horizontally back and forth and another motor assembly rolls the paper vertically in strips and thus a strip is printed at a time. Only half a second is taken to print a strip. Inkjet printers were very popular because of their ability to colour print. Most inkjets use Thermal Technology. Plain copier paper can be used in these printers unlike thermal paper used for fax machines. Heat is used to fire ink onto the paper through the print head. Some print heads can have up to 300 nozzles. Heat resistant and water based ink is used for these printers.

The latest and fastest printers are Laser Printers. They use the principal of static electricity for printing it as in photocopiers. The principle of static electricity is that it can be built on an insulated object. Oppositely charged atoms of objects (positive and negative) are attracted to each other and cling together. For example, pieces of nylon material clinging to your body, or the static you get after brushing hair. A laser printer uses this same principle to glue ink on the paper.

How Laser Printer works:

Unlike the printers before, Laser printers use toner, static electricity and heat to create an image on the paper. Toner is dry ink. It contains colour and plastic particles. The toner passes through the fuser in the computer and the resulting heat binds it to any type of paper. Printing with laser printers is fast and non-smudge and the quality is excellent because of the high resolution that it can achieve with 300 dots per inch to almost 1200 dpi at the higher end.

Basic components of a laser printer are fuser, photoreceptor drum assembly, developer roller, laser scanning unit, toner hopper, corona wire and a discharge lamp. The laser beam creates an image on the drum and wherever it hits, it changes the electrical charge like positive or negative. The drum then is rolled on the toner. Toner is picked up by charged portion of the drum and gets transferred to the paper after passing through the fuser. Fuser heats up the paper to amalgamate ink and plastic in toner to create an image. Laser printers are called "page printers" because entire page is transferred to the drum before printing. Any type of paper can be used in these printers. Laser printers popularized DTP or Desk Top Publishing for it can print any number of fonts and any graphics..

This is how the computer and printer operate to print

When we want to print something we simply press the command "Print". This information is sent to either RAM of the printer or the RAM of the computer depending upon the type of printer we have. The process of printing then starts. While the printing is going on, our computer can still perform a variety of operations. Jobs are put in a buffer or a special area in RAM or Random Access Memory and the printer pulls them off at its own pace. We can also line up our printing jobs this way. This way of simultaneously performing functions is called spooling. Our computer and the printer are thus in constant communication.

Friday, May 21, 2010

TRENDnet TEW-633GR Wireless Router Review

I had to part with my old Linksys router. A well deserved rest for all the rigorous hours rendered and labored. I must say it is not the best router, but it served its purpose well. So after canvassing and researching, I'm left with D-Link, Belkin and Trendnet. These brands boast of their own special features and advantages. Price is not really a major issue. I just want to buy something that will be a good investment and that will last for at least a year.

Trendnet is not a popular brand so I was really doubtful if it will be worth it. I was really attracted by its sleek look. Shiny black appearance that will naturally blend with any of your house appliance or room motif. I read enough reviews that will help me avoid any installation problems. I made sure that I am well informed of the router's known or popular issues. I just typed in my browser's address bar. That's where I also accessed the configuration. If you are the obsessive compulsive type, you will find yourself constantly wiping the fingerprints you left on this router. It is similar to the jet black DS Lite. Now, it's very noticeable that the lights are not as bright as the other routers. It has the right brightness or glare. Green light means it's not a gigabyte connection. If it's orange it's in gigabyte connection.

This router is phenomenal especially when you are into intensive streaming of high definition video and gaming applications. Its advanced features are commendable such as the quality of service that automatically detects and prioritizes different types of network traffic. I also like the hardware switch for the easy turning On and Off of the wireless feature. The button on the outside helps in the quick and hassle free security setup through the wireless
protected setup.

Compared to my old loyal router, Trendnet has given me a wider range. It has given me solid transfer rates in every room in my house- a two storey house with four rooms. This router has everything mounted to a single board. It can also be used vertically without losing good reception. This also minimizes overheating that can damage the product. For its price, there's nothing I want more than a detachable antenna and a USB port. So far, so good. Recommended.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Truck Sales Dropping - Great Time to Pick Up Bargains

America has long had a love affair with pick up trucks, and in the past 15 years the number of trucks being sold in this country was steadily rising.  Every day more and more trucks appeared on the road, and it wasn't because all these people were buying them because they actually needed them for their business or farm.  No, it was because trucks were cool.  Part of the reason for the truck boom was the tremendous boost in popularity that country music enjoyed in the 1990's.  Have you ever seen Toby Keith or Alan Jackson doing a commercial for a compact car?  Can you even envision such a thing?  Another reason was consumer revolt against smaller and smaller cars.  People like big, roomy vehicles, and they feel safer in them.  Hitting a deer while driving a Ford F-150 is no fun, but it's likely to be a  lot less worse than hitting a deer while driving a Toyota Corolla.

But the truck boom is over, at least for quite a while.  Why?  Mainly because of high gas prices.  People may feel safer in a truck, but pickups are not very fuel efficient.  When gas prices are low, that's no problem.  But when gas costs nearly $4 a gallon, owning a pickup truck is a luxury more and more people can no longer afford.  The second reason is the state of the overall economy.  Many people are feeling uncertain about the economic prospects of the country, and are worried about losing their jobs.  They're cutting back everywhere they can when it comes to spending, including their personal vehicles.  New truck sales have dropped 40% in the last five years.

That's a shocking number.  But if you're one of those Americans who still wants or needs a pickup truck, it's great news for you.  If you're looking for a late model used truck in excellent condition, you won't believe how low the prices are.  People are desperate to unload their trucks, and they're willing to sell for far less than they would've a year ago.  And, because used pickups in great condition are such bargains, that puts tremendous pressure on new car dealers to lower their prices and come up with all sorts of incentives to sell their truck inventory.  So if you've been wanting a new or used pickup truck but have been holding off on purchasing, don't wait.  The bargains available in the truck market today are unbelievable.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Killdozer Rides Again!

A little tribute I made to my hometown and how it survived the temper tantrum of a welder who refused to use his skills in a constructive way. I do not believe that "hero" is a word that should be applied to a man who gave up his life for the goal of hurting his community.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Hard Drives: ATA versus SATA

The performance of computer systems has been steadily increasing as faster processors, memory, and video cards are continuously being developed. The one key component that is often neglected when looking at improving the performance of a computer system is the hard drive. Hard drive manufacturers have been constantly evolving the basic hard drive used in modern computer systems for the last 25 years, and the last few years have seen some exciting developments from faster spindle speeds, larger caches, better reliability, and increased data transmission speeds.

The drive type used most in consumer grade computers is the hearty ATA type drive (commonly called an IDE drive). The ATA standard dates back to 1986 and is based on a 16-bit parallel interface has undergone many evolutions since its introduction to increase the speed and size of the drives that it can support. The latest standard is ATA-7 (first introduced in 2001 by the T13 Technical Committee (the group responsible for the ATA standard)) which supports data transfer rates up to 133MB/sec. This is expected to be the last update for the parallel ATA standard.

As long ago as 2000 it was seen that the parallel ATA standard was maxing out its limitations as to what it could handle. With data rates hitting the 133MB/sec mark on a parallel cable, you are inviting all sorts of problems because of signal timing, EMI (electromagnetic interference) and other data integrity issues; thus industry leaders got together and came up with a new standard known as Serial ATA (SATA). SATA has only been around a few years, but is destined to become "the standard" due to several benefits to be addressed in this Tech Tip.

The two technologies that we will be looking at are:
ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) - a 16-bit parallel interface used for controlling computer drives. Introduced in 1986, it has undergone many evolutions in the last 18+ years, with the latest version being called ATA-7. Wherever an item is referred to as being an ATA device, it is commonly a Parallel ATA device. ATA devices are also commonly called IDE, EIDE, Ultra-ATA, Ultra-DMA, ATAPI, PATA, etc. (each of these acronyms actually do refer to very specific items, but are commonly interchanged)
SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) - a 1-bit serial evolution of the Parallel ATA physical storage interface.

Basic Features & Connections

SATA drives are easy to distinguish from their ATA cousins by the different data and power connections found on the back of the drives. A side-by-side comparison of the two interfaces can be seen in this PDF from Maxtor, and the following covers many of the differences...

Standard ATA drives, such as this 200GB Western Digital model, have somewhat bulky, two inch wide ribbon cable with 40-pin data connections and receive the 5V necessary to power them from the familiar 4-pin connection. The basic data cables for these drives have looked the same for years. A change was made with the introduction of the ATA-5 standard to better improve the signal quality by making an 80 wire cable used on the 40-pin connector (these are commonly called 40-pin/80-wire cables). To improve airflow within the computer system some manufacturers resorted to literally folding over the ribbon cable and taping it into that position. Another recent physical change also came with the advent of rounded cables. The performance of the rounded cables is equal to that of the flat ribbon, but many prefer the improved system air flow afforded, ease of wire management, and cooler appearance that come with them.

SATA drives, such as this 120GB Western Digital model, have a half inch wide, 7 "blade and beam" data connection, which results in a much thinner and easier to manage data cable. These cables take the convenience of the ATA rounded cables to the next level by being even narrower, more flexible and capable of being longer without fear of data loss. SATA cables have a maximum length of 1 meter (39.37 inches), which is much greater than the recommended 18 inch cable for ATA drives. The reduced footprint of SATA data connections frees up space on motherboards, potentially allowing for more convenient layouts and room for more onboard features!

A 15-pin power connection delivers the 250mV of necessary power to SATA drives. 15-pins for a SATA device sounds like it would require a much larger power cable than a 4-pin ATA device, but in reality the two power connectors are just about the same height. For the time being, many SATA drives are also coming with a legacy 4-pin power connector for convenience.

Many modern motherboards, such as this Chaintech motherboard, come with SATA drive connections onboard (many also including the ATA connectors as well for legacy drive compatibility), and new power supplies, such as this Ultra X-Connect, generally feature a few of the necessary 15-pin power connections, making it easy to use these drives on new systems. Older systems can easily be upgraded to support SATA drives by use of adapters, such as this PCI slot SATA controller and this 4-pin to 15-pin SATA power adapter.

Optical drives are also becoming more readily available with SATA connections. Drives such as the Plextor PX-712SA take advantage of the new interface, although the performance will not be any greater than a comparable optical drive with an ATA connection.


In addition to being more convenient to install and drawing less power, SATA drives have performance benefits that really set them apart from ATA drives.

The most interesting performance feature of SATA is the maximum bandwidth possible. As we have noted, the evolution of ATA drives has seen the data transfer rate reach its maximum at 133 MB/second, where the current SATA standard provides data transfers of up to 150 MB/second. The overall performance increase of SATA over ATA can currently be expected to be up to 5% (according to Seagate), but improvements in SATA technology will surely improve on that.

The future of SATA holds great things for those wanting even more speed, as drives with 300 MB/second transfer rates (SATA II) will be readily available in 2005, and by 2008 speeds of up to 600 MB/second can be expected. Those speeds are incredible, and are hard to imagine at this point.

Another performance benefit found on SATA drives is their built-in hot-swap capabilities. SATA drives can be brought on and offline without shutting down the computer system, providing a serious benefit to those who can't afford downtime, or who want to move drives in and out of operation quickly. The higher number of wires in the power connection is partially explained by this, as six of the fifteen wires are dedicated to allowing the hot-swap feature.


Comparing ATA drives to SATA drives can be tricky given all of the variables, but in general it is the case that SATA drives will still cost just a bit more than a comparable ATA drive. The gap is closing rapidly though, and as SATA drives gain in popularity and availability a distinct shift in prices can be expected. Considering the benefits of SATA over ATA, the potential difference of a few dollars can easily be justified when considering an upgrade. Computer Geeks currently has a limited selection of SATA drives, but several technical sites, such as The Tech Zone and The Tech Lounge, offer real time price guides to see how comparable drives stack up.

Final Words

The current SATA standard provides significant benefits over ATA in terms of convenience, power consumption and, most importantly, performance. The main thing ATA has going for it right now is history, as it has been the standard for so long that it will not likely disappear any time soon. The future of SATA will be even more interesting as speed increases will help hard drive development keep pace with other key system components.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Laptop Keyboard Repair

Laptops have become an integral part of our lives. However, the sad fact remains that all the laptops available in the market are not standardized. Each manufacturer has different sizes of laptops to offer and sometimes the size of the parts differ. This fact is not a problem, at least not until the laptop starts needing repairs or replacement parts. Since one laptop is quite different from the other, it is very difficult to repair them in the first place, or in case of a replacement, find a part for the specific type of laptop. Even a simple thing like a laptop keyboard, is different for different makes and models of laptops on the market.

The main problem that arises due to rigorous usage of laptop keyboards is of damaged keys. Sometimes, the port that connects the keyboard to the laptop inside also gets damaged. If the damage is of the connecting cable inside the laptop, there is not much repair work required. Repair is surely possible if there is a problem with some of the keys.

Every key in any keyboard has a spring like arrangement that allows the key to press the sensor below and show the typed words on the screen. Most of the problems with keyboards and their keys occur when it refuses to press the sensor below and the typed alphabet will not show on the screen. This can be rectified easily and does not need the help of a repair person. One can find an online guide and find out how to take the key out of its main body. Once you do that, you can see for your self what's wrong with the keyboard. If you find that it is damaged below, you can try and fix it on your own or if you are unable to do so, you can go in for a new key to put in its place. This is where the problem starts. It is not easy to find as small a spare part as a few damaged keys. However, the possibility of finding them increases in a used laptop store. Laptops that are damaged that they cannot be repaired are disassembled and their parts sold separately in the market. You are sure to find your keys there.

If a keyboard is damaged beyond repair then one has to go in for the replacement of the keyboard which proves to be quite expensive. Another option is to use a new external keyboard with a USB or PS2 port and can use that keyboard for laptop computers.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Terror Strikes Jerusalem, Three Killed And Over Thirty Wound

In a terror attack in downtown Jerusalem Wednesday noon, an east Jerusalem driver rammed his bulldozer into passing traffic hitting one bus and causing another bus to overturn and plowed into several vehicles before he was shot dead by a special police patrol unit. Three Israelis were killed aside from the terrorist and 46 wounded, some seriously. The terrorist said to be in his thirties was an east Jerusalem resident and the holder of an Israeli identity card which allows unrestricted movement inside Israel. According to initial reports he worked for the construction company building the capital's light rail system. Unconfirmed reports claimed he had intended to target the capital's Mahane Yehud

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stuck and Troubled

A bunch of stuck and troubled equipment. Pics taken from heavy equipment forums.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rachel Corrie - American Hero!

Rachel Corrie was a 23-year old American peace activist who was run over and killed by an Israeli on a bulldozer, on March 16, 2003 in Nablus, Palestine. Corrie was protesting Israel's systematic destruction of Palestinian homes.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Destroyed in Seconds - Bulldozer Rampage An angry man bent on revenge builds a customized armored bulldozer to tear apart a small town. Check out more Destroyed In Seconds Thursdays at 9pm ET on Discovery Channel! *Offer excludes custom fan gear. Discount applied at checkout.

Why Does My Computer Freeze?

When a computer freezes up all of a sudden it is very frustrating and a sign that there is trouble. Sometimes it can happen without any apparent warning, whereas sometimes there have been indications that there has indeed been a problem there for quite a while. Whatever the case maybe, a computer that is freezing must be handles promptly before the trouble becomes even worse.

The first and most obvious thing to do is run a virus scan. Quite often a virus can cause abrupt trouble in a matter of seconds. Scanning the computer is your first action in narrowing down the problem. If you find no indication of any viruses, or if you do find a virus and your computer still continues to freeze, then go on to the next step to find the problem. Do not get discouraged, you will find out what the matter is if you dig deep enough.

The next step would be to remove any spyware that may be lingering on your machine. This is recommended to be performed even if your computer has shown no trace of a virus, or if a virus has been annihilated. These pesky spyware can wreak havoc on your computer and also make it freeze , or worse, cause your system to crash. After you have performed these tasks you are still having problems,or if you feel your computer is still misbehaving slightly, you should clean out your registry.

A registry cleaner will sort out the registry and put things back in their proper place. Quite often what happens is that after a virus or spyware has imposed itself on your unsuspecting computer, the registry has become slightly out of whack and could use a good tuneup. Cleaning your registry may also completely fix any freezing issues, or any signs of slowness when you are working on it. A registry repair can often give new life to your computer, and make you wonder how you ever put up with it acting so slowly for so long.